About the Program

Each Chemistry Summer Research Fellow will receive a stipend of approximately $7400 to perform research over 10 weeks under direction of a chemistry faculty member on the Minneapolis campus of the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities.  The program also includes weekly lunches with faculty, a poster session, and various professional and social events (e.g. visits to companies, museums, and amusement parks).

All fellows will be given the opportunity to live on campus for the duration of the program at a cost of approximately $1900.

Summer Research Program

Program Dates: June 4 –August 10, 2018

All appointments will be made within the time frame of June-August, with the first Monday in June reserved as a move-in day.  Therefore, all travel arrangements may be made accordingly.  If you require housing for a short period of time before the program commences or after the program has concluded, please contact the program director:


Nick Erickson




Program History

Maximillian Nandor Lando, a 1902 chemistry graduate of the University of Minnesota, initiated the Lando Program in 1973 with funds from his bequest to the University of Minnesota.  Lando has been, and is presently also supported by the National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) grant.

Application & Eligibility

Applicants are accepted from those students who are presently in their sophomore or junior year of undergraduate studies in chemistry or closely related fields.

All students who fulfill these requirements are eligible to apply to the NSF/REU and the Lando Chemistry Summer Undergraduate Research Program.

The online application is available at: http://z.umn.edu/landonsf

The deadline for completion and submission of the application for the summer of 2018 is February 1, 2018.


Lando Summer Undergraduate Research Program University of Minnesota Department of Chemistry



Love Thanksgiving food? You’re in luck. University Housing & Dining Services is offering three different Thanksgiving meals at Oregon State. Pick just one, or feast at all three! People going home for the holiday can get a Thanksgiving fix early: Thursday, Nov. 16 at Marketplace West. Anyone on campus on Nov. 23, Thanksgiving Day, can attend the annual dinner at Southside Station at Arnold. Each all-inclusive meal price is $9.95 and includes turkey, potatoes, and other holiday favorites. All meals are open to students, staff, faculty, and members of the community. Meal times and details: uhds.link/thanksgiving17

Get ready for Daylight Saving Time! This annual safety fair features pedestrian and bike light giveaways by OSU Transportation Services, bike tune-ups by the Corvallis Bicycle Collective, prize drawings for Portland-based Showers Pass raingear, and more. Wednesday, Nov 8, noon to 2 p.m., in the SEC Plaza.

The next University Budget Conversations open forum is Thursday, November 9, 2017 in Marketplace West-Northwest Room from 12:30 pm-1:30 pm. Sherm Bloomer, Director of Budget & Fiscal Planning will be talking about Facilities & Administrative Costs (also known as Indirect Costs). The one-page handout for this session addressing F&A Costs is available on the Budget Conversations Schedule webpage for review ahead of the forum. The forums are open to all OSU students and employees, and you are encouraged to attend. If you have content related questions, please contact Shermfor more information. For general or logistical questions, contact Karren for assistance.


Dear Students,

The Chemistry Department at the University of North Texas invites applications for our Summer 2018 NSF-REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) Program.  The ten-week program will begin May 29 (arriving May 27).  Participants will receive a $5,000 stipend, and housing will be provided.  Funds are available to help defray travel costs to and from the REU site, which is located in the northern outskirts of the Dallas-Ft. Worth area.

If you are interested, please submit your application, personal statement, transcripts and two letters of recommendation to us by Thursday, February 15, 2018.  As stated in the attached flyer, application forms and additional information can be found on our webpage: http://chemistry.unt.edu/nsf-reu-program

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


Thank you,


Shawn Adams

UNT Chemistry REU Program Coordinator

1155 Union Circle, #305070

Denton, TX 76203

Tel: 940-565-4372

Fax: 940-565-4318


UNT REU Flyer 2018


This is Mike Janney, I am a Sr. Recruiter for Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU).  I am e-mailing you to alert you regarding two summer programs currently accepting applicants for the 2018 summer period.  The U.S. Army Research Lab Summer Journeyman Fellowship Program and the U.S. Army Institute for Surgical Research Summer Internship Program. These are amazing opportunities for your students to expand their research experience within their area of study!

In addition these summer opportunities, we have an extensive amount of available research opportunities with over 70 Department of Defense programs in all areas of STEM.  I hope that you will encourage your students to check out the available opportunities administered by the ORAU Maryland Office.  The ORAU Maryland Office administers the Army Research Lab Research Associateship Program (formerly the ARL Postdoctoral Program) and all ORISE Department of Defense opportunities.  Aside from the “summer” opportunities, most post-graduate research appointments are scheduled to be a twelve month appointments; the renewal or continuation of the research appointment is contingent upon facility approval and upon the continued availability of funds.  Renewals are offered up to one year at a time, for a total of up to five years of research participation. Most of the research opportunities will required U.S. Citizenship to access the military installations.  http://www.orau.org/maryland/


The U.S. Army Research Laboratory’s (ARL) Research Associateship Program (RAP) has Summer Journeyman Fellowships available for undergraduate-PhD students.

Over the 2018 summer, students can participate in research at one of the Army Research Lab facilities in Aberdeen, MD, Adelphi, MD, or White Sands, NM in one of five research areas:

  • Computational & Information Sciences (May consider international students pursuing STEM degrees at U.S. institutions)
  • Human Research & Engineering (May consider international students pursuing STEM degrees at U.S. institutions)
  • Sensors & Electron Devices (May consider international students pursuing STEM degrees at U.S. institutions)
  • Vehicle Technology (U.S. Citizens ONLY)
  • Weapons & Materials (U.S. Citizens ONLY)

Applications close Sunday, November 12, 2017.  

The U.S. Army Institute for Surgical Research, located in San Antontio, TX has just posted their opportunity for the 2018 Summer Internship Program.  This opportunity is open to only Bachelor level candidates.  U.S. Citizenship is REQUIRED.  Applications close Tuesday, January 2, 2018. The intent of the undergraduate student internship is to provide an opportunity for students interested in science, engineering or medical career fields to participate in research directed at improving the care of injured military service members and society at large.  This mentored research experience will expose interns to ongoing efforts in integrated science, technology and engineering solutions at the nation’s premier military trauma research institute.

ARL Summer Journeyman Website:


ISR Summer Internship Project Announcement:


Best regards,

Mike Janney ORISE Sr. Recruiter – DoD Participant Programs 4692 Millennium Drive, Suite 101 | Belcamp, MD 21017 michael.janney@orau.org

According to the Faculty Senate Bylaws  (http://senate.oregonstate.edu/bylaws Article V. Sec. 1.) non-tenured faculty who have split appointments between two apportionment units may choose with which unit they wish to be apportioned for Senate purposes; this choice will determine Senate representation. For example, if a faculty member has a split appointment between Agricultural Sciences and Science, they may choose one or the other (FTE will not be split among units). Faculty not choosing where they wish to be apportioned will be placed in an apportionment unit at the discretion of the Faculty Senate Office. Respond by noon on Thursday, Nove. 2 via the survey athttps://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8A3lUBC4ElnkGnH to indicate with which unit you wish to be apportioned. Tenured faculty will be apportioned in their tenure unit, with the exception of off-campus Extension, OSU-Cascades, and Hatfield Marine Science Center.

All faculty represented by the Faculty Senate (http://senate.oregonstate.edu/bylaws Article III. Sec. 1., paragraph 8) are eligible during the Fall 2017 elections to be elected to a Faculty Senator position and represent faculty in their apportionment unit, unless they are: a current Senator whose term extends beyond Dec. 31, 2017; a current Senator who is completing two consecutive three-year terms on Dec. 31, 2017; or an administrator with an Executive Level 1, 2 or 3 position (dean or above).If you wish to decline to have your name placed on the Faculty Senator nomination ballot, please respond by noon, Nov. 7 via the survey at http://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5nj4OhspZmhZoRT.

We are aggressively recruiting new faculty to our department including ongoing searches for at least 2 Tenure-Tenure Track Positions described below.  The response has been very encouraging and we thank you for any assistance in identifying candidates.  The searches will continue until filled despite a momentary – and potentially confusing –  lapse in the appearance of our advertisement in C&EN (chemistryjobs.acs.org).  The ads are current at msujobs.msstate.edu.

Our Department is in rapid building mode yet despite current faculty numbers, we graduate an average of 10 Ph.D. professionals each year.  We invite you to visit our web site and reacquaint yourself with Mississippi State Chemistry (chemistry.msstate.edu).

We look forward to returning the favor.





Dennis W. Smith, Jr., Ph.D.

Professor & Department Head

Office: 662.325.7813

Dept.: 662.325.3584



Tenure-Track Faculty Positions, Open Rank

The Department of Chemistry at Mississippi State University invites applications for two tenure-track positions open to ALL AREAS OF CHEMISTRY including, but not limited to analytical, biological, chemical education, inorganic, materials chemistry, organic, physical at the rank of assistant, associate, or full professor, beginning August 2018.  Applicants must have a Ph.D. in chemistry or related field, a demonstrated record of research accomplishments, and a strong commitment to teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.  Consideration of applications will begin September 16, 2017, and will continue until the positions are filled.  Applicants must apply online and include a cover letter, current curriculum vitae, summary of research plans, statement of teaching interests, and have three letters of recommendation sent to: search@chemistry.msstate.edu.

Advertisement in Chemical & Engineering News
Apply now at msujobs.msstate.edu!

Assistant Clinical Professor Positions

The Department of Chemistry at Mississippi State University invites applications for two 9 month non-tenure track positions at the rank of clinical assistant professor beginning on or after January 1, 2018.  The initial three-year appointments can be extended and follow academic promotion track.  Applicants must have a Ph.D. in chemistry or a related area and must demonstrate a strong commitment to excellence in teaching.  Applicants with prior teaching experience are particularly encouraged to apply.  The successful applicant will be primarily responsible for teaching undergraduate courses in chemistry with additional service or other duties supportive of the undergrad program.  Applicants must apply online and attach a cover letter, current curriculum vitae, a teaching portfolio, and the complete contact information for two professional references.  Nominations for or communication about this position should be sent to Chair, Chemistry Search Committee at search@chemistry.msstate.edu. Review of applicants will begin September 15, 2017 and applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.

Advertisement in Chemical & Engineering News
Apply now at msujobs.msstate.edu!

POSTDOCTORAL POSITIONS AVAILABLE IN SYNTHETIC ORGANIC / POLYMER CHEMISTRY.   Our research laboratories in the Department of Chemistry at Mississippi State University invites applications and nominations for postdoctoral fellowships beginning immediately.  Successful applicants will have experience in synthetic organic chemistry preferably with a background in synthesis & characterization of monomer and polymeric materials design and applications.  Experience with aromatic, phenolic, organofluorine, and fluoropolymer chemistry is encouraged but not required.  A competitive compensation package is offered along with an exceptional environment for multidisciplinary collaboration and potential downstream technology transfer and entrepreneurism.  Interested candidates should email a cover letter, CV, and contacts of 3 references addressed to  Prof. Dennis Smith, Department of Chemistry, Mississippi State University via Ms. Sara Knighten at: sknighten@chemistry.msstate.edu.

MSU is an equal opportunity employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, ethnicity, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), national origin, disability status, age, sexual orientation, genetic information, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. We always welcome nominations and applications from women, members of any minority group, and others who share our passion for building a diverse community that reflects the diversity in our student population.