The OSU Association of Office Professionals was formed to foster awareness, excellence, and professionalism in the ranks of office personnel. This award recognizes contributions toward these goals by individual members through creative approaches and consistently high performance as a professional in ways that benefit Oregon State. Nominees must be active AOP members and have participated in AOP-related activities within the last two years. To nominate an AOP member, submit your completed packet by April 22 to Laurie Wyant, The complete packet shall include a nomination form and two letters of support. One of the two letters should be from a co-worker or supervisor.
Golden Z Club announces Zonta Club Scholarship
Applications for the 2016-2017 Zonta Scholarships are available from the Zonta Club of Corvallis at!scholarships/ctvn. Multiple deadlines in April apply. Connect with the Golden Z club via Facebook for updates and information.
Faculty Release Time
The Research Office Incentive Programs is accepting applications for FRT Fall, Winter, or Spring 2016-17 release. The program provides limited funding for individuals developing external grant proposals or who wish to further their scholarly activities. Program description and application: Information: Debbie Delmore at Deadline: April 25.
Request for Applications – Action Research Fellows
The ESTEME@OSU Project and the Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning welcome applications for action research fellows. Teams or individual instructors using evidence based instructional practices in undergraduate STEM classrooms are encouraged to apply. Selected candidates will be supported in their research design and provided $3,000 financial support. Applications are due March 29th, 2016 by close of business to Please see for application instructions and more information.
NOTICE: LPSC Fume Hood Shutdown
Notice: Linus Pauling Science Center – Fume Hood Shutdown
Effective Date(s): April 18 – 20, 2016
Due to necessary repairs, the fume hoods in Linus Pauling Science Center will be offline April 18 – 20, 2016. Maintenance staff is coordinating this with Environmental Health and Safety. This will affect all lab fume hoods building wide.
For questions or comments on this notice, contact Richard Olsen at 541-737-7025.
Closures are often subject to changes and delays, so please visit the OSU Campus Closures, Shutdowns and Detours page for updates on this and other campus closures.
Please forward this notice to anyone who would benefit from this information.
Cultural Diversity Experience
I would like to invite you to share this opportunity with any advisees who might be interested. In this program we match INTO OSU students with native English speakers. Each group will meet once a week for about an hour on their own schedule throughout the term. This will allow participants to share experiences on campus or around Corvallis while learning about each other’s culture and background. The hope is that the partners will get a chance to navigate cultural difference and learn someone else’s story while becoming more familiar with their community. Sign up closes at the end of the first week of every term.
If individuals are interested they can sign up here:
You can learn more about the program here:
Thank you for your time!
Casey Glick
Student Engagement Coordinator
2016 Association of Office Professionals Member of the Year Award
The OSU Association of Office Professionals was formed to foster awareness, excellence, and professionalism in the ranks of office personnel. This award recognizes contributions toward these goals by individual members through creative approaches and consistently high performance as a professional in ways that benefit Oregon State. Nominees must be active AOP members and have participated in AOP-related activities within the last two years. To nominate an AOP member, submit your completed packet by April 22 to Laurie Wyant, The complete packet shall include a nomination form and two letters of support. One of the two letters should be from a co-worker or supervisor.
Focus on ECampus: Semester Sequence Bridge Course Student Feedback
The students have spoken – our new semester sequence bridge courses are a success! As of the current Winter 2016 term, we have begun offering CH 124 and CH 125: half-term courses that supplement our regular term in order for a distance student to meet a full semester at his or her home university. Here is the feedback we’ve received so far from students in these courses:
Christine Stockunas…. “I was a dually enrolled student last year when I took CH121 through OSU Ecampus. Seeing how successful I was, thanks in part to the instruction and support I experienced with OSU chemistry department, I decided to pursue a science-based degree. Due to some course inequivalencies from another school, as well as beginning my chemistry studies with CH 121, I was unable to transfer directly into the 200-level chemistry sequence this year. If it were not for CH 124 being offered I would have to take the entire first term of chemistry over again! Offering CH 124 is saving me time, stress, and money.”
Andrew Wimer… “I had 1 semester of chemistry at Willamette University about 12 years ago and am looking to make a career change. The program I’m applying to requires a full year of chemistry. I was thrilled to find [CH 125] because the University to which I am applying was willing to accept this bridge course and that has allowed me to have the option of not taking 2 terms of chemistry. Having it online is an additional benefit, as I work M-F 7-5 and am unable to attend almost every other alternative to this course. Overall, I don’t think there could’ve been a better fit for my situation than what is offered here in this course.”
Jaime Geib…. “[CH 124] was very convenient to meet my needs of fulfilling credit requirements for another University. However…the four week period is a stressful timeline to complete all of the work required by a 3-credit course. I would not recommend it to people working full time. This is what I am doing right now and it is not easily manageable. However, this course probably meets the needs of an undergraduate student much differently, especially if that student is on break.”
Boss of the Year Award
The Oregon State University Association of Office Professionals wants to recognize creative approaches and consistently superior performance as a supervisor. A nominee must be actively employed in a supervisory capacity at any level. Nominees must be an OSU employee. To nominate a supervisor for this award, submit nominations by April 22 to Laurie Wyant, Nomination packets must include a nomination form, and two letters of support, no longer than 2 pages in length. At least one should be from office support personnel.
Call for Fall 2016 U-Engage Proposals
We are currently soliciting applications from faculty and professional staff to serve as instructors in 1 of 30 anticipated U-Engage first year student transition courses next fall term. U-Engage instructors design their classes around a real-world problem or compelling question in an area of expertise, research or passion. The U-Engage shared learning outcomes and assignments are used across all course sections and will help guide your course design.
More information about U-Engage including the shared learning outcomes, responsibilities of instructors, support provided, upcoming information sessions, and a link to the application are available at: The deadline for submission is Monday, March 28th at 8PM.
In reviewing proposals, preference will be given to instructors who introduce real-world problems or questions that will be compelling to a first-year student audience and who have the academic and/or personal background to help students investigate the problem or question through an academic lens. Preference is also given to those with prior experience teaching and/or working closely with first-year students.
The U-Engage program provides $2000 in professional development funds for teaching one section of U-Engage (co-instructors split the stipend 50/50). It is the responsibility of instructors to check with their own departments about policies and/or practices related to the use of professional development funds prior to committing to teach a U-Engage section.
I hope you will give serious consideration to this opportunity to help a group of next year’s first year students acquire the critical skills and qualities to thrive in their studies and lives at OSU. Our data show that these courses not only help advance student success, but also help us to significantly decrease achievement gaps and increase retention.
Please gain the approval of your unit head prior to submitting an application. Do not hesitate to contact Emma Larkins, the First-Year Experience Coordinator in New Student Programs and Family Outreach ( to discuss details or questions regarding U-Engage.
Best regards,