The OSU Honors College is now accepting applications to the DeLoach Work Scholarship program for summer and fall terms, 2016. Tenured and tenure-track Oregon State faculty members, as well as senior instructors, can submit proposals for funding in support of Honors College undergraduates working at tasks that advance faculty research and enhance student experiential learning. Other faculty who like to apply should contact the UHC. Proposed work must relate to the area of the nominated student’s academic training and provide a significant learning outcome. Deadline is Monday, May 16 at 5 p.m.. Information is available at

ErinBrown.jpgHappy Spring! Today we highlight Erin Brown, distance student and chemistry major with a keen interest in the pharmaceutical industry.

Tell us about yourself. What degree are you working towards at Kettering? What are your career goals?

Hi, my name is Erin Brown.  I’m from Livonia, Michigan and I am currently a Chemistry major at Kettering University in Flint, MI.  At Kettering, the students are required to attend classes for 3 months and then rotate to a co-op job for 3 months, rotating back and forth until graduation.  My first co-op position was with a pharmaceutical company called Perrigo, which is one of the largest over-the-counter medication manufacturers in the U.S.  I worked there for 3 rotations as an analyst in the Cleaning Method Development & Validation group.  The work fascinated me, and my experiences at Perrigo completely shaped my future.  After graduating Kettering with a B.S. in Chemistry, I plan to either attend pharmacy school or pursue a PhD in Analytical Chemistry.  The best part about obtaining a chemistry degree is that there are so many career possibilities!  With either of those graduate degrees, I could work in the pharmaceutical industry.

How did you find out about our chemistry program?

I discovered the online program at OSU after browsing through the Kettering website.  CH-332 at OSU was the only approved online organic chemistry II course that Kettering approved, and I’m so glad that was the case!

What did you like most, or least, about CH 332 online?

I had such a rewarding experience in Dr. Myles’s course.  The class is extremely organized and clear.  The online lectures and podcasts clarified concepts from the textbook and helped me stay on track with the material.  Dr. Myles is extremely knowledgeable, and he does an excellent job of making difficult material simple to understand.  His need-to-know sheets and review lectures made preparing for the midterm and final exams so much more efficient.  For students interested in possibly taking an online chemistry class through OSU, I strongly encourage you to do so!

What do you like to do in your spare time? Any tricks to relieve school stress? J

In my spare time, I love to paint, make crafts, do yoga, or go swimming.  All of these things are therapeutic for me and relieve stress.  Another way I keep stress levels down is by keeping track of things in a planner.  Whether it’s a traditional class or an online class, time management is of the utmost importance.  While taking CH-332, I made a calendar and jotted down when I would like to have things finished and when things were officially due.  Then whenever I checked the calendar, I knew what to accomplish that week.  This kept me on track and prevented me from getting too overwhelmed.

Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us today, Erin! Best of luck in your future plans!

BendBio TechFORUM – NEXT Wednesday, April 13th
Next Wednesday
April 13, 5-7:30pm, Wille Hall (COCC Campus)

Please join us for a unique discussion between Drew Bledsoe and Rod Ray:
“The Entrepreneurial Spirit in Central Oregon and the Remarkable
Contributions from Bend Research.” 

Come learn about the rich history of this local science, technology, and manufacturing firm from one of its longtime leaders. We are also pleased to welcome Knute Buehler as he leads off the event with a presentation titled, “Why Bend is a Model City for Entrepreneurial Activity in Oregon.”  Networking, appetizers, and a no host bar will also take place prior to the presentations.

There is a sign-up sheet for the men’s chemistry softball team in the Chemistry Office. All levels of players are welcome. Games are held once a week on weekday evenings from the week of May 8th to the end of July with a few playoff games in August. Games normally begin at times between  6-9 pm and are held at several Corvallis Parks’ fields.  The cost to the players is ~$30/person to cover league fees and equipment with the Chemistry Department graciously covering half of our costs.

Sign up deadline is April 20th. More information is on the sign-up sheet and for other questions email Ryan McQuade:

Congratulations to our Chem majors who made honor roll during Winter term 2016!

Aldous, Tanner J.
Aponso, Savinda
Beaty, Jimmy D.
Brucks, Corinne N.
Bu Sharar, Sara B.
Chen, Kathryn P.
Chitwood, Abigail
Coddington, Nathan C.
Conroy, Jocelyn J.
Coporan, Sergiu A.
Copoulos, Dionysius W.
Domen, Andrea T.
Downey, Gillian M.
Duda, Stephen R.
Erickson, Blake A.
Fried, Zachary A.
Fuller, Duncan D.
Garcia, Jordan M.
Hall, Galen T.
Hergert, John E.
Ho, Lylan
Kim, Joeun S.
Kinser, Reid W.
Lew, Cassandra I.
Lund, Sarah E.
Muto, Kota
Naas, Kayla M.
Nguyen, Steven
Oden, Katherine A.
Olsen, Kyle J.
Palmiter, James S.
Pham, Thu M.
Potter, Kristin C.
Qian, Eric K.
Rasmussen, Ren S.
Sandwisch, Jason W.
Shear, Trevor A.
Smith, Hannah R.
Stout, Kenneth T.
Taylor, Karleigh H.
Teadtke, Lillian H.
Triplett, Ty A.
Ubaldo-Zurita, Daisy

The new system, known as AT&T Rave, integrates existing Banner contact information, securely enables users to log into their OSU Alert account with their ONID login, and is capable of sending campus-specific messages.  We need your help to implement this new notification system and request that all students, faculty and staff verify their emergency contact information.  Please go to and follow the instructions to review/update contact information.  We suggest that you add a cell phone or other text-capable device to receive an urgent message if an incident is under way. Note that the new system has additional features that users may want to enable in order to customize their notification.  If you have an questions, contact the OSU Emergency Preparedness Manager Mike Bamberger,

This award recognizes contributions toward these goals by individual members through creative approaches and consistently high performance as a professional in ways that benefit OSU. Nominees must be an active AOP member and have participated in AOP related activities within the last two years. AOP members and supervisors of AOP members are encouraged to submit nominations. Nomination packets are available: Submit to: