Today, USDA-NIFA-AFRI posted a funding opportunity entitled “Agriculture and Natural Resources Science for Climate Variability and Change”. This is a $5 million program. The program is to focus on “ societal challenge to adapt agroecosystems and natural resource systems to climate variability and change and implement mitigation strategies in those systems.”

To read the full RFA, go to the following URL:

In the “Search by Funding Opportunity Number:” box, put in


Please note that applications to this RFA may include “international partnerships.” Applicants must note, however, that “… any international activity proposed under AFRI such as partnerships, exchanges, training, trips, etc., must first and foremost support AFRI’s domestic program goals.” Page two of the RFA contains more details on this aspect.

Please forward this information to those interested. Note that closing date for application is 15 April 2013.

The Department of Energy (DOE), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Science Foundation (NSF), Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), and Mars, Incorporated are pleased to announce that they will nominate and sponsor a maximum of 85 total graduate students to attend the 63rd annual meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau, Germany, from June 30 through July 5, 2013. We invite your institution to nominate up to two students for each sponsor to be considered for this very exciting opportunity.

Since 1951, Nobel Prize winners and students in chemistry, physics, and physiology or medicine have met annually in Lindau, located on Lake Constance in southwestern Germany. It is anticipated that some 550 students from more than 70 countries will attend the weeklong meeting in 2013. There are formal lectures in the morning, and the remainder of the day is set aside for the students to meet informally with the Nobel Laureate scientists, as well as with their fellow students from around the world. Information on the most recent meeting and comments from students who attended are available at

In 2013, the meeting will feature recipients of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. You may nominate students to attend this meeting who:

  • are U.S. citizens currently enrolled at a university as full-time graduate students;
  • have completed by June 2013 at least two academic years of graduate studies toward a doctoral degree in chemistry or in a related discipline, but not be planning a dissertation/thesis defense before December 31, 2013;
  • If applying to DOE, NIH, or NSF: be supported by and/or working on a project, grant, or fellowship sponsored by the DOE Office of Science (DOE-SC), NIH (NCI, NIAAA, NIDCR, NIEHS, or NIGMS only), or the NSF Directorate for Mathematical & Physical Sciences (NSF-MPS).
  • If applying to ORAU: be attending an ORAU member institution (list is available here: and actively engaged in research funded by private or public sources.
  • If applying to Mars, Incorporated: be actively engaged in research funded by private or public sources.

All forms and nomination instructions can be found at We are especially interested in receiving nominations from a diverse group of students, including women, under-represented minorities and people with disabilities.

The selection process for the Lindau Meeting occurs over three phases. The universities and National Laboratories complete the first phase by selecting up to two students per sponsor and submitting the nomination packet for each student.  DOE, NIH, NSF, ORAU, and Mars, Incorporated complete phase two by selecting the students to nominate to the Lindau Meeting.  The final phase of selection is completed by the Lindau Meeting and its screening process. All three phases ultimately adhere to the Lindau Meeting’s selection criteria.

All nominations must be submitted online before Friday, December 14, 2012 at 4:00 pm, Eastern Time. Nominees will be notified by January 31, 2013 whether they have been selected for phase three of the nomination process. Further information about the program, including the web site for submission of nominations, can be found online at

The President/Chancellor/Director of your institution may delegate responsibility for submitting nominations to another office in your institution. However, individual faculty members may not submit nominations directly. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact me using the contact information below.

Best wishes and good luck,


Sam Held

Program  Manager

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education

PO Box 117, MS 36

Oak Ridge, TN 37831-0117

865.576.8223 office 865.368.3272 mobile


Many of you have been asking if we will continue the pilot program to allow Ecampus courses to count toward full time status which includes tuition remission. Sabah has decided to continue this program but reassess financial impacts to the institution annually.  I am suggesting that we reassess at the end of this academic year (Spring 2013), and decide at that time to continue or not.

We also will continue to cover costs to units teaching the courses as has been done for the past year.  The Budget Office charges the unit that employs the student the cost of the remission (as we do for a “usual” graduate remission).   That tuition is then paid to Ecampus, so the total income to Ecampus is not reduced because of the remissions and the income from the course is then passed on to the teaching unit with no reduction.



Brenda McComb, Dean

The Graduate School

Rm 300 Kerr Admin Bldg

Oregon State University

Corvallis, Oregon, 97330 USA

Phone: 541-737-4881 , Fax: 541-737-3313

OSU Chemistry Ethics requirement policy:  (11/06/12)  


OSU now requires that departments assess ethical research training as part of all graduate student programs.


The Chemistry department faculty has instituted the following policy:

As part of their graduate student training, all graduate students in Chemistry will complete either the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) course in the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) or an RCR course provided by OSU.


The CITI RCR course ( contains several learning modules that are taken individually, and can be completed online at no cost. You should register for the site (indicating your affiliation with OSU), and complete all the required, and 3 of the elective modules.

After completing the RCR course, use the main menu link to download or print a course completion report, and send this report to the department main office (Talley Richardson). You do not need to register for CE credits (which is not free) to meet these departmental or OSU requirements.

For students who have not yet scheduled their program meetings, the course completion report must be received prior to this meeting. For students who have already scheduled or completed their program meeting, this ethics requirement must be completed by October 15, 2013.

If your research involves human or animal subjects, you may be required to complete additional training modules on the CITI site. You can discuss this requirement with your major advisor.


If you have questions on this requirement, or about the CITI RCR course, please contact the department graduate academic advisor (Mike Lerner) or administrator (Talley Richardson).

We are seeking candidates for LEAD21 Class IX.  As shown on the LEAD21 website (, “The primary purpose of LEAD21 is to develop leaders in land grant institutions and their strategic partners who link research, academics, and extension in order to lead more effectively in an increasingly complex environment, either in their current position or as they aspire to other positions.”

Please nominate faculty who you feel may have leadership aptitude and aspiration.  Faculty may also self-nominate.  To be considered, potential candidates should submit a short statement (1-2 paragraphs) of interest and perceived benefit by November 16.

Call for Applications LEAD21 Class IX


Cary J. Green, Ph.D.
Associate Dean

Academic and International Programs
College of Agricultural Sciences
Oregon State University
137 Strand Agriculture Hall
Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2202
541-737-5746 (Office)

541-602-2687 (Cell)
541-737-2256 (Fax)