OSU’s Open Educational Resources Unit is accepting proposals for the Affordable Learning Grant through March 29. The grant provides funding to adopt, adapt or author an open educational resource, such as a textbook. An open textbook is one that is published under an open copyright license and made freely available online for students, faculty and the public. All funding is a department-to-department transfer. Please talk to your department head about how this applies to the grant. Questions? Contact Stefanie Buck. 

You might consider enrolling in Polymer Synthesis and Processing, CHE 446/546, spring  term, offered by Dr. Kaichang Li in CBEE.  Chemistry majors in the past have applied this course to help meet career electives for Track 1 and some Track 2 options, e.g., advanced chemistry, materials science and chemical engineering options.  This is a lecture course.   (Previously listed as special topics (CHE 499/599) now approved as a regular course (CHE446/546)). 

Ideal candidates will be pursuing a graduate degree in agronomy, environmental science, agricultural/animal sciences, or similar. (MS, MESM, MBA, or equivalent) for internship related to farm stewardship, resource conservation and environmental protection.

We are hosting an intern in our Farm Services department this summer focused on environmental stewardship. Could you share with the career center there so that graduate students at OSU are aware of the opportunity?

Farm Stewardship Intern – with Tillamook County Creamery Association

Our full list of all of our positions is available here: Career Opportunities – Tillamook. We do have a number of internships available for the summer, as well as full time positions in many departments.