ECampus Coordinator Kim Thackray and Dr. Jeff Gautschi at the UC Davis Pre-Medical and Pre-Health Professions National Conference
ECampus Coordinator Kim Thackray and Dr. Jeff Gautschi at the UC Davis Pre-Medical and Pre-Health Professions National Conference

Since Chemistry is The Central Science, students in a variety of majors need to take at least one class in Chemistry. This is especially true in the health professions—everyone from lab technicians to nurses to physical therapists to doctors—all need to have an understanding of chemistry. That is why Dr. Jeff Gautschi (OSU Cascades and Ecampus instructor) and Kim Thackray (Chemistry Ecampus Coordinator) had a booth at the UC Davis Pre-Medical and Pre-Health Professions National Conference in early October.

At this conference, they had the opportunity to speak with many different types of students that could benefit from taking OSU Chemistry online—

-High school students who might want to begin their college coursework in Chemistry while still in high school.
-College students in California who may be having trouble getting in to the Chemistry classes they need in order to advance in their major.
-Post-bac students looking toward professional school—Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant, Medical school, etc.—who need chemistry as a prerequisite for their application.
-Pre-health advisors and advisors from community colleges.

The wide range of online Chemistry classes offered by Oregon State University can meet the needs of all these students and more; check out what we are offering this term!

Master the techniques of writing superior and winning proposals

March 31- April 2, 2014
8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
To be held at:
Portland State University
Portland, OR

Sponsored by:The Grant Training Center

This intensive three-day grant proposal workshop is geared for: 1) those who wish to strengthen their grant writing skills and 2) beginners who wish to acquire and master the techniques of preparing, writing and winning proposals from various funding agencies.
Participants Will Learn How to:
1. Navigate the world of grant procurement
2. Research and identify potential funding sources
3. Focus foundation and corporate giving for the State of Oregon
4. Write winning grants that stand out against scores of competing submissions

Our ultimate goal is for each participant to walk away with a product specific to their interests that includes the grant design, abstract and budget.
Thus, the opportunity to influence the future of your work and ideas is within your reach. Understanding this reality, institutions are willing to minimally invest in the training of their staff to make this happen.

*Space is limited, and since this class fills-up quickly, it is on a first-come, first-serve basis.*
Workshop Fee: $595.00 (including tuition, materials, certificate of completion, and continental breakfast)
Rebate of $50.00 per person is given for two or more registrants from the same organization.
To Enroll:
Please visit our website,
Or call us toll free at (866)-704-7268 or (571) 257-8864


March 31 – April 02, 2014
Oregon, OR

“Professional Grant Development”, Workshop
Portland State University

Can’t make it??
Join us for an online webinar!

“Essentials of Proposal Writing” Webinar


Portland State University is neither endorsing nor sponsoring the activities conducted by Grant Training Center

OWHE’S Annual Conference gathers Oregon women from various intersecting identities and disciplines to connect, dialogue, grow and lead positive change in higher education. With a focus on diversity- encompassing women of all different identities and disciplines; and Inclusion- creating environments in which all are welcomed, respected, supported, and valued to fully participate, 2014’s conference theme is

THRIVE: Transformation ● Hope ● Renewal ● Innovation ● Vitality ● Engagement

THRIVE will bring together diverse perspectives of women from various identities (race, class, gender, ability, etc.) and career paths with the hope of  building community and solidarity by supporting all Oregon Women in Higher-Education to thrive and lead.

Join us for Oregon Women in Higher Education’s 34th annual conference on January 24, 2014 at Oregon State University in Corvallis. Providing Oregon women the opportunity to meet and share professional knowledge and skills, this conference is well-known for its low cost, friendly atmosphere, and valuable sessions. Registration opens November 26th, 2013.

KEY NOTE SPEAKER OF THE 2014 CONFERENCE : Dr. Avel Louise Gordly, activist, community organizer, first African-American woman to be elected to the Oregon State Senate and among many other reasons she is an inspiration to many.

Please click here for a list of presentations 


Join us for the 2014 conference! Complete a quick registration form!


Professionals, Faculty/Staff*: $125

Students: $50
*If you are selected to present at the 2014 conference, your registration is FREE!

Conference attendees who need lodging are encouraged to stay at the Hilton Garden Inn.

Location and Maps 
The 34th annual conference will be hosted on Oregon State University’s campus in Corvallis, Oregon.

Memorial Union Ballroom and Campus Map: 
Google Map of Parking:

2013-14 Excellence Awards Nomination

Oregon Women in Higher Education is excited to recognize women who have positively contributed to their campuses, communities, and beyond. We especially want to honor those individuals who envision an educational, social and political climate in which diverse women benefit from the opportunities in higher education and shape the progression of their chosen field.

We encourage you to nominate an outstanding woman leader (2-year and 4-year institutions) for these awards. Recipients will be recognized at the Oregon Women in Higher Education Conference at Oregon State University on January 24, 2014.

Fill out your nomination at our Google Form.

Questions about the conference can be directed to

  • Imposter Syndrome: Implications for Women in Higher Education
  • Women negotiating salary; narrowing the gender wage gap
  • Higher Education: It’s a Family Endeavor
  • Healing as Liberation for Women of Color in Higher Education
  • Impact of Involvement: Queer Women in Higher Education
  • The Empowering and Isolating Experience of Online Distance Graduate Education
  • Assisting Dual Career Couples within Higher Education
  • Being Young and Female in Student Affairs
  • The World Needs Women: Developing and Sustaining Empowered Leaders Locally and Globally through Service-Learning and Civic Engagement.
  • From Invisible to Visible:  Creating a Welcoming Campus for Third Culture Kids
  • Promoting Success for Female Nontraditional Students
  • Assessing OSU Climate for International Women Graduate Students
  • Borderlands:  The Immigration Experiences of Haitian Women in the Dominican Republic
  • An Analysis of the Relation between Urban Design and Street Harassment
  • How Can One Continue to Make a Difference as an Emeritus Faculty?:  Exploring this Landscape
  • Why Oregon? And How I’ve Found Community

Proposals are being accepted for either a concurrent session or poster to the OWHE conference happening on Jan. 24, 2014 at OSU. Deadline for proposal submission is Nov. 4.  See for more details. All conference presenters whose proposal has been accepted will receive free registration if they present at the conference and agree to facilitate one OWHE webinar during 2014-15. Students, faculty and staff of all genders and from both 4-year and 2-year institutions are encouraged to submit proposals and attend the conference. For info:


Join us at Oregon State University in Corvallis July 21 – 24 for NORM 13 Preceeded by the annual DaVicni Days Weekend







Visit our website for evolving program & special event information

The Chemistry department believes that there is a population of potential students for the CH 12xe online series that we are not currently reaching—that of highly motivated high school students.  The Chemistry Department Advisory Board also emphasized the potential for this market during their annual visit.

In an attempt to reach these students, Chemistry Ecampus exhibited this April at the National Science Teachers’ Association (NSTA) National Conference in San Antonio, TX.  Dr. Marita Barth (Instructor) and Kim Thackray (Chemistry Ecampus Coordinator) staffed the OSU booth.  They talked with high school teachers from all over the nation, making sure the teachers understood how our online Chemistry classes could help their high-level students reach their educational goals.  Students who would benefit from taking our General Chemistry classes might be:

  • at high schools without chemistry classes or with limited chemistry offerings.
  • at high schools without AP (Advanced Placement) or IB (International Baccalaureate) chemistry classes.
  • at high schools that offer AP/IB classes, but students want/need flexibility, prefer the online mode, or want a college course in addition (summer prior to college).

Teachers were especially interested in learning that their students would pay in-state tuition for our online classes, no matter where they live.  Dr. Barth and Ms. Thackray talked with over 400 attendees of the conference, creating awareness of OSU’s online chemistry program and obtaining contact information from those most interested.  Ms. Thackray will continue to monitor student registrations to determine the effectiveness of this outreach.