Hello All,

If you are interested by the future of nuclear power as a possible solution for global climate change, please watch, this evening, Thursday 07 November (7/9 pm ET/PT), CNN’s presentation on “Pandora’s Promise”. I saw the film a month ago, I can only recommend it, and it is a very interesting film. And it doesn’t address only those who are skeptical about Nuclear Energy.

Do not hesitate to forward the message.

Alena Paulenova


The UNCF*Merck Science Initiative is an innovative approach that
creates opportunities in the biological, chemical and engineering
sciences for African American students throughout the country.


Science Research Scholarships

  •  Scholarships up to $25,000
  •  Internship opportunities
  •  Mentoring and networking opportunities
  •  Eligibility: College juniors, science or engineering majors, 3.3 GPA


Science Research Dissertation Fellowships

  •  Fellowships up to $53,500
  •  Mentoring and networking opportunities
  •  Eligibility: Ph.D. or equivalent degree candidates engaged in dissertation research in the biological, chemical or engineering fields


Science Research Fellowships

  •  Fellowships up to $92,000
  •  Mentoring and networking opportunities
  •  Eligibility: Ph.D. or equivalent degree recipients in the biological,chemical or engineering fields


Submit by December 5, 2013

T 202 810 0331

F 202 234 0225

E uncfmerck@uncf.org 


Oregon State University’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Planning Committee is pleased to announce that the 32nd annual celebration of Dr. King’s life and legacy will take place January 13-24, 2014. The theme selected by the committee this year is Uniting Our Powerful Voices. We look forward to providing a number of events and opportunities to celebrate and reflect on the life of Dr. King, including the annual Peace Breakfast  to be held on January 20, 2014 from 9-10:30am in the Memorial Union Ballroom.

Join us in celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. King in the spirit of our theme: Uniting Our Powerful Voices, by hosting an event and/or submitting a nomination for one of our community awards.

We highly encourage event proposals from diverse organizations and departments, and welcome all students, academic departments, and professional offices to contribute meaningfully to this celebration and theme. Event submissions due by November 27th, 5pm.

To submit an event visit our webpage: MLK Celebration 2014 Event Registration Page

We also welcome nominations for recipients of our two community awards which are recognized yearly at the Peace Breakfast: The Frances Dancy Hooks Award recognizes students, staff or faculty who exemplify Frances Dancy Hooks’ work: building bridges across cultures, showing courage in promoting diversity, and proudly “Walks the Talk;” and the Phyllis S. Lee Award honors a member of the OSU community who exemplifies Dr. Lee’s commitment and dedication to social justice and the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Nominations due by December 6, 5pm.

To find out more information or submit a nomination visit: Frances Dancy Hooks and Phyllis S. Lee Award Information and Nomination Page

To find out more information on Oregon State’s annual celebration of Dr. King visit: Office of Equity and Inclusion Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Page

This year’s committee is comprised of students, staff, and faculty who are engaged in planning a celebration that will be meaningful and inclusive, and that will provide opportunities for our community to come together in education, celebration, in reflection, and in service. We look forward to your involvement with Oregon State University’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration: Uniting Our Powerful Voices. Please forward this message to members of your organization and peers who may be interested.

Thank you!

–          Oregon State University’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Planning Committee 2014

Now accepting applications for

U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

2014 HS-STEM Summer Internships

Application deadline: January 6, 2014

Undergraduate students receive a $5,000 stipend plus travel expenses.

10-week research experiences are offered at: Argonne, Idaho, Berkeley, Livermore, Oak Ridge, Pacific Northwest, and Sandia National Laboratories; as well as at Homeland Security Studies and Analysis Institute, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Coast Guard Research and Development Center, Customs and Borders Protection Laboratories and Scientific Services, Naval Research Laboratory, Engineer Research and Development Center, National Security Technologies Remote Sensing Laboratory, Transportation Security Laboratory, and more…

Areas of research: Engineering, computer science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biological / life sciences, environmental science, emergency and incident management,social sciences, and more.

U.S. citizenship required

Detailed information about the internships can be found at: http://www.orau.gov/dhseducation/internships/


Please share this information with students and colleagues at your academic institution/organization.

A flier is located at:  http://www.orau.gov/dhseducation/internships/files/HS-STEMflier2014.pdf 

DHS has partnered with the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) to manage the program. For questions please email us at dhsed@orau.org.

We are seeking curious and highly motivated students with strong science backgrounds. If selected, these students receive an all-expenses paid opportunity to complete a 6 week summer course in Nuclear and Radiochemistry in either CA or NY. They also earn hours (tuition paid) of undergraduate chemistry credit through either San Jose State University or SUNY-Stony Brook.  Selected students also receive a stipend of $4,000.

An announcement for the Nuclear and Radiochemistry Summer Schools that can be posted is attached to this request. It describes the application procedure and the background we hope applicants will have when applying. This information and an on-line application form can also be found on the web at:


The deadline for applications is February 1, 2014. Please distribute this announcement to your undergraduate students and encourage them to consider this unique opportunity! If you or your students have any questions about the ACS sponsored program, please do not hesitate to contact me using the information below.

Thanks, in advance, for your assistance.

Sincerely yours,


J. David Robertson

National Director, ACS Summer Schools in Nuclear and Radiochemistry

Department of Chemistry University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211



Nuclear Summer School Flyer2014

The University Honors College is now accepting applications to the DeLoach Work Scholarship program for winter and spring terms, 2014. Tenured and tenure-track Oregon State faculty members, as well as senior instructors, can submit proposals for funding in support of Honors College undergraduates working at tasks that advance faculty research and enhance student experiential learning. Other faculty who like to apply should contact the UHC. The deadline to apply is Friday, Nov. 22. Information regarding awards and the application process is available at http://honors.oregonstate.edu/deloach-work-scholarship.

This training is appropriate for new faculty, new staff or those seeking a refresher on the proposal management system.  A step by step overview of the proposal creation process is presented, highlighting tips, tricks and shortcuts, as well as an explanation of the distinction between 424 and SP functionalities.  Wednesday, Nov. 6, from 1-3 p.m. in MU 211

The Keck Foundation seeks to support outstanding basic research in science, engineering and medicine that will have a significant impact in solving complex issues and problems. The Foundation strives to fund endeavors that are distinctive and novel in their approach. Guidelines: http://oregonstate.edu/research/incentive/keck-foundation. Information: Martha Coleman, OSU Foundation at Martha.Coleman@oregonstate.edu. Deadline: Nov. 18.

This training is appropriate for new faculty, new staff or those seeking a refresher on the proposal management system.  A step by step overview of the proposal creation process is presented, highlighting tips, tricks and shortcuts, as well as an explanation of the distinction between 424 and SP functionalities.  Wednesday, Nov. 6, from 1-3 p.m. in MU 211

The deadline to accept nominations for the Jesse M. Bell Memorial Graduate Student Loan Program has been extended to Wednesday, October 30th at 5PM.

Jesse M. Bell Memorial Graduate Student Loan Program

Deadline for Nominations:  October 28, 2013, 5PM

The Graduate School is pleased to announce the Jesse M. Bell Memorial Graduate Student Loan Program which was created by the estate of Jesse Bell for the purpose of providing loans for worthy graduate students of high scholastic standing to enable their pursuit of graduate study in an OUS institution.

These non-need-based loans are available on a one-time basis to enrolled graduate students to assist with educational and/or research expenses associated with their advanced degree. Loans up to $5,000 are anticipated, and will be dependent upon the merits of the case, the loan demand, and the current balance available in the loan fund. Requests exceeding $5,000 will be considered on an exception basis.

It is anticipated that up to three awards will be given.

For eligibility criteria, terms and conditions, and application procedures, visit:   http://gradschool.oregonstate.edu/finance/awards/jesse-bell