Attached is a list of possible funding opportunities that were recently released.  All updated opportunities have also been posted to the website at


Please forward along to those who may be interested and have them contact me if they have any questions.  I am happy to meet with departments and  / or individual faculty to discuss particular research interest if you find I may be missing a particular niche.


Thank you,




Just a reminder that I have several spots still available for this Monday’s training session (we moved into a larger room) – let me know if you or your faculty are interested in attending.


Cayuse Training

Monday, June 25th

2:30 PM

Peavy 236

I will also be adding some sessions for the summer months, more information coming soon.

Thank you!



Liz Etherington

Sponsored Research Program Administration, CAS

Office: 541-737-3429

Cell: 541-740-0002


Just another reminder about the new online proposal submission service – Cayuse.  The site is live and several faculty have already been submitting proposals via this method but everyone will be required to use this system as of July 1, 2012.

Cayuse’s production system is found at  The system is under Single Sign-on, and you will use your ONID username (all lower case) and your ONID password to access the website.

For those of you that have not had a chance to attend a training session,  I have scheduled some additional “anyone can join” sessions to give everyone a chance to get familiar with the system prior to their first proposal submission &/or to ask specific questions if they have had a chance to play around a bit.  I have also added an extra training session to go over the addition of subawards to your projects as this can be a bit tricky.


The next general training sessions are scheduled for –

  • Thursday, 5/31 @ 1:30 PM
  • Wednesday, 6/13 @ 10 AM
  • Monday, 6/25 @ 2:30 PM


Special session – Managing subawards in Cayuse (best if you have already used Cayuse &/or have been to a general training session)

  • Tuesday, 6/5 @ 2 PM

All sessions will be held in Peavy 236 which is supplied with computers to make it an interactive training session.  Please share the information with your faculty and have them contact me if they are interested (as space is limited).


Thank you,



Liz Etherington

Sponsored Research Program Administration

College of Agricultural Sciences

Oregon State University

138 Strand Agriculture Hall

Office: 541-737-3429

Cell: 541-740-0002


OSU Libraries is pleased to announce that Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) is now providing unlimited access to SciFinder at no additional cost to OSU.

The Academic Unlimited Access Program no longer restricts SciFinder use by concurrent seats. Under this program, CAS will use its best efforts to provide at least 95 percent access.

SciFinder access will continue to be subject to the terms and conditions of the SciFinder License. Please remember:

  • If you want to use SciFinder Scholar in the classroom, you must first contact SciFinder Customer Support at prior to scheduling classroom training.
  • Alumni do not qualify for SciFinder access.
  • Any use of SciFinder for commercial purposes under your institution’s license is prohibited. (Please contact Laurel Kristick at if you have commercial SciFinder needs.)

Please contact Laurel Kristick at if you have any questions.


To OSU Faculty:

Academic Affairs, through the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), announces a Request for Proposals for Fall Term 2012 participation in the new Service Learning Faculty Learning Community.  This will be for the design of new service-learning courses or the redesign of established undergraduate classroom courses with a substantial service-learning component.  Service-Learning is a teaching strategy that integrates course content with relevant community service.

The full Request for Proposals is inserted below and attached as a PDF.  The proposal submission deadline is July 2, 2012.

Faculty selected to participate will receive either overload pay or professional development funding, will participate in a CTL-facilitated faculty learning community on service learning course design and pedagogy, and will receive individual support from the CTL Service-Learning Faculty Development Coordinator.

Best regards,



Susie Brubaker-Cole, Ph.D.

Associate Provost for Academic Success and Engagement | Director of Advising

Oregon State University

500 Kerr Administration Building




To:         OSU Faculty

From:   Michelle Inderbitzin, Associate Professor of Sociology and Service Learning Faculty Development Coordinator in the Center for Teaching and Learning

Susie Brubaker-Cole, Interim Director, Center for Teaching and Learning

Date:     June 12, 2012

Re:         Request for Proposals: Service-Learning Faculty Learning Community

The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) has deemed Service-Learning a high-impact educational practice – educational activities that are linked with elevated student performance and persistence across multiple measures.  Service-Learning is a teaching strategy that integrates course content with relevant community service.  Through assignments and class discussions, students critically reflect on the service in order to increase their understanding of course content, gain a broader appreciation of the discipline, and enhance their sense of civic responsibility.

Academic Affairs, through the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), is offering compensation and course development support to OSU faculty for the design of new service-learning courses or the redesign of established undergraduate classroom courses with a substantial service-learning component.

Faculty participants will receive $2000 paid either as overload pay or professional development funding, will participate in a CTL-facilitated faculty learning community on effective practices in service-learning course design, and will receive individual support from the CTL Service-Learning Faculty Development Coordinator.  Details are provided below.

While proposals will be accepted for all courses, priority will be granted to Bacc Core courses, large-enrollment undergraduate courses, and/or courses that serve more than one undergraduate academic program.  Participation is limited to 8 faculty participants for the Fall 2012 term.

Tenured/tenure-track faculty and instructors with at least 2 years of teaching at OSU are eligible to participate. Service-learning course development proposals should be submitted by the course instructor with a supporting message from the respective academic unit head.


Academic Affairs will allocate $2000 per course to each participating faculty member who develops and delivers a service-learning course, paid either as overload pay or as professional development funds and as allowed by university policy. Overload pay will be subject to taxes and withholding.


These funds are in support of:

1 – Participation in the CTL faculty learning community focused on service-learning

course development, approximately a 30-hour commitment. This faculty learning community will share a blend of online activities and approximately five, two-hour face-to-face meetings on the Corvallis campus during the Fall 2012 term.

2 – Developing course content and working with the CTL Service-Learning Faculty Development Coordinator to (re)design and produce a new service-learning course.


3 – Sharing new course development and experience with the OSU campus in 2013.


An initial meeting between the instructor and the Service-Learning Faculty Development Coordinator will occur in September, followed by service-learning course development and participation in faculty learning community during the Fall 2012 term. The service-learning course should be offered for the first time in Winter or Spring 2013.


Instructor must fully participate in the Service-Learning faculty learning community, including completion of all online activities, assignments, and attendance at all scheduled face-to-face meetings.

Instructors will work with the CTL coordinator and their colleagues in the faculty learning community to design the service-learning course to include recognized standards of key elements and best practices in service-learning.  Additionally:

  • Chosen course must be readily redesigned to include a substantial service-learning component without excessive development cost.
  • The instructor’s department accepts responsibility for the curriculum and quality of instruction.
  • Service-learning course will be offered at least once per year.
  • Service-learning course will be available to all OSU students who meet prerequisites.


Proposal Guidelines

Applicants are asked to submit a narrative proposal of 2 to 3 pages, which includes the following information in this order:

1. Course designator, title and credits.

2. Instructor’s contact information and rank.

3. Degree, program(s), or certificate to which this course would apply and the role/importance of this course to the program(s); and/or description of audience or express need for this course.

4. Bacc Core category (if any) of the course.

5. Current enrollment in each section of the course, and total number of sections of course offered per year.

6. Proposed terms to be taught with new service-learning components.

7. Instructor’s (or department chair’s) rationale for adding service-learning as a significant component to this specific course.

8. One paragraph of preliminary ideas for course design, potential service project and partners, and assignments for student learning and reflection.

9. One paragraph describing why the instructor is interested in participating in the service-learning faculty learning community.

10. Indication of academic unit’s approval for service-learning course development and ongoing offerings of the service-learning course. This approval can be by separate email from head of academic unit.

11. Attach a current course syllabus to the proposal.

Submission of Proposals

Submit proposals for the Service-Learning Faculty Learning Community by July 2 by email to:


Michelle Inderbitzin, Service-Learning Faculty Development Coordinator

Center for Teaching and Learning

307 Fairbanks Hall


Announcement of Award

Decisions will be announced by July 11, 2012.

Upon acceptance, an MOU will be drawn up with the academic unit for course production, use of course and materials, control and credit, distribution of supporting funds, and course delivery. Funds will be sent to the academic unit by budget transfer upon satisfactory completion of service-learning course development and all program requirements.

Please address questions to

Call for Proposals Service Learning June 2012

OSU names Toni Doolen dean of the University Honors College


By Mark Floyd, 541-737-0788

Source: Sabah Randhawa, 541-737-2111; Toni Doolen, 541-737-5641


CORVALLIS, Ore. – Toni Doolen, an Oregon State University engineering professor who has been  associate dean of the University Honors College since September 2010, was named by OSU to head the nationally recognized honors program.


Doolen succeeds Dan Arp, who recently was named dean of OSU’s College of Agricultural Sciences.


The University Honors College has become a national model for honors programs. It has been a magnet for high achieving students, particularly from Oregon high schools.  The OSU program also draws some of the university’s top faculty to teach the small, interactive classes, and to mentor students one-on-one during their thesis experience.


“The University Honors College has enjoyed great success and applications are at an all-time high,” said Sabah Randhawa, OSU provost and executive vice president. “Toni Doolen has played a role in that recent success and she will help us continue the momentum as we seek to increase our enrollment of high achieving students in the college and at OSU, and continue to improve the impact of the program on our teaching and learning environment.”


Doolen has been on the faculty at Oregon State since 2001, and is a professor in the School of Mechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering, where she also has been associate head for undergraduate programs.


Prior to joining the OSU faculty, she had a successful career in private industry, working as a process engineer, a manufacturing systems engineer, and a manager with Hewlett-Packard – with the Optical Communications Division in San Jose, Calif.,  and the Inkjet Supplies Business Unit in Corvallis.


She earned her Ph.D. in industrial engineering at OSU in 2001, just before joining the faculty. Doolen has two bachelor’s degrees from Cornell University, and a master’s degree from Stanford.


The University Honors College was established at Oregon State in 1995 by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education. It enrolls about 800 students, many of whom were valedictorians or salutatorians at their high schools.




About the University Honors College: The University Honors College awards OSU’s most prestigious undergraduate degree, the Honors Baccalaureate – one of only a dozen such degrees in the nation. Honors students are drawn from all majors across the campus, holding dual citizenship in their academic department and in Honors. Honors graduates complete a thesis and leave OSU leadership-ready.


Dear CAS Unit Leaders,

Scott Heppell and I have an opportunity to network and share information about our College with faculty and program leaders in Eastern Europe this month, and are looking for materials to distribute. We will make presentations to agricultural and biological science programs at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. As “ambassadors” for CAS, we would like to share pictures, flyers and contact information from our diverse range of programs. We anticipate meeting with 20-30 people (faculty, research staff, and unit leaders).


University of Zagreb Agriculture:


University of Zagreb Biology:


If you have materials or a few pictures (ppt slides) to share, we would love to provide specific information about your unit at our presentation. We are leaving on June 20. I would be happy to pick up flyers, cards, or other materials.



Selina Heppell




Dr. Selina S. Heppell

Associate Professor

Distance Education Program Coordinator

Department of Fisheries and Wildlife

Oregon State University

104 Nash Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331

Office phone: 541-737-9039


As you may have already heard, Matt Wenger has accepted a new position with another business center on campus.  His last day with ASBC was today, June 8.  He has been training his replacement, Jessica Dickason, so we feel he has left the Chemistry grant enterprise in good hands.


Please note the new structure for Chemistry Support:

Jessica Dickason (7-9851, will handle all grant-related invoices, travel and personal reimbursements from grant funds and any purchases of $5,000 or over on grant funds.

Andy Kuback (7-8290, will continue to provide grant-funded transaction approval, grant reports, and labor redistributions on grant indexes, and airfare authorization for outgoing department travel.

Monica Deignan (7-3958, will handle invoice processing on E&G or Foundation funds; travel and personal reimbursements from E&G or Foundation funds (including 201s); Visa redistributions for Chem Stores and the Chemistry Department; any purchases of $5,000 or over on E&G, Foundation, or Startup funds; and Foundation reimbursements.

Dick Toliver (7-1832, will continue to provide E&G-funded transaction approval, E&G reports (including 201s), labor distributions on non-grant indexes, and airfare authorization for incoming department travel.

If you are in doubt on who to talk with about a particular matter, please contact me or Penny.  As always, please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or concerns.


Best regards,



Cindy Alexis | Finance & Accounting Manager
Arts & Sciences Business Center | Oregon State University

2042 Cordley Hall, Corvallis, OR  97331-2911

Phone: 541.737.0903 | Fax:  541.737.2090 |




As the academic year draws to a close, we would like to take a moment to thank you for hosting a visiting scholar and/or an international employee at OSU. If you are hosting a scholar who will be leaving the country, please remind them to fill out the Departure Form and return it to ISFS.


We would also like to share a newly created web resource for OSU employees who are citizens of the US and traveling abroad to conduct research or work related to employment. While ISFS cannot provide individualized advice on travel and visa issues, we think you will find this resource to be helpful when making international travel plans.


As always, please feel free to email us with any questions you have.


Wishing you all the best,


The ISFS Team, Cindy, Jackie and Charlotte


Cindy Nair

Immigration Programs Specialist

International Scholar & Faculty Services

Oregon State University

Heckart Lodge – 2900 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis Oregon 97331

Phone: 541-737-6461  Fax: 541-737-6482