The Diversity STEMposium will be held on Friday, September 6th at the University of Oregon, and participation is open to Oregon State University as well. This event features three excellent researchers who study a variety of systems – including ion channels, host-microbe interactions, and viral infections – and are outspoken about the importance of highlighting the diverse backgrounds and journeys of scientists. Each invited speaker will deliver two talks: one on their scientific work and another on issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. In addition to the seminars, the symposium will include a panel discussion and poster session. All students and postdocs are encouraged to register to present a poster.

There is no cost to attend this event. If you intend to present a poster, please register by no later than Friday, August 30th. Please visit the website below to learn more information, as well as to register and submit panel discussion topic suggestions:

The invited speakers are:

Sharona Gordon, University of Washington
Research Talk: “No gain, no pain: tuning the sensitivity of TRPV1 ion channels to noxious stimuli”
Diversity Talk: “If I’m not safe, no body is: science, power, and activism in the age of #MeToo”

Kat Milligan-Myhre, University of Alaska Anchorage
Research Talk: “Host-microbe interactions in a genetically diverse host: Diversity matters”
Diversity Talk: “Representation matters: An Inupiaq journey from Qikiktagruq to academia”

Efra Rivera-Serrano, University of California, Davis
Research Talk: “Through the Looking Glass: Illuminating the Micro-World to Understand Viral Infections”
Diversity Talk: “A Logic of Diversity: Applying Virological Concepts to Solve Social Problems”

For further information, contact Amber Rolland (

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