Dear colleagues,


I am pleased to announce a new OSU-wide entrepreneurship center led by the College of Business that may be of interest to you, as well as your students, faculty and staff –InnovationX, the OSU Center of Excellence for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. While the center lives in the College of Business, we serve students of all majors across OSU. You can find more information here:

Below is a quick summary of the services and resources available through the center. I invite you to share this information broadly and to partner with us in this effort:

  • FACULTY AFFILIATION. We invite faculty who are engaged in innovation or entrepreneurship research/service/teaching to consider applying to be a Faculty Fellow of InnovationX. Faculty can complete our online interest form ( to learn more. We look forward to building a robust community of scholars and thought leaders who are dedicated to innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • LAUNCH PAD. Starting Fall of 2018, a new series of first-year courses for undergrads, called Launch Pad, will be open to first-year students of any major. The purpose of the Launch Pad course series is to attract students to OSU who have an interest in entrepreneurship, no matter what their major. These aspiring young entrepreneurs and their parents have expressed great excitement about this program. We believe Launch Pad will be a unique differentiator for OSU and a program that helps all colleges attract entrepreneurial students! If you’d like to partner to leverage Launch Pad to recruit entrepreneurial students into your undergrad programs, please let us know. Visit for details.
  • LAUNCH ACADEMY. Launch Academy is a new OSU student incubator that is open to serve all students (grad and undergrad) from any major across OSU. Launch Academy includes access to competitive seed funding, co-working space, mentoring and training to help students advance their ideas. Launch Academy students also have access to the DAMlab makerspace, the Austin Prototyping Workshop Series and the Austin Entrepreneurship Mentor Network. Visit for details.
  • LAUNCH-U SPEAKER SERIES. Hosted on Thursdays each term, this speaker series features entrepreneurs and innovators from all backgrounds who share their experiences and help students develop their ideas. The speaker series is open for any OSU student to attend and is co-hosted by the Entrepreneurship Student Club and the College of Engineering. We welcome additional partners.

I hope you will encourage your students, faculty and staff to engage with these new resources. We anticipate extending InnovationX to Portland and Bend over the coming year. I’ll keep you posted as we proceed. I’m also copying Audrey Iffert-Saleem ( on this note. Audrey leads InnovationX and would be glad to chat with you about our work and how we can partner.


Best –



Mitzi M. Montoya, PhD

Sara Hart Kimball Dean

Oregon State University | College of Business | 541-737-6024

LinkedIn | Twitter | Website

Dear Colleagues,

This is a reminder about how we should treat student information within the FERPA boundaries. Violations of FERPA can have severe consequences, both for you as a faculty member and for your department, so we all need to pay attention.

Please review these examples of student records.

Review this quick overview of FERPA policy online.

Familiarize yourself with these guidelines for releasing information.

Tips from the guidelines

Keep student ID numbers, social security numbers, and student names from being displayed publicly.

If you leave graded assignments for student pick up, have a system in place to protect students from seeing each other’s work (e.g. have an office staff member check a student’s ID card before giving them back an assignment).

Make sure attendance rosters do not list anything except students’ names and be sure these rosters are kept in a safe, secure place after each class. Keep your class roster private.

Only discuss student progress with the student or another OSU employee who has a legitimate educational interest in the student unless you have written consent from the student.

Refrain from helping anyone other than an OSU employee locate a student on campus.

Only email using OSU-issued email addresses because they verify identity and have been vetted by OSU information security.


There is tension between complying with FERPA and the need to return work fast and easily to all students. In general, the more complex the return of graded work, the less graded work is picked up by students. Nevertheless, FERPA is the guiding law and must be followed.

Below is some helpful advice based on previous experience. This is not a complete list, so if you have questions that are not covered, always ask.

Some students have protected all of their information by adding a confidentiality flag to their record. We are required to protect these students. We are not allowed to identify publicly that these students attend OSU. This is why CANVAS is really helpful. For example, all class material that relates to students, such as lists of assigned projects, should be posted on CANVAS.

When you discard class material that could connect a student’s name with a course, shred it. Shredding can be done by using the confidential recycling bins. Recycle only general handouts that were given to all students and are unmarked.

A good practice to follow for exams is to organize material so that after all grading is done and recorded and scantrons and so on are removed, the cover sheet only shows the name of the student and no other course information.

Never leave students’ work, graded or not, unattended in a public space.

When grading in a public place, try to ensure that student information is not readily visible others.

If you store student grades on your computer, be sure to lock your computer when not in use.

Do not send a photo roster to the whole class so students can identify each other.

In class do not talk about the performance of a student by name or in a manner that would make the student recognizable unless the student has given permission.

If you use a list of student names to collect signatures after exams, do not put any other information on that list, even in the header (things like course identifier).


As always, it is better to be safe than sorry. If you are not sure what is correct, please ask!

Kind regards,



Henri Jansen

Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs

College of Science

FERPA Policy
I am writing to call your attention to the DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Program. This fellowship supports graduate students to spend 3-12 months collaborating with a DOE national lab scientist as part of their dissertation research.  This program is targeted at existing graduate students that are working towards their PhDs.  Please talk to your colleagues and collaborators at UW, WSU or beyond that could be candidates to take advantage of this Program to support the cultivation of new collaborations.  Note that the applicants must be U.S. Citizens or Permanent Resident Aliens (a DOE rule). The deadline for submission is May 15th.
The description of ASCR, BES, BER, FES, HEP, and NP Priority Research areas is at the following link:

From: Aaron Shonk, Senior Director, Foundation Relations

            Oregon State University Foundation


Funding Opportunity:  Keck Foundation – Call for concept papers


Deadline:  May 29, 2018


This is a call for concept papers for research projects in either science & engineering or medical research. Proposed projects should have the potential to meet the funding interests of the W.M. Keck Foundation. Please forward this call for concept papers to department chairs and any faculty who may be interested.


The Keck Foundation seeks to support outstanding basic research in science, engineering, and medicine that will have a significant impact in solving complex issues and problems. The Foundation strives to fund endeavors that are distinctive and novel in their approach.

Keck encourages projects that are high-risk with the potential for transformative impact. “High-risk” comprises a number of factors, including questions that push the edge of the field, present unconventional approaches to intransient problems, or challenge the prevailing paradigm. “Transformative” may mean creation of a new field of research, development of new instrumentation enabling observations not previously possible, or discovery of knowledge that challenges prevailing perspectives.

The Keck Foundation looks for projects that would not qualify for federal funding from agencies like NSF and NIH due to the project’s high-risk nature. Projects that have received federal funding or that have applications pending for federal funding are unlikely to be funded.

Keck also looks for outstanding project personnel who are very accomplished in terms of publications and journal citations and highly regarded in their area of research. Keck is open to funding faculty at either the junior or senior level.

The maximum amount of funding available for a Keck research grant is $2 million. Research projects can run from one to five years.

Further details can be found at:


Concept Paper

Concept papers should be limited to one page using 12 point font with 1” margins. Concept papers should include the following:

  • Indication as to whether the proposal’s emphasis is for (1) science/engineering or (2) medical research. (Simply state one term or the other at the top of the page in the title.)
  • Overview of the research proposed emphasizing unique aspects of the project and pilot studies.
  • Brief description of the methodologies and key personnel
  • Brief justification of the need for Keck support
  • Length of time for the project
  • Estimated budget showing major areas of expenditures such as personnel, equipment, consumable supplies, etc.
  • Availability of, or potential for, matching funds from OSU or other funding sources\

On a second page, please provide a brief description of any previous or pending funding requests for your project.


Do not include illustrations in the concept paper.

Interested faculty should email their concept paper to Elizabeth Ocampo, Foundation Relations Coordinator at the OSU Foundation by the deadline above. Elizabeth’s email address is Any questions about these concept papers can be directed to Elizabeth at 541-737-7362.



If you are interested in submitting a concept paper for consideration, please carefully review the following information about the timeline for this funding cycle.

A concept paper submitted for this funding cycle would result in the following deadlines:

May 29                     Deadline for concept papers submitted to OSU Foundation

May 30 – June 21    Research Office reviews concept papers and selects 1- 2 concepts

for pre-application advice from Keck.

July 1 – Aug 15       Research Office has pre-application advice session with Keck.

Aug 15 – Aug 30     Research Office notifies PIs of Keck feedback and whether PI

can submit a Phase I application to Keck.

November 1             Phase I deadline

January 15, 2019      Keck notifies PI if s/he is invited to submit full proposal.

February 15              Phase II deadline

June 2019                 Keck Board meeting for review and funding decision

Anyone wishing to be considered for this funding cycle at Keck must be available to meet the above deadlines.

Please keep in mind that Keck has two funding cycles per year. A concept paper on your research project could be considered for future funding cycles if the timeline for this funding cycle does not work for your schedule.


Other Considerations

If you have proposed this project to other funders, please provide that information as an addendum to your concept paper. This includes both proposals currently pending a decision and proposals that have been declined.

Keck looks for strong evidence of institutional support for a proposed research project. Keck favors projects that (1) present a matching amount of institutional resources and (2) have obtained or applied for support from external private funding sources. Keck will allow the OSU indirect costs of the project to be counted as institutional support.

Keck asks that the PI of a proposal disclose if he/she is considering leaving the institution.

I have a short consulting project requiring a small amount of wet chemistry in a lab to fabricate a sensor, basically following a procedure disclosed in a journal article and a patent in 1991. It probably could be done by anyone with good lab skills, including a graduate student or a BS level chemist or even a good undergraduate with supervision. Let me know if you have any interest or can help with any leads. Unfortunately, the work would need to be done on a short timeline, within the next few weeks.

Scott E. Davis

One World Trade Center
121 SW Salmon Street, Suite 1600
Portland, OR 97204 U.S.A.

P: 503.595.5300
D: 503.473.0933
F: 503.595.5301

Email | Website | <image002.png> Patent Defenses

We are pleased to announce the session schedule for the Cayuse Workshop scheduled for Monday, April 30, in Milne (MCC) 130. Bethany Northquist, Professional Services Consultant from Cayuse, will be on campus to conduct a full day Cayuse Workshop comprising multiple sessions. Presentations will include basics of Cayuse, new features of recent upgrades, and reporting/data tools. Please note the computer classroom holds just 20 people so we have provided a Google Docs sign up list below for anyone who wants to reserve a seat.  Non-reserved seats will be open to anyone on a first come basis.  All sessions are open to our Outreach Community as well as Faculty and others who use Cayuse for proposal creation and submission.

To RESERVE a seat, please sign up on the Google Doc available at: you have trouble signing on to this site, reply to this email  <Julie.Meier@oregonstate.eduand I will add your name to the session(s) you want to attend.

10:30am-Noon: Intro to Cayuse/Cayuse Basics
Basic Navigation
Proposal Creation in Cayuse SP
Creating a paired proposal in Cayuse 424
Proposal Submission

Noon-12:30pm: Break

12:30-1:00pm: Open Session/Workshop/Q&A
Open to anyone that is interested in learning more about Cayuse. Feel free to drop in even if you already attended an earlier session.
1:00-2:00pm: Reporting with Cayuse
How to access the canned reports in Cayuse SP
Who can see what within the reports
Cayuse SP/Cayuse 424 Data Connect

2:00-3:00pm: Navigating Cayuse SP
Advanced navigation in Cayuse SP
How to locate, view, and edit proposals in Cayuse SP
Roles and Access within Cayuse SP

3:00-5:00pm: Open Session/Workshop/Q&A
Open to anyone that is interested in learning more about Cayuse. Feel free to drop in even if you already attended an earlier session.


Julie Meier, Cayuse Administrator
Office for Sponsored Research and Award Administration

Reduce the cost of textbooks and save OSU students money! OSU Faculty are invited to submit a proposal to replace a current textbook with high-quality, no or low-cost alternatives. Winners receive $500 to $1,000 to compensate them for time spent in locating, evaluating and selecting open educational resources or low-cost alternatives. This grant is sponsored by the Women’s Giving Circle. Proposals are due by May 30, 2018. Contact Stefanie Buck (

Spring Conference Registration is now CLOSED

Contact for late registration

Friday, April 27, 2018

CH2M Hill Alumni Center
Oregon State University

Conference Committee

Vrushali Bokil – Associate Professor, Mathematics

Rebecca Hutchinson – Assistant Professor, Fisheries & Wildlife, EECS

Duo Jiang – Assistant Professor, Statistics

Molly Megraw – Assistant Professor, Botany & Plant Pathology

All individuals with an interest in computational biology are invited to attend and participate.

The Spring Conference/Colloquium will feature excellent science from invited guests, OSU faculty, students and staff.

ASBC Customers,

I wanted to let you know about a special Benny Buy training to be provided to ASBC staff and customers.  The training will cover primarily the requestor role, with considerable overlap with the shopper role.   The same training will be offered on two separate days, May 7 & 10.  Both trainings will be identical content, but are being offered at different times to make it easier for you to find a time that works with your schedule.

While Benny Buy is not yet required for all our purchasing, my understanding is that it will be our main mode for purchasing in the future.  This would be a great opportunity to get first time training, get extra training to help reinforce what you’ve already learned, ask questions directly to Alex Sims (trainer), bring examples to work through, and share observations/suggestions, etc.

This training would be particularly beneficial to unit administrative assistants, key contacts, and  office staff.  Unit heads and directors are also assigned the requestor role in the system, and may benefit from this training to help them handle requests themselves, or to assist them in supervising those who do.  Please also feel free to pass this invitation along to others in your units that you feel would benefit.  Examples would be individual PI’s or lab managers who have a particular interest in learning to use the new system in the requestor role.

The trainings will be 2 hours each in Kidder Hall, Room 278

May 7 from 3PM to 4:50PM

May 10 from 8AM to 9:50 AM

Hopefully, one of those times will work for you.  There is no need to RSVP, just show up.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Thank you.




Mark Johnson, C.P.A.

Manager, Arts & Sciences Business Center

Oregon State University

Hovland Hall, 011

Corvallis, Oregon 97331



This email is to request your assistance in identifying any OSU graduate students or faculty (adjunct or otherwise), with a master’s degree or greater in chemistry, who is available to teach our General Chemistry course as an adjunct during the Fall 2018 term (August 29th – December 14th), please see Fall 2017 syllabus attached.

As our lecture (CHEM 121) and lab (CHEM 121L) are two separate courses, that need to be taken simultaneously, there is an option for the adjunct in question to teach the lecture only, with me teaching the lab.  Teaching both or lecture only is up to the adjunct we hire.

I ask that you direct interested parties to me, for questions, and to the link at for the application process.

Thank you.



Tim Rogers, M.Ed.

CHEM121_MCNEIL_FA17 08-24-17