This year Microsoft is expanding its funding support for academic research by creating the new Microsoft Investigator Fellowship. Submissions are now being accepted, and full-time faculty members must submit their proposals by August 16, 2019

The new Microsoft Investigator Fellowship is a two-year fellowship for full-time faculty at degree-granting colleges in the United States who are currently conducting research, advising graduate students, teaching in a classroom, and use or plan to use Microsoft Azure in research and/or teaching. The award is a $100,000 annual stipend awarded annually for two years starting in Fall of 2019.

We hope you will help us spread the word about this program! We encourage you to share this announcement directly with your faculty colleagues and department chair office, on social media, and/or via topically relevant email lists. You may also consider sharing the news on LinkedIn.

For questions, please contact me Microsoft Investigator Fellowship

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