There are three new open opportunities on the Halo platform. I’ve attached slides from the informational webinars held this week, along with my notes from the Q&A sessions. Please feel free to send me an email or call if you have questions about the presentations. 

Halo submissions are simple and short. Only non-confidential information is shared at this stage, and if advanced, you’ll loop in OSRAA and a Cayuse submission. Importantly, this stage initiates a relationship between the PI and the corporation, a pathway by which future research developments can be shared.

Deadlines for all three of these calls are March 31. Halo highly suggests submitting as soon as possible; submissions will be reviewed as quickly as they are received. Those received before the crowded last week before the deadline have an attention advantage. 

Joyn Bio

Plant-associated microbes for crop care

Seeking licensing agreements for new strains of plant-associated microbes (Bacteria, Fungi, Yeast, or other unicellular organisms) for generating engingeered microorganisms. 

Relevant research areas: Microbiology, Crop Science

Funding can range from $10,000 to $500,000 over the course of one year. 


Recyclable materials with vapor barriers for paper-based food packaging

Sonoco is seeking barrier materials, coatings, films, structures or components therein, for paper-based rigid can and flexible food packaging. The barriers must reduce oxygen and moisture vapor transmission while maintaining food freshness during transportation, shelf life and consumer use. Technology that improves surface or coating characteristics of the paper for subsequent barrier materials is also of interest.

Funding can range up to $100,000 for a 6-12 month project with potential follow on funding for 1-2 years.

Sustainable mold coating/technology for part release from metal mold

Coatings or technologies that promote the release of polyester or polyamide thermoformed or injection molded parts from metal molds without using Teflon. The solution should be durable and should not peel off from the surface of the metal mold at operating temperatures which may exceed 400°F.

Funding can range up to $100,000 for 6-12 month projects with the potential follow on funding for 1-2 years




Director of Development, Foundation Relations

Dear Colleagues,

The search committee for the Director of Equity, Access and Inclusion is exciting to invite you to engage with our on-campus candidates. Please consider attending the presentations and providing your feedback for each of our candidates. They will both be presenting on ways to broaden the image of a scientist, which is a proposed action in the diversity action plan.

Candidate #1 – Kameron Kadooka
Friday, February 25 – 10 a.m.

In-person in Kidder 128 – Conference Room

On Zoom:

Candidate #2 – Stella Hein

Monday, February 28 – 9 a.m.

In-person in Kidder 128 – Conference Room

On Zoom:

Please contact me if you have any questions. We will follow up with those at the talk and on Zoom with a feedback form.

Please take a moment to look at the following alumni awards and send us your nominations.  Nominations need not be long – a few sentences will do nicely.  Please send nominations to and cc me.  



Lifetime Achievement in Science Award

This award honors the distinguished career and recognizes exceptional and significant contributions to science over the course of a lifetime either through research, scholarship or teaching.

Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award

This award is given annually to an alumnus/alumna whose exceptional achievements in business, education, public service or research that has brought honor, distinction and visibility to the College of Science at Oregon State University. Nominations are solicited from the departments in the College in consultation with the OSU Foundation and the OSU Alumni Association. Nomination packets will also be shared each year for consideration for the E. B. Lemon Distinguished Alumni Award and/or the Alumni Fellow Award, which is given every other year. In the future, the timing of this College award will be coordinated to coincide with these university awards.

Distinguished Service Award

This award recognizes the distinguished service of an alumnus, alumna or friend of the College of Science at Oregon State University. Nominations will be sought from the department chairs/heads in the College and from the OSU Foundation. This award will also be given annually, and the selected recipient will be nominated for the Dan Poling Service Award by the OSU Alumni Association.

Young Alumni Award

This award recognizes the exceptional achievements in career, public service and/or volunteer activities of a young alumnus/alumna. “Young” is defined as less than 10 years from the most recent degree. Consideration will be given to nominees who may have taken breaks during their career paths. If the nominee is qualified for the OSU Alumni Association Young Alumni Award (age 35 or younger), then the nomination will be forwarded to OSUAA. This award will be given annually with input and guidance from the department chairs in the College, OSUAA and the OSU Foundation.

Send us your nominations!

To nominate exceptional the College of Science alumni or friends for these awards, please submit send nominations to

Dear Community Members, 

We know many of us are concerned and dismayed by the news of the reported physical assault, involving sexual orientation bias, that took place on our Corvallis campus. We know incidents like this can be traumatic. We are offering a Community Care Circle in support of anyone struggling or who wants to be in community in light of this violence. The Community Care Circle will take place Tuesday, February 22 at 6:30 p.m. in the Kaku-Ixt Mana Ina Haws. 

Please help us spread the word about this event by using the enclosed flyer, Instagram image, and monitor materials. This event is hosted by Diversity and Cultural Engagement-Pride Center, Counseling and Psychological Services, and the Office of Institutional Diversity. 

Accommodation requests related to disability should be made to Cindy Konrad at konrad@oregonstate.eduor call 541-737-9969. 

Additionally, two employee-only, virtual community care spaces are available, facilitated by the Employee Assistance Program. Please register for a session via the links below. Both sessions are limited to 30 employees. Accommodation requests related to disability should be made to Christina Schaaf at or 541-737-4960. 

Employee EAP Community Care Session, 2/22 12PM, Register Here

Employee EAP Community Care Session, 2/23 12PM, Register Here

In solidarity, 

Cindy Konrad 

Diversity and Cultural Engagement – Pride Center 

Ian Kellems 

Counseling and Psychological Services 

Teresita Alvarez-Cortez 

Office of Institutional Diversity

OSU’s Open Educational Resources Unit is accepting proposals for the Affordable Learning Grant through March 29. The grant provides funding to adopt, adapt or author an open educational resource, such as a textbook. An open textbook is one that is published under an open copyright license and made freely available online for students, faculty and the public. All funding is a department-to-department transfer. Please talk to your department head about how this applies to the grant. Questions? Contact Stefanie Buck.