FY2013 RFP for Technology Resources Fund Grants

Through the University’s Technology Resources Fund (TRF), more than $7.4 million will be available for FY2013 projects that improve student learning at OSU through better access to information technology and technology services.  Past grants have ranged from $5,000 to $1.2M. Faculty, staff and sponsored student organizations are invited to submit proposals.


Lois Brooks, Vice Provost for Information Services, has released the Request for Proposals for the Fiscal Year 2013 (July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013) round of funding and invites the university community – students, faculty and staff – to submit proposals.

Proposals are due February 21, 2012 at 5:00 p.m.


In response to campus input and advice on the TRF, to better meet the needs of students and to realign the Technology Resource Fee process with the institutional strategic plan and IT governance structure, the approach to awarding and managing TRF funds has been modified.


Types of Grants Available

Two types of grants are now available:

1. Start-up projects – one-time projects are sought, with a special interest in new and innovative ideas.

2. Recurring programs – programs that have previously received TRF awards or anticipate requesting TRF awards in future rounds of funding

No less than 10% of the available funding will be reserved for start-up grants.


Use of Funds

TRF funds may be used for the following purposes:

• New applications of information technology, e.g. interactive courseware, that improve student access to learning and the tools required for learning or that improve the student learning experience, including through improved pedagogy.

• Spaces where students use computers, including, but not only, traditional facilities like classrooms and computer labs.  Or, equivalent forms of computer access through such mechanisms as virtual desktops or pools of loaned equipment that broaden access to IT resources beyond traditional labs and classrooms.

• Other supporting services, software and systems, for example: providing e-mail and minimal electronic storage space for students; workshops and courses to enhance student use of information technologies; audio-visual or multimedia support of student projects/presentations; student software licenses


Review of Proposals

Proposals will be reviewed by a committee of faculty, staff and students that will make advisory recommendations to the University’s Instructional IT Committee and IT Infrastructure Committees and ultimately to the Vice Provost for Information Services who will make final funding determinations.  Reviewers will consider factors such as the following: alignment with the University’s strategic directions; evidence for the quality and likely effectiveness of pedagogy or service delivery models; collaboration and cooperation among campus units; number of students affected relative to the amount requested, co-investment and/or non-financial support by project sponsors; cost-effectiveness; past successes with similar projects and sustainability of the project.



For more information, consult the Fiscal Year 2013 TRF Request for Proposals, http://oregonstate.edu/leadership/provost/trf/request.


TRF Online Application:

To submit a proposal: http://oregonstate.edu/trf/submit


Contact Information:

David Barber,

TRF Administrator &

Senior Program Manager

Information Services

Phone: 737-2367

E-mail: David.Barber@oregonstate.edu


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