Category Archives: Announcements
Lab Coat Laundering
Greetings and nearly Summer Solstice Salutations!!
This is you’re your friendly FINAL reminder that today is your last chance this term to turn in your lab coat for laundry service. While we just might do the laundry again in September to start the school year off right please don’t count on it because it may be winter before we actually make it happen again.
So Hurry! Don’t wait, come down to Chemistry Stores and give your lab coat a nice spa weekend! You should have it back by early next week!
Thank you for reading this, you may now return to your regularly scheduled summer festivities!
2015 START Dates
Mark your calendars, campus is getting busy again.
New Student Programs & Family Outreach is collaborating with our campus partners to welcome new students at START – OSU’s summer advising, registration and orientation program. Students attend START to meet with an academic advisor, register for fall term classes, attend workshops on a variety of topics, meet current students and staff, and learn about campus resources. This summer orientation program aids in the transition process of OSU’s new students. A parent/family orientation program runs concurrently.
Please note that START dates this year are as follows:
· Monday, June 22- Tuesday, June 23- First-year START
· Thursday, June 25- Friday, June 26- First-year START
· Sunday, June 28- Monday, June 29- First-year START*
· Tuesday, June 30- Transfer START
· Monday, July 6- Tuesday, July 7- First-year START
· Thursday, July 9- Friday, July 10- First-year START
· Monday, July 13- Tuesday, July 14- First-year START
· Wednesday, July 15- Transfer START
· Thursday, July 16- Friday, July 17- First- year START
· Monday, July 20- Tuesday, July 21- First-year START
· Friday, July 24- Transfer START
· Monday, August 24- Tuesday, August 25- First-year START
· Wednesday, August 26- Transfer START
*START Bilingüe program—the parent & family session has an additional track conducted in Spanish for parents & family members who prefer to receive information in Spanish primarily.
You will notice an increased amount of people on campus during these days and traffic to your department/office could increase. Usually our 2-day orientation program for first-year students involves about 700 participants (both students and their family members). Our 1-day transfer sessions see about 350 participants.
If you would like more information about OSU’s new student programming and/or START, please visit our web site:
Thank you in advance for your help in creating a welcoming environment for our new students.
Leslee Mayers | Interim Director
New Student Programs & Family Outreach | Oregon State University
A150 Kerr Administration Building | Corvallis, OR 97321
ORISE Fellowships at CDC, Clinical Chemistry Branch
I would like to share with you the attached Fellowship Position Announcement in the Clinical Chemistry Branch at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This fellowship will provide the opportunity to obtain hands-on experience in human exposure research as well as laboratory medicine using state-of-the-art laboratory equipment and procedures; work in a CLIA regulated environment, and involvement in biomonitoring related public health activities. We are seeking candidates at the Ph.D., M.S. and B.S. levels, preferably with experience in GC, LC, and MS instrumentation. Please share this announcement with your colleagues and any possible applicants. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you very much,
Heather C. Kuiper, Ph.D.
Associate Service Fellow
ACS Poster Symposium and Career Fair
Hello, Folks! I wanted to let you know that once again, the Portland ACS section will be sponsoring an undergrad poster symposium and career fair this fall, in the afternoon of October 25. The room will be full of star undergrads from the institutions in the Portland area, and we are hoping that you folks will send one or more people to set up a table and recruit them. This year we will designate some time specifically for recruiting activities, so you will not (always) have to compete with poster presentations. Please let me know if someone from your institution will be able to join us. Thanks!
Dave Reingold
Chair, Portland ACS Section
FY15 Year End Closing (YEC) Message #4
Here’s your weekly message from the Business Center about upcoming fiscal year-end deadlines.
Friday, June 12th
· Last day for ordering Autopay goods and supplies for inclusion in the FY15 accounting records.
· Last day to reimburse petty cash funds. Inactive petty cash funds should be returned to the Cashier’s Office with a reconciliation form.
· Last day for processing OSUF Direct Pays to guarantee check payment will be issued to payee by June 30.
· Last day for Business Center HR/Payroll staff to enter paperwork for June.
· Last day for work-study students to work on FY15 work-study funds (Last day of Spring term).
Next Week’s Deadlines:
Wednesday, June 17th
· Last day to request a scholarship through the Scholarship System (GRRS) for awards in FY15 for graduating students.
Friday, June 19th
· Last day to request a scholarship through the Scholarship System (GRRS) for awards in FY15 for NON graduating students.
2015-16 WAGS/UMI Innovation in Technology Awards – Now Accepting Nominations
Graduate School invites your program’s participation in a campus-based competition for selection of OSU’s nominee for the 2015-16 WAGS/UMI Innovation in Technology Award.
This award recognizes distinguished scholarly achievement at the master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation level for the development of an innovative technology and its utilization for the creative solution of a major problem. A nominee must have earned the master’s or doctoral degree within the period of July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.
This prestigious regional competition is an important opportunity for OSU to showcase technological innovation and creativity by our graduate students to institutions throughout the western region and to celebrate our success. We encourage you to take the time to prepare a nomination.
OSU AWARDS AND RECOGNITION: The Graduate School will provide a cash award of $500 to the student selected as OSU’s nominee for the Western Association of Graduate Schools/UMI Innovation in Technology Award. In addition, the Graduate School will award $500 to the graduate department/program that submits the thesis selected as OSU’s nominee for the Western Association of Graduate Schools/UMI Innovation in Technology Award.
PROCEDURES: Each graduate program may submit only one nomination for consideration. Graduate programs must provide in one electronic PDF file items b, c and d as reflected in the attached WAGS/UMI guidelines. Please refer to the full announcement for complete details.
NOMINATION DEADLINE: To facilitate the internal selection process, please submit all nomination materials to the Graduate School by 5:00 p.m., Monday, July 13, 2015 to the following e-mail address: – subject line should read [Nominee Name_Program] – WAGS/Technology.
2015-16 WAGS/UMI Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award
The Graduate School invites your program’s participation in a campus-based competition for selection of OSU’s nominee for the 2015-16 WAGS/UMI Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award. Two nominations will be awarded. One nomination will be awarded from a STEM field and one nomination will be awarded in a Non-STEM field. Eligible programs are listed below.
This award recognizes distinguished scholarly achievement at the master’s level. Nominations will be accepted in any discipline in which the institution offers a master’s degree. A nominee must have earned the master’s degree within the period of July 1, 2014, through June 30, 2015.
This prestigious regional competition is an important opportunity for OSU to showcase the scholarly excellence of our master’s students to institutions throughout the western region and to celebrate our success. We encourage you to take the time to prepare a nomination.
OSU ELIGIBLE PROGRAMS: Any of the below disciplines in which a master’s degree is offered.
STEM: Biological Sciences, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Life Sciences and Engineering
Non-STEM: Humanities, Social Sciences, Education, and Business.
OSU AWARDS AND RECOGNITION: The Graduate School will provide a cash award of $500 to the student selected as OSU’s nominee for the Western Association of Graduate Schools/UMI Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award. In addition, the Graduate School will award $500 to the graduate department/program that submits the thesis selected as OSU’s nominee for the Western Association of Graduate Schools/UMI Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award.
PROCEDURES: Each graduate program may submit only one nomination for consideration. Graduate programs must provide in one electronic PDF file items b, c, d as reflected in the attached WAGS/UMI guidelines. Please refer to the full announcement for complete details.
NOMINATION DEADLINE: To facilitate the internal selection process, please submit all nomination materials to the Graduate School by 5:00 p.m., Monday, July 13, 2015 to the following e-mail address: – subject line should read Name_Dept_WAGSThesis_NON STEM orName_Dept_WAGSThesis_STEM.
Spring 2015 Safety Memorandum
Fullbright Scholar Opportunities by Discipline
Is a Fulbright Fellowship in your future?
Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program: Opportunities by Discipline The Core Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers teaching, research or combination teaching/research awards in over 125 countries for the 2016-2017 academic year.
Opportunities are available for college and university faculty and administrators as well as for professionals, artists, journalists, scientists, lawyers, independent scholars and many others.
There are nearly 600 awards offered in 46 disciplines in addition to many All Discipline awards that welcome teaching and/or research proposals in any area of study, including interdisciplinary projects.
To view the full range of awards by discipline, visit the Catalog of Awards.
To learn more about a few highlighted disciplines, click on the links below:
* American Studies
* Business, Economics, and Entrepreneurship
* Computer Science
* Communications
* Education
* Environmental Science
* Law
* Medical Sciences and Public/Global Health
* Political Science
* Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM)
* Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
The application deadline for most awards is August 3, 2015. For eligibility requirements and other program information, please visit our website or register with MyFulbright to receive program updates.
The Fulbright Program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, is the U.S. government’s flagship international exchange program and is supported by the people of the United States and partner countries around the world.