Beginning in Fall 2018, colleges and units were directed to register all events and activities involving minors (under age 18) with the new Office of Youth Safety & Compliance (YSC).

My office has been tasked with developing policies and best practices related to OSU’s youth programming, on and off campus. Your leadership and cooperation is vital to ensuring OSU fulfills its commitment to keep kids safe and well-cared-for while participating in programs sponsored by or in partnership with the university.

You will soon receive a to-date summary of youth programs registered on behalf of your college or department. The list includes past programs from the 2017-18 and 2018-19 academic years, as well as upcoming 2019 programming. Colleges and units should submit registration forms at least 30 days prior to an event or activity.

Please review this list within your respective units to ensure 100% compliance. To report any missing information, or to register upcoming events and activities involving minors, please visit the Youth Safety & Compliance website at and click the ‘Register Programs’ link.

Please distribute this memorandum as you feel is appropriate.



Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Eric Cardella in the Office of Youth Safety & Compliance at or 7-9362.

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