Please share the following DOD opportunity below with potentially interested researchers. Leah Gorman shared a table of research interests below. White papers due: June 24, 2024
1 | Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) | Natural Materials and Systems | Dr. Bennett Ibey |
2 | AFOSR | Atomic and Molecular Physics | Dr. Boyan Tabakov |
3 | AFOSR | Mathematical Optimization | Dr. Warren Adams |
4 | AFOSR | Ghz – Thz Electronics | Dr. Kenneth C. Goretta |
5 | Army Research Office (ARO) | Fluid Dynamics | Dr. Jack R. Edwards |
6 | ARO | Polymer Chemistry | Dr. Robert H. Lambeth |
7 | ARO | Information Processing and Fusion | Dr. John S. Hyatt |
8 | ARO | Physical Properties of Materials | Dr. Katherine J. Duncan |
9 | Office of Naval Research (ONR) | Novel, fast-response, infrared (IR) detector concepts enabling higher temperature operation | Dr. Richard Espinola |
10 | ONR | Vertical Cloud and Aerosol Profiling | Dr. Josh Cossuth |
11 | ONR | Multifunctional Marine Antifouling Surfaces | Ms. Danielle Paynter |
12 | ONR | Understanding Mind and Body Relationship Through Respiratory Control | Dr. Sandra Chapman |
13 | ONR | Novel Attachment Methods for Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics | Mr. Bill Nickerson |
From: CARE <> on behalf of Gorman, Leah <>
Date: Monday, April 22, 2024 at 3:16 PM
To: <>, CARE List <>
Subject: [Care] DOD DEPSCOR Research Collaboration
White papers due: June 24, 2024
We wanted to bring to your attention the DOD DEPSCOR Research Collaborations program. We are a DOD “ESPSCOR” state, which qualifies our faculty to apply for this unique program which pairs faculty who have never been a lead PI on DOD funded research with a DOD-funded “mentor”. The “mentor” could be at our institution or a different institution.
Here is the list provided in the recent webinar about the program of areas of special interest this year, and the program officers that our faculty should reach out to about concepts. This is basic research that informs an area of interest to DOD. Award ceiling is 600K and this is a great opportunity to build relationships with the sponsor to grow a research program. Contacting program officers prior to white paper submission is strongly recommended.
Please share with faculty with interests in the following areas:

This funding opportunity aims to create basic research collaborations between a pair of researchers, namely 1) Applicant/Principal Investigator (PI), henceforth referred to as Applicant, a full-time faculty member who has never served as a PI on a prior DoD directly funded research Prime award and 2) Collaborator/co-Principal Investigator (co-PI), henceforth referred to as Collaborator, an investigator who will provide mentorship to the Applicant and has served as a PI on a DoD directly funded research Prime award actively between 1 October 2016 and 30 September 2023. This structure is aimed at introducing potential applicants to the DoD’s unique research challenges and its supportive research ecosystem.