The new system, known as AT&T Rave, integrates existing Banner contact information, securely enables users to log into their OSU Alert account with their ONID login, and is capable of sending campus-specific messages.  We need your help to implement this new notification system and request that all students, faculty and staff verify their emergency contact information.  Please go to and follow the instructions to review/update contact information.  We suggest that you add a cell phone or other text-capable device to receive an urgent message if an incident is under way. Note that the new system has additional features that users may want to enable in order to customize their notification.  If you have an questions, contact the OSU Emergency Preparedness Manager Mike Bamberger,

This award recognizes contributions toward these goals by individual members through creative approaches and consistently high performance as a professional in ways that benefit OSU. Nominees must be an active AOP member and have participated in AOP related activities within the last two years. AOP members and supervisors of AOP members are encouraged to submit nominations. Nomination packets are available: Submit to:

Beginning on April 5, 2016, Oregon State University will participate in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). The NSSE is a national study focused on understanding the ways in which students engage both inside and outside the classroom and what they gain from these experiences. This survey will provide valuable information which will be shared with campus partners across the university in order to inform student success efforts. All first-year students and senior students who applied for spring or summer 2016 graduation by the end of the day on March 30, 2016 will be invited to participate.

Our goal is to increase student participation in this important study. We ask for your help in promoting the NSSE by using resources within the NSSE promotional toolkit to spread the word on social media, through digital displays, and by displaying posters in key student service locations. Each department on Corvallis campus will be receiving an 8.5”x11” poster via campus mail. I have been reaching out to many people individually about this effort so I apologize if this request it redundant or if you receive this message through multiple listservs.

Please help us amplify student voices by promoting student participation in the NSSE. Thank you in advance, and please let me know if you have any questions about promoting the NSSE.

Maureen Cochran, MSAP, MSTD
Student Affairs Research, Evaluation & Planning
Oregon State University
247 Snell Hall Corvallis, OR 97331

Registration for the CUE (Celebrating Undergraduate Excellence) 2016 poster event at OSU is now open!

The event will be held on Friday May 13, 11.00 AM to 3.00 PM, in the Student Experience Center Plaza – between the MU and the SEC.

CUE provides undergraduates with an excellent opportunity to showcase their research or creative activity at OSU via a poster.  Please encourage students that you mentor/advise to participate.

All OSU undergrads are eligible to present solo or group projects that are in progress or have already been completed.

All URISC and URSA Engage awardees are expected to present their results at CUE.

Details and the registration link are available at:

The deadline for registering for CUE is April 27 at 5:00 PM.

CUE 2016[1]

The Microbiology Student Association is hosting a Research Symposium on April 9, 2016 from 9am to 5pm in Kearney Hall, room 112. Admission is free. Researchers from universities in Oregon and Washington will present their work on a wide range of topics.

Dr. Betty Kutter from the Evergreen Phage Lab will deliver her keynote presentation, Characterization and Implementation of Bacteriophages as Natural, Self-Replicating and Self-Limiting Antimicrobials, at 9:15am. There will be a lunch break from 12-1pm and a poster session with refreshments from 4-5pm in the Kearney Hall atrium on the first floor.

This is an excellent opportunity to network and learn about exciting research being done at nearby institutions. Feel free to stay for the entire day or attend specific talks you are interested in. See the attached program for a list of speakers, topics, and presentation times. The talks may be of interest to many science students, not just those interested specifically in microbiology.

Please feel free to contact Emaan Khan at or Vanlena Le at with any questions.

OSU MSA Research Symposium flier April 9

MSA Research Symposium Program

Information Services is pleased to announce Hackathon 1.0: Innovation Unscripted, a one-day event for OSU employees to collaborate, innovate, and build or propose something new for the benefit of OSU. It will take place on Friday, May 6, from 8:30-5, in the Memorial Union.

–          Unlike many hackathons, what you create does not have to be technical (for example, you could design a new process).
–          There will be fun prizes, including one team getting the opportunity to pitch their idea to campus leadership!
–          This will be a day of fun, camaraderie and productivity. What’s not to love?

We hope you’ll join us. Fair warning, though, participation is limited to twelve teams, so register soon! Registration is open from April 1 through 25.

Learn more and register at the hackathon webpage:

We look forward to seeing you there!

Nominations are being accepted for the Karel J.H. Murphy Professional Faculty Leadership and Service Award. The award recognizes a professional faculty member who has provided outstanding leadership and service throughout their career both within their Department and in programs and organizations across OSU. The award also honors a legacy of providing ongoing, strategic, and progressive leadership, administrative support and service among Professional Faculty and other OSU employees. The award winner will be presented a plaque and a $1000 check at University day. Nominations due April 7. For more information: Michelle Mahana

Hello all,

This is a friendly reminder that the next department deadline for the Graduate Student Travel Award is Friday, April 15th. This award applies to graduate students traveling between the dates of July 1st and October 31st, 2016. To clarify, graduate students are responsible for determining their eligibility and nominating themselves for this award. As a resource, I have attached a spreadsheet outlining the details and requirements of the award.

If you are interested in nominating yourself for this award, please send all the necessary award materials (see the attached spreadsheet) to the Awards Committee at: no later than 5 pm on Friday, April 15th.

Graduate School Travel Award Requirements