1.     Name

Rich G. Carter

2.     Area of study / position title

Organic Chemist, Professor and Chair of Chemistry

3.     Why chemistry? (What about it initially interested you, etc.)

I became a chemist because of my high school chemistry teacher – Dr. Larry Puckett. Dr. Puckett made chemistry relatable and fun. He would let us go into lab and do cool experiments – I remember getting to generate hydrogen gas into balloons and then light them on fire. I was 18 and fire and explosions were obviously something that kids my age like!

4.     Research focus (in non-science terms) or basic job duties?

My research group works on synthesizing molecules that contain carbon atoms. Many of these molecules have important biological functions and are made by nature already, but nature makes them in very small amounts. We also work on developing new reactions which helps to make our syntheses more efficient. I have recently been able to use my organic chemistry skills to start a new company which has been an amazing experience.

5.     One thing that you truly love about your job?

Organic chemistry is the world’s greatest jigsaw puzzle. I love the challenge of trying to figure out how to put together a molecule by a series of reactions. I am also blessed to work with amazing students and colleagues.

6.     One interesting/strange factoid about yourself.

That is impossible to answer! I love to travel and try new things, big technology nut, lived in Japan for 5 months, ride my bike every day rain or shine and have a wonderful family.


Applications for PCOSW scholarships are now being accepted. The President’s Commission on the Status of Women, or PCOSW, provides funding to women faculty, students, and staff who are pursuing professional development or research opportunities, as well as individuals conducting research related to women’s issues. Scholarships range from $500 to $1000 and are awarded during fall, winter, and spring terms; the deadline is Friday of Week 5 with notification in Week 7. Information: http://oregonstate.edu/leadership/pcosw/awards-and-scholarships

OSU is celebrating National Postdoc Appreciation Week with the third annual Postdoc Research Symposium on Oct. 9.  There will be a wine/appetizer/poster session in MU 49 (Horizon Conference Room – the old bookstore) from 5 to 7 p.m. Provost Sabah Randhawa will be speaking shortly after 5 p.m. For more information about the OSU Postdocs Association, see http://www.oregonstate.edu/opa/

The In Case of Crisis – Education OSU Emergency Plan is a new mobile app available for free in the App Store and Google play.  You can also download it here.  The app is intended for anyone who frequents OSU campuses.  The app places emergency response information at your fingertips for emergencies that could occur at OSU.  There is also a Contact List of phone numbers of commonly sought emergency services.

The OSU Foundation is calling for concept papers that have the potential to meet the funding interests of the W.M. Keck Foundation. which seeks to support outstanding basic research in science, engineering and medicine that will have a significant impact in solving complex issues and problems and  also strives to fund endeavors that are distinctive and novel in their approach. Guidelines: http://oregonstate.edu/research/incentive/keck-foundation. Information: Martha Coleman, Director of Principal Gifts for Foundation Relations, OSU Foundation,  Martha.coleman@oregonstate.edu or Mary Phillips, Director, Office for Research Development, Mary.Phillips@oregonstate.edu. Deadline: Nov. 19.

The Office of Undergraduate Research is seeking research project proposals from OSU faculty for the 2015 URSA-ENGAGE Program, which will provide freshman, sophomore and transfer student researchers (in their first year at OSU) under faculty guidance with stipends of up $1,500 for the winter, spring and fall terms of 2015. The Faculty Research Project Proposal Application Deadline is Oct. 29, available here: http://oregonstate.edu/students/research/ For more information, contact Kevin Ahern at ahernk@onid.orst.edu.

Good morning –

We are excited to announce the launch of our brand new Dissertation Fellowship program!

We will award two Dissertation Fellowships of  $10,000 each to active members who are completing dissertations. The fellowship supports students in the dissertation writing stage of doctoral study. Awards are for 12 months of dissertation writing. All pre-dissertation requirements should be met by the application deadline, including approval of the dissertation proposal.  Applications will be accepted October 1, 2014 – November 30, 2014.

For more information please visit http://www.phikappaphi.org/grants-awards/dissertation-fellowship.

Thank you and have a great day!

Name:  Kristin Ziebart

Area of Study / Position Title: Instructor of Chemistry

Why chemistry?  (What about it initially interested you?):  I had a fantastic high school chemistry teacher, and it was because of her that I decided to major in chemistry.  Chemistry allows me to understand the world around me – and I love explaining to students the “why” behind events that occur in daily life.

Research focus (in non-science terms) or basic job duties?  I have been teaching general chemistry in the CH 12x series, both on-campus and online, for the past 2 years. I have also taught a few courses in organic chemistry, such as CH 331 and CH 337. In the coming year, I’ll be teaching the chemistry majors lab course (CH 361, CH 362). I’m looking forward to this new opportunity, not least because I’ll be team-teaching with the same professors that taught me as an undergraduate many years ago.

One thing you truly love about your job?  The time I spend with my students, whether in office hours or the lecture hall, is the best part of every day. It’s very rewarding to see them achieve “aha!” moments.

One interesting/strange factoid about yourself.  Breaking Bad is one of my favorite TV shows.

Thursday, Oct. 9, and Wednesday, Oct. 15, in the MU Journey Room, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. while supplies last. Students: $20 (charged to student account, or to PacificSource if a grad assistant). Faculty/Staff: $30 (charged to PEBB Insurance or by cash or check). Bring OSU ID card and Providence or PacificSource insurance cards. FluMist nasal vaccine also available. Details: 541-737-9355 or http://studenthealth.oregonstate.edu/flu.

Fall is here and it’s time to start thinking about nominating one of your hard working employees or co-workers for the monthly Merit Award.  It‘s not necessary for them to be a member of AOP, but they should be classified or professional faculty. Please check out our website for more information on the monthly Merit award; http://oregonstate.edu/aop/awards-recognition