Western Washington University (WWU) invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in analytical chemistry beginning September 15, 2017.  The Chemistry Department and the College of Sciences and Engineering are committed to WWU’s strategic goal of recruiting and retaining diverse faculty, and welcome applications from diverse candidates.  Review of applications beginsSeptember 15, 2016; position open until filled.  Attached is a short handout with more information about the position.  A full job description and online application may be found at:  https://jobs.wwu.edu/JobPosting.aspx?JPID=7051.
WWU is a primarily undergraduate state institution (about 15,000 students) in Bellingham, WA, 60 miles south of Vancouver, British Columbia and 90 miles north of Seattle.  We have developed a strong undergraduate research culture that values excellence in research and teaching.
I encourage you to share this information with post-doctoral fellows and graduating students from your program. While post-doctoral experience is a preferred qualification, recent graduates are also encouraged to apply.  Any questions about the position may be addressed to Prof. Steven Emory at (360) 650-7437 orsteven.emory@wwu.edu
Thank you and appreciate your help in spreading the word about this position.

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