Herbert F. Frolander Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award

Deadline for Nominations – April 9, 2012

The Graduate School invites nominations for the annual Herbert F. Frolander Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant.  The Graduate School coordinates the nomination and selection process for this annual award, which is named in honor of Dr. Herbert F. Frolander, retired professor of the former College of Oceanography.  Funds for the award are provided by the Graduate School.

The intent of this award is to recognize an outstanding teaching assistant at Oregon State University.  Last year the award was presented to Kaitlin Bonner, a doctoral student and graduate teaching assistant in the Department of Zoology.

The recipient of this year’s award will receive an engraved plaque and a cash award of $1,000 (subject to tax withholding). In addition, the recipient will have his/her name added to the perpetual plaque, which bears the names of all previous recipients of the Frolander award. This plaque is located in Valley Library.   Nomination deadline for the Frolander Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant award is April 9, 2012.

More information is available at this link:  http://oregonstate.edu/dept/grad_school/frolander.php


Memo To: Rich G. Carter, Chair

Department of Chemistry

From: Fran Saveriano

Director of Graduate Student Financial Support and Recruitment

Subject: 2012-13 Bayley Graduate Fellow

I am pleased to inform you that your nominee, Subham Mahapatra, has been awarded a $4,000 Bayley Graduate Fellowship for the 2012-13 academic year. An award letter to the recipient is enclosed and we ask that you ensure his receipt of it.

Congratulations on Subham’s selection in this prestigious university-wide fellowship competition. Selection for this award is certainly an honor for which Subham may be justifiably proud.

Thank you for participating in this process and advancing your nominee for consideration in this year’s Bayley Graduate Fellowship competition.

Please let me know if you have questions.



As many of you know, I am stepping down from my position as Director of the Environmental Sciences Undergraduate Program in June of this year.  I have greatly enjoyed my time working with the program, but it is time for me to do other things, and for the program to be led by someone with new visions.
I am eager to help recruit someone great to take these reins!

Please disseminate widely the attached position description/job announcement!  The position is open to tenure-track or tenured faculty members from any unit at OSU.

I am happy to talk with anyone who thinks that they might be interested in the position — to answer questions, share my experiences with the program, and so on.  The posting, which is number 0008679, should be accessible via the OSU jobs site by tomorrow, and it will be listed in tomorrow’s edition of OSU Today.

Thank you for your help in getting the word out!


Pat Muir

Patricia S. Muir
Professor, Botany and Plant Pathology
Director, Environmental Sciences Undergraduate Program Oregon State University Corvallis, OR  97331-2902
(541) 737-1745

ESUP Director Position Announcement


Hello Academic Deans,

We are extending the 2011 OSU Recognition of Authors to include edited collection/volumes of original scholarship.  We recognize that a considerable amount of work goes into editing these pieces of original scholarship and feel they should be recognized accordingly.

Again, this recognition is for book authors and editors of collections/volumes with a copyright date of 2011.  The deadline for submission to Philip Vue is Friday, March 30th, 2012.


TO:         Academic Deans

RE:          Recognition of authors for 2011

Recognition of OSU book authors will be part of the inaugural spring recognition event to be held during the week of May 7th, 2012.

This message is a request for each college to submit information about faculty-authored books with a copyright date of 2011.  The submission form is attached – please note the request to use a separate page for each submission.

As requested last year, please do an “initial screening” in the dean’s office, and then forward your college information as one packet to Philip Vue by Friday, March 30th, 2012.

Again, this recognition is for book authors, and with a copyright date of 2011.

Thanks very much for your assistance.



The College of Agricultural Sciences is pleased to announce that we are seeking nominations for the Agriculture Hall of Fame award.  This award is the highest honor the College of Agricultural Sciences bestows to its friends and alumni.  It recognizes men and women who have had an enduring influence on the welfare of Oregon’s agriculture, natural resources, and related industries and communities.  The nominees need not be alumni of the college.

The Agriculture Hall of Fame award includes a plaque and the name of the awardee being placed on the perpetual Agriculture Hall of Fame board displayed in the LaSells Stewart Center. The Agriculture Hall of Fame award for 2012 will be presented on October 19 in conjunction with Homecoming Weekend.

Attached is the nomination criteria for this award along with a list of previous recipients.

Please send the award nomination electronically to Lonnie Morris Lonnie.morris@oregonstate.edu by COB on May 4, 2012.

Award Criteria

Ag Hall of Fame Winners

College of Science Faculty and Staff:

I am pleased to inform you that I have appointed Dr Vincent Remcho, Professor and Associate Dean, as Interim Dean of the College of Science, effective Monday, March 5. It is anticipated that Vince’s appointment will last for several months or more, while the University searches for a permanent Dean.

In addition to leading the College of Science, Vince will also work with the Deans of the Colleges of Liberal Arts and Education to advance targeted areas within the Division of Arts and Sciences.

Dr Larry Rodgers, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, will chair the search committee for Dean of the College of Science. The search process will commence soon, and my office will provide updates along the way.

Please join me in congratulating Vince on his new role, and again acknowledging Sherm Bloomer for his many years of excellence in leadership as Dean of the College of Science. I have attached our press release regarding Vince’s appointment.


Sabah Randhawa

Provost and Executive Vice President

Remcho Press Release


It is with pleasure that I am able to inform you that the following member of your faculty is among the 149 Outstanding Referees of the Physical Review and Physical Review Letters journals, as chosen by the journal editors for 2012.




Initiated in 2008, the Outstanding Referee program expresses appreciation for the essential work that anonymous peer reviewers do for our journals. Each year a small percentage of our 60,000 active referees are selected and honored with the Outstanding Referee designation. Selections are made based on the number, quality, and timeliness of referee reports as collected in a database over the last 25 years. The program recognizes about 150 referees each year, although larger groups were selected in 2008 and 2009. A full listing and further details on the program are available here: http://publish.aps.org/OutstandingReferees.  I am also attaching a press release that your institution might use if it wishes to publicize the honor that your faculty member has received.

Please allow me to congratulate you and your faculty member on this honor, and thank you for your support and contributions to the APS journals and to the physics community.




Gene D. Sprouse

Editor in Chief

American Physical Society


IST 520 “Responsible Conduct of Research” will be taught again this. The prefix IST (Interdisciplinary Studies) may not be one that students run across when searching for courses, so we are asking that you bring it to the attention of students.


Course Name:                         Responsible Conduct of Research

Course Number:                      IST 520 CRN Number: 58859

Course Credits:                       1 credit Course

Grading:                                  P/N

Fall Term 2011 Schedule:        Tuesdays, 4:00 to 4:50 pm

Location:                                 StAg 310

Format:                                   Each meeting will be a combination of lecture and discussion

Class preparation:                   Approximately 2 hours of reading background material for the discussion and a writing assignment on a case study

The instructors are:                Courtney Campbell, Steve Durkee, Martin Fisk, Rich Holdren,

Lisa Leventhal, Craig Marcus, Barbara Taylor, Nicole Wolf and Lisa Ganio


The lecture topics are:

  • mentor/trainee responsibilities;
  • research ethics, ethical decision making;
  • research misconduct, plagiarism;
  • data management, collection, sharing, and ownership;
  • collaborative science;
  • animal welfare;
  • use of human subjects in research;
  • conflicts of interest;
  • peer review.


Spring and Fall events are rapidly approaching and I wanted to make you aware of a couple upcoming college wide student events. Please mark you calendars!


New Ambassador & Leadership Academy Reception

May 23rd, Wednesday

MU Ballroom- East Alcove

4:00-5:30 pm


Celebrating Student Excellence

May 23rd, Wednesday

MU Ballroom


(Doors will open at 5:30 following the reception)



June 16th, Saturday

MU Quad- College Line up

Reser Stadium- Commencement Ceremony


Fall Kick-Off Social

September 20th, Thursday

MU Brick Mall/West Lawn of Strand


(New student walk will be starting at 3:00 in the center of the Quad)