The Teva Pharmaceuticals Scholars grants program will begin accepting proposals on March 16th. Proposals are due by May 1st.

The Teva Pharmaceuticals Scholars grants program is administered by the ACS Office of Research Grants with funding provided by Teva Pharmaceuticals. The program is a philanthropic grant program that supports academic researchers in the fields of organic and medicinal chemistry.

Award Information
Amount: $100,000 per year for 3 years
Number of awards: 3
Award period: September 1, 2015 to August 31, 2018

An applicant must be a recently-tenured faculty member of a PhD-granting department in the United States.

Research Area and Evaluation Criteria
Applications for the Teva Pharmaceuticals Scholars grants must propose research in the area of organic chemistry, with potential or direct connections with medicinal or pharmaceutical chemistry, such that the successful results would be of potential practical benefit to the discovery of organic compounds useful as human medicines. Proposals are evaluated on: a) scientific merit, creativity and novelty; and b) addressing unexplored fields in organic and/or medicinal chemistry. General aspects of research proposals will also be considered, such as: Is the project achievable within the time frame? Are the personnel and facilities adequate? Does the applicant consider and address potential problems?

Multiple submissions are allowed assuming separate PIs. The Foundation Services office can assist in the proposal writing process


Request for Proposals in Support of Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others.*  Open textbooks and course materials are digital in format and made freely available online.   Free and open textbooks and course materials are being developed in many disciplines at a fast and growing rate and are funded by organizations such as the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.  Oregon State University is committed to supporting this endeavor.  To that end, Open Oregon State is a unit that has been created within Extended Campus to assist faculty in the research, use and creation of open educational resources.

Open Oregon State and the office of Summer Session are partnering to pilot a program to encourage the use of open textbooks and other course materials in order to address textbook/course material affordability for our students.

Proposals for the use of open educational textbooks and course materials for use in a face-to-face Corvallis or Hatfield Summer Session course are now being accepted.

Funding for accepted proposals is up to $1,000 per course.

Open Oregon State will assist faculty in finding and evaluating suitable open textbooks and course materials for their Summer Session course.   Summer Session agrees to highlight courses that have adopted OERs at no cost to students.  The faculty member agrees to use the open textbook and/or course materials in their Summer Session course.
In addition, the faculty member agrees to submit a 1-2 page review of the textbook/course materials that were used in the course, addressing the suitability of the materials for use in future courses using these review criteria.  This RFP and the Review Criteria are also attached.

For more information, contact:

Dianna Fisher                                    Claire Cross
Open Oregon State                            OSU Summer Session
541-737-8658                                   541-737-3107

*Defined by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
OOS_Summer RFP 2-19-15

Open Materials Review Criteria 2_13_15

Hello, Chemistry Department!

As with all the other finely tuned machines of chemistry awesomeness, occasionally Chemistry Stores must go through a standardized calibration process. Around here we call that the annual inventory. The time for our recalibration is coming soon!

As we have in past years, we will again be closing during Spring Break for our annual inventory count. The exact dates will be Wednesday, March 25th, through Friday, March 27th.

Chemistry Stores Receiving will still be open and processing the packages you ordered through Dan Keppinger but we will NOT be able to process ANY sales transactions during the closure. No you may not take things and pay for them later, our inventory needs to stay consistent during this time, as well.

Chemistry Stores will close at 4pm on Tuesday March 24th and will not reopen until 9am March 30th. Please plan you supplies and experimentation accordingly. I apologize in advance but there be NO EXCEPTIONS to this closure (baring threat to life or property of an extreme nature, all other natural disaster disclaimers apply here).

We thank you and appreciate your patience during this necessary inconvenience.

Next Friday (3/13/15) Dr. Kerry Ann Rockquemore, President and CEO of the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (who wrote the mentoring articles and mentor map model we discussed in the Search Advocate program) will be speaking on campus.  The target audience is tenure-track faculty, but those who work with and/or mentor tenure-track faculty will likely also find this quite valuable.  Please share this message and the attached flyer with anyone you know who might be interested—I particularly recommend it for anyone serving on a Provost’s Hiring Initiative search committee this year.  The session will be live-streamed, but is unlikely to be recorded or rebroadcast…so take advantage of the opportunity while she’s here!

The Colleges of Agricultural Sciences, Engineering, Science, and the Oregon State ADVANCE program are cosponsoring a session on “Time Management & Mentoring for Pre-Tenure Faculty” with Dr. Kerry Ann Rockquemore on March 13, 3:30-6:30 p.m. at LaSells Stewart Center in the Construction and Engineering Hall; this will be available by streaming ( to participants off-campus; unit leaders are welcome to participate. Please register if you are on campus and plan to attend in person by following the link in the attached flyer.

Thanks to Stella Coakley for forwarding this flyer and information, and thanks to all the sponsors for bringing Dr. Rockquemore to campus!

Registration is appreciated:

UHDS Residential Conferences is offering housing for OSU visiting interns, researchers, and scholars this summer in West Hall and Dixon Lodge. Room rates, photos, and reservation form may be found online here: For more information, please visit our website or contact us at (541) 737-9195 or

OSU Libraries & Press are pleased to announce a pilot Open Access Fund for OSU faculty authors. The fund will cover article processing charges from open access journals, and is for authors who do not have access to other funds to cover these charges. Articles that comply with the eligibility criteria will be funded on a first-come, first-served basis until available funds are exhausted. The application and additional information is available at

On behalf of the Division of Environmental Chemistry of the American Chemical Society, I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected as a winner of one of the 2015 Graduate Student Paper Awards.  This is the highest award given to students by the Division of Environmental Chemistry.

You will be presenting your paper at the Fall ACS Meeting in Boston at the special C. Ellen Gonter Environmental Chemistry Awards Symposium (usually it is on Tuesday afternoon) and will be our guest (i.e. don’t buy a dinner ticket) at the Environmental Division Dinner Tuesday evening.  At the dinner, you will receive a check for $1000 (the money is to offset some of your travel costs for attending the meeting).

In order for me to put together the symposium, I need some materials from you.  You will need to submit an abstract through the Program and Abstract Creation System (PACS).  Professor Simonich can give you guidelines on the abstract submission process (if you haven’t submitted one before) or you can call me with any questions.  I will be in touch with further information about the symposium.

Congratulations Leah!