he Office of URSA is excited to announce that registration for OSU’s 2023 Celebrating Undergraduate Excellence (CUE) is now open! 
Please help us encourage student participation by forwarding this email to your students! CUE is an annual showcase for OSU undergraduates to present their research and creative projects to the OSU community. Students from all academic disciplines, in all years of study, and at all stages of research or creative work are invited to present a research poster on Thursday, May 19, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Memorial Union Ballroom.
The deadline for students to register to present at CUE is Monday, May 1, 2023 at 5 p.m.
Details and the registration link are available at https://beav.es/wLP
We appreciate your help forwarding this email to others. Questions can be directed to officeofursa@oregonstate.edu. Please mark your calendars to join us for this exciting opportunity to celebrate undergraduate excellence at OSU!

This is the last week to submit nominations for the 2023 Faculty Innovator Award. This award honors an outstanding Oregon State University inventor who has made a contribution leading to commercialization that significantly impacts their field and society. For details and the nomination form please visit the OSU Advantage website: 2023 Faculty Innovator Award. The awardee will receive a $5,000 prize and desktop award. The awardee’s department also will receive $5,000. Nomination deadline is April 14.

The President’s Commission on the Status of Women is currently accepting nominations for the University Mentoring and Professional Development award. This award recognizes any classified, professional faculty or faculty member who excels in mentoring, supporting and encouraging OSU employees, especially women and those from under-represented groups or non-traditional careers, and making available to them opportunities for professional, educational and personal development. Submit your nomination by May 28 to https://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9QWONGcohZI30gu

The OSU Craft Center has a weekly crochet club for OSU students. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to find community, learn and engage in a stress-releasing craft. This club is free; the craft center provides a gifted student crochet lead to teach and provide help as well as crochet hooks. Yarn donations are currently being sought from the community. If you have yarn to donate please contact Susan.bourque@oregonstate.edu.

Come to Science Pro to make connections with folks in your field, and possibly land an internship or research opportunity. Meet industry professionals doing work you didn’t even know was possible. One of the best things you can do for your future is to connect with people, check here to view confirmed community partners. Get to know professionals who want to help you get to where you want to go. Register today for all or part of this free event happening on April 11th from 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. Space is limited and will fill up quickly. Come for an hour or stay for the afternoon!

The OSU Faculty Senate just launched an award to recognize faculty who go above and beyond in keeping their course materials affordable for students. If you know a full-time faculty member with an innovative or creative solution to low- or no-cost course materials, consider nominating them for this award. The award recipient will be recognized at University Day and receive a $2,500 departmental transfer. Review the selection criteria and nominate a colleague today