a new event for OSU, will annually honor those from our community that passed away in the previous academic year. The Inaugural event is planned for Thursday, Jan. 28 at 5:30 p.m. and will honor those members of our OSU community (students, staff, faculty, alumni and others who made an impact at OSU) that died during the 2019-20 academic year. This year the event will take place as a livestream broadcast via live.oregonstate.edu and will feature poetry, live music and activities for reflection and healing along with guest speakers and representatives from each community to read the names of the deceased. Additional information will be shared as details are finalized. Please visit https://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_beAI0KM3JbZ0iep to share information about an OSU community member that passed away last year that you would like honored at the event or to sign up for more information. You may also email jon.dorbolo@oregonstate.edu for more information or to learn how to get involved with planning the event.

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