Nomination Deadline: February 6, 2012

The Graduate School invites nominations for the P.F. Yerex & Nellie Buck Yerex Graduate Fellowship which will be awarded to one or more graduate students who will be enrolled at Oregon State University during the 2012-13 academic year. Fellowship stipends are estimated to be at the $12,000 level, with final award distributions determined by actual endowment earnings. Awards for less than a full academic year will be prorated.

Eligibility is limited to outstanding graduate students who are pursuing study in a scientific or technological field and who are US citizens or permanent residents. International graduate students are not eligible. This award may be given in addition to a graduate teaching or research assistantship. The recipients will be determined by the Dean of the Graduate School and will be made on the basis of academic achievement and promise for the future.

Nominations may be submitted by the student’s graduate program director, department chair or head, or by the dean of the program in which the student is enrolled. Students are not to apply directly for this fellowship.

Nomination Procedures:

Departments and programs may submit only one nomination and must provide complete nomination packets containing all materials listed below (including transcripts.) Incomplete nominations will not be reviewed.

Please submit 4 copies of the following materials:

• 1.  A nominating letter from the department chair or head, graduate program director, or by the dean of the program in which the student is enrolled;

• 2.  Two additional letters of recommendation;

• 3.  Statement of the student’s academic goals;

• 4.  Résumé or curriculum vita;

• 5.  Transcripts of all post-high school academic work, including current OSU graduate transcript if applicable. [Note: transcripts must be provided by the nominating department or graduate    program.]

Nomination Deadline:

Nominations must be received in the Graduate School by February 6, 2012. Recipients will be announced by March 6, 2012.

Nominee Evaluation:

Evaluation of nominations will be based upon academic merit as demonstrated by:

• – academic & professional strengths articulated in letters of nomination and recommendation

• – clarity of direction articulated in student’s statement of interest

• – GPA in current grad program

• – timely progress toward degree completion

• – demonstrated leadership

• – grants awarded

• – publication record (first, second author, etc.)

• – presentations

• – professional organization involvement


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