With recent changes in recycling, it’s more important than ever to recycle right. The following are NOT recyclable in standard bins: cups (paper or plastic), napkins, plastic bags, wrappers, Styrofoam, plastic “clamshell” containers (to go, salad greens, etc.), or food-contaminated items. By keeping these out of recycle bins, we make recycling more cost-effective and provide a better work environment for those who process our recycling. See what can be recycled at http://tiny.cc/r-guide.

The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (Fred Hutch) hosts a summer internship that is designed to provide biomedical research experience and mentorship for undergraduate students of rising senior status.  We would appreciate your help promoting the Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) among students at Oregon State University.  I have attached an informational brochure that offers an overview of the program and a brief snapshot of important dates below, including how to apply.

About the Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP)

The SURP is an intensive, 9-week internship designed to provide research experience and mentorship for rising-senior undergraduate students who are interested in biomedical research.  Under the guidance of a faculty mentor, students will:

  • Complete an independent research project;
  • Attend weekly research seminars;
  • Participate in professional development workshops designed to facilitate the preparation of competitive applications for graduate/medical school; and
  • Present their findings at a competitive poster session.

The program will run from Monday, June 10Friday, August 9, 2019.

An online application for the 2019 SURP will be available via the SURP website in mid-November 2018.

The application deadline is midnight Pacific Standard Time (PST) on Friday, January 11, 2019.

Letters of recommendation for up to two references are due by midnight Pacific Standard Time (PST) onFriday, January 18, 2019. 

Other Biomedical Research Internships

I also wanted to share with you a resource that my colleagues and I developed, which is a catalog of biomedical research internships offered nationwide for high school, undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, graduate, and first-year medical students.


The Natural Sciences & Environmental Fair connects our students with potential employers for future jobs and internships. If you are a science major with a love for nature and conservation, and aspire for a career in the environmental sector, please join us for this career fair on Wednesday, October 17.

All types of leading government and scientific organizations in the environmental field will attend the career fair, including Oregon Coast Aquarium, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Bureau of Land Management, USDA Forest Service, Northwest Youth Corps, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and many more.

By attending, you will gain valuable experience interacting with employers and recruiters to prepare for your career after graduation. Undergraduates can also find out about internships and volunteer opportunities in the summer.

The fair is open to undergraduate and graduate students. Faculty and staff are welcome to network with employers.

Learn more about the 2018 Natural Sciences and Environmental Fair.

One of the things we do best in the College of Science is getting students excited to participate in undergraduate research. We are looking forward to another great year of supporting the coordinated resources offered and help facilitate everyone’s experience.
The first opportunity of the year is the College of Science + Honors College Research Mixer – Tuesday, October 23 from 3 – 5 p.m. Honors Collegestudents are eager to learn about the work that you and your colleagues are invested in, as well as possibly partnering with you for their thesis work. 
We would love to have facuty participate from each of our departments. Each presenting faculty brings a slide to present their work, and gives their best one-minute pitch. After the presentations, students and faculty have the opportunity to mingle and pursue deeper conversations. 
Should you want to broaden your scope of students, please consider participating in the URSA Engage program hosted by the Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, & The Arts office. This program is designed to help students begin research and develop their skills early in their college career. Faculty mentor applications are due October 22nd. 
In February, the College of Science will open applications for the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program. College of Science students will get prepped on how to pursue this opportunity to do research full-time over the summer here at OSU. This past year we were able to fund 37 students!
Contact Gabrielle James with your interest in participating or questions you may have about these programs

OSU’s President’s Commission on the Status of Women (PCOSW) is offering funds to cover registration costs for OSU tenure line and non-tenure line faculty, staff and students to attend the 2018 Oregon Women in Higher Education (OWHE) Conference in Lincoln City, Salishan Resort, Feb. 1-2, 2019. In order to apply, complete and submit the online form by Friday, Oct. 26. Notification of awards will be sent by Friday, Nov. 9. Apply through the following link: http://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bJaR38NZhLVJdqJ Questions? Contact Joy Jorgensen at joy.jorgensen@oregonstate.edu