Tuesday, November 3rd
Debra Rolison
US Naval Research Laboratory
LPSC 402 4pm
Controlling rates within electrochemical environments through architectural design on the nanoscale

Wednesday, November 4th
Dean’s Distinguished Lecture
Karen Wooley
Texas A&M University
Learning Innovation Center (LInC) 200 5pm
Advanced Applications for Sophisticated Nanoscopic Devices

Thursday, November 5th
Chemistry Undergraduate Research & Professional Empowerment Poster Session
Linus Pauling Science Center Student Street 3pm

Thursday, November 5th
Karen Wooley
Texas A&M University
LPSC 402 5pm
Polymers: A Special Emphasis Toward (Degradable) Materials for Orthopedic, Drug Delivery and Other Applications

Friday, November 6, 2015
Chong Fang
Promotion and Tenure Seminar
LPSC 402 4pm
Capturing Molecular Movies for Functionality with Tunable Femtosecond Raman Spectroscopy

The Oregon Higher Education Sustainability Conference (OHESC) began in 2008 as the Oregon University System Sustainability Conference.  OHESC 2016 will be at Lane Community College Feb. 4 and 5.  For those who love great content but don’t like huge conferences, or don’t have a huge conference budget, this is the event for you!  Proposals for posters, panel discussions, workshops, case studies and networking meetings are due Nov.6.

The Research Office is accepting applications for the Undergraduate Research, Innovation, Scholarship and Creativity (URISC) program for Winter term 2016 and/or Spring term 2016. This program supports undergraduate research activities from all academic disciplines within the university. NOTE: the program description and application have been revised http://research.oregonstate.edu/incentive/undergraduate-research-innovation-scholarship-creativity-urisc.  Information: Debbie Delmore at debbie.delmore@oregonstate.edu. Deadline: Nov 2.

Please join us for a workshop, hosted by the Center for Open Science and the OSU Libraries Center for Digital Scholarship and Services, to learn easy, practical steps researchers can take to increase the reproducibility of their work. Using example studies and hands-on activities, attendees will actively participate in creating a reproducible project from start to finish.

These workshops are aimed at graduate students, post-docs, and faculty, across disciplines, who are engaged in quantitative research. The workshops do not require any specialized knowledge of programming. Participants will gain a foundation for incorporating reproducible, transparent practices into their current research workflows.

Topics we will cover include:
Project documentation
Version control
Pre-analysis plans
Open source tools like the Center for Open Science’s Open Science Framework to easily implement these concepts in a scientific workflow
Speaker: Courtney Soderberg
Courtney is the Statistical and Methodological Consultant at the Center for Open Science. She leads their training programs for reproducible research methods. She has a Ph.D. in Experimental Social Psychology with a minor in Quantitative Psychology from UC Davis.

Please RSVP as space is limited:
Workshop 1 focus: Laboratory-Based Research
November 16, 9:00-Noon, Willamette Classrooms, The Valley Library
RSVP: http://bit.ly/COSatOSU1

Workshop 2 focus: Natural Sciences/Field Research
November 17, 9:00-Noon, Willamette Classrooms, The Valley Library
RSVP:  http://bit.ly/COSatOSU-2

Attendees will need to bring their own laptop in order to fully participate.

Dean Evasius, Division Director, Division of Graduate Education, NSF
(See his bio below)
This talk will engage students and faculty in a dialogue on graduate education initiatives at the National Science Foundation. I will provide a brief overview of some important NSF programs in graduate education, and reflect on some recent reports assessing the state of graduate education in the United States. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on graduate education, and how NSF can most effectively promote it.
When:  11-1150am, Tuesday, Oct 20, 2015
(World Statistics Day: Better Data, Better Lives)

Where:  Batcheller Hall room 150

[We will have a cake at 2pm in Kidder 128 with Dean to celebrate the World Statistics Day.


More information on Dean:

Prior to becoming the Division Director, he worked at Oak Ridge National Labs:

OAK RIDGE, Tenn.—Oak Ridge Associated Universities has named Dr. Dean Evasius as vice president and director of science education programs.
Dean Evasius
Dean Evasius
Click on image for high resolution version.
In this role, Evasius will be responsible for providing leadership, oversight and direction for ORAU’s growing portfolio of science education programs. Supporting 330 federal laboratories and research centers, ORAU has 65 years of experience in science education. In 2011 alone, participation in ORAU-administered programs totaled 7,700, with participants representing every state in the nation.
“We are excited Dean is joining our team. His strong background in science education and program management will be instrumental as we continue to grow our myriad of science, technology, mathematics and engineering programs at ORAU,” said ORAU president and CEO Andy Page.
Evasius, who officially began his new responsibilities at the end of August, previously served as senior adviser for science for the National Science Foundation in Arlington, Va. In that role, Evasius planned and managed budgets for the Office of Multidisciplinary Activities, coordinated the activities of multidisciplinary NSF working groups, and advised the assistant director on new investment areas.
Evasius also served as the program director for the Division of Mathematical Sciences at NSF for eight years, where he was responsible for managing a diverse grant portfolio for the division, engaging in a broad range of cross-cutting activities such as the East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes, and managing collaborations with organizations such as the National Academy of Sciences and the National Security Agency. Prior to his work with the National Science Foundation, Evasius served as an applied research mathematician for the National Security Agency.

Evasius received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the California Institute of Technology after obtaining a B.S. in mathematics from the University of California at Los Angeles.

The Oregon State University Honors College is celebrating its 20th anniversary on Friday, October 23rd, 2015! Join Honors College alumni, faculty, partners, and friends for a barbeque and reception from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in a tented area in the Linus Pauling Science Center parking lot. Tickets for the event can be purchased for $20, which includes dinner and one drink (cash bar after). We ask that you please respond or register by Monday, October 19th. Contact honors.college@oregonstate.edu with questions.

We hope you will join us in celebrating 20 years of the University Honors College community!

Welcome to participate in the yearly celebration of the OSU Postdoc Appreciation Week (OPAW), hosted by the OSU Postdoctoral Association (OPA) and supported by the OSU Graduate School and the Office of Postdoctoral Programs (OPP)! The 4th Annual Postdoc Research Symposium, open to the OSU community and public, is the highlight of the eventful week featuring a vast range of OSU research and takes place on Tuesday, October 20th, 5:00-7:00 PM in the Memorial Union Horizon Room 49. The Postdoc Research Symposium runs in parallel with a vendor show and will be accompanied by complimentary drinks and appetizers.

The event is opened by a keynote lecture on “Is your goal this way or that way” by Prof. Douglas Keszler, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies & Research, OSU Department of Chemistry. The presentation starts at 4:00 PM in the Memorial Union Multipurpose Room 13.

For more information about OPA, please visit: http://oregonstate.edu/opa

20151020_OPA poster session