Happy New Year.

A final batch of funding opportunities are attached to close out this 2012 calendar year.  Please forward along to those who may be interested.

Included are:

  • Some large opportunities from DOE
  • Several important NSF programs
  • USDA Biotechnology Risk Assessment & USDA Sustainable Bioenergy opportunity (CAP so contact Liz is you are interested in building a team)
  • But also several others from NIH, NOAA, DOD, EPA, FW etc.


Thank you,


Liz Etherington

Sponsored Research Program Administration, CAS

Office: 541-737-3429

Cell: 541-740-0002


The Graduate School invites applications/requests for the OSU Foundation Fellowship Tuition Support and the Training Grant and External Fellowship Tuition Support scholarships for the 2013-14 academic year.

For eligibility criteria and request procedures, please visit the links below:


Foundation Fellowship Tuition Support:  http://oregonstate.edu/dept/grad_school/faculty/osufoundationfellow.html


Training Grant and External Fellowship Tuition Support: http://oregonstate.edu/dept/grad_school/faculty/traininggrant.html

Nomination deadline for priority consideration for this funding support is February 15, 2013; awards will be announced approximately March 1, 2013, and on a rolling basis thereafter as funds are available.

Questions, please let me know.



Fran Saveriano

Director of Graduate Student Financial Support and Recruitment

Oregon State University Graduate School


My name is Ken Simiyu, a Program Officer at Grand Challenges Canada which is funded by the Government of Canada.

I would like to take this opportunity to let you know of Round 5 of our Stars program, which is a funding opportunity that may interest your colleagues. Applicants apply for $100,000 seed grants which can later be scaled with a grant of up to $ 1,000,000.

In Round 3 of our program we received about 300 applications from all over the world and selected 68. Round 4 results will be released in January but we anticipate awarding between 70-100 grants out of the 450 that applied.

The deadline for application for Round 5 is February 6, 2013.

The application process is extremely simple. It consists of a two-page concept with a two-minute video.

An example of funded projects can be found at http://www.grandchallenges.ca/stars-r3-grantee-announcement-en/

Potential applicants could come from Universities departments of engineering, law, agriculture and veterinary sciences, food science and nutrition, medicine, pharmacy, nursing, public health, business schools, computer science, arts and science, education, anthropology, sociology.

More details on this program and Grand Challenges Canada can be found at http://www.grandchallenges.ca/grand-challenges/gc1-stars/stars-program-information/

We would appreciate if you could disseminate this information.


Application deadlines for Summer Faculty Opportunities are quickly approaching!!

ORNL is the largest science and energy laboratory in the Department of Energy system.  Scientific programs focus of materials, neutron sciences, energy, high-performance computing, systems biology and national security.  Visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSCdUJ8cavw to discover some exciting reasons why ORNL offers great research opportunities!

Program Name


Application Deadline, Informational Website and Contact Information

Visiting Faculty
  • U.S. citizen or Legal Permanent Resident
  • Full-time faculty member in physics, chemistry, biology (non-medical), math, engineering, environmental sciences, materials sciences, or computer or computational sciences at an accredited U.S. institution historically underrepresented in the U.S. research community
  • January 10
  • http://science.energy.gov/wdts/vfp/
  • Julie Malicoat – Julie.Malicoat@orau.org
Higher Education Research Experience Faculty  
HBCU/MEI Faculty

The Office of Undergraduate Research is seeking research project proposals from OSU faculty willing to serve as mentors for undergraduate researchers in a new research program called URSA-ENGAGE. Information for Faculty and Faculty Application: http://oregonstate.edu/students/research/. Contact: Kevin Ahern at ahernk@onid.orst.edu. Deadline for Faculty Research Project Proposal Application: Jan. 18, 2013.


The Office of Undergraduate Research is seeking research project proposals from OSU faculty willing to serve as mentors for undergraduate researchers.

URSA-ENGAGE, which was formerly called the URISC-START program, will provide freshman, sophomore and recent transfer student researchers under faculty guidance with stipends of up to $1,000 for one term or $1,500 for two terms for the spring and/or fall terms of 2013. Please note that this program has a completely different setup from that of URISC: START or URISC.

Faculty Research Project Proposal Application Deadline: January 18, 2013

Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and the Arts (URSA):

URSA-ENGAGE Information for Faculty and Faculty Application: http://oregonstate.edu/students/research/

If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Ahern, Director, Office of Undergraduate Research at ahernk@onid.orst.edu.

The National Academies is pleased to announce a call for nominations and applications for the 2013 Jefferson Science Fellows program.  Initiated by the Secretary of State in 2003, this fellowship program engages the American academic science, technology, engineering and medical communities in the design and implementation of U.S. foreign policy.

Jefferson Science Fellows (JSF) spend one year at the U.S. Department of State or the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for an on-site assignment in Washington, D.C. that may also involve extended stays at U.S. foreign embassies and/or missions.

The fellowship is open to tenured, or similarly ranked, academic scientists, engineers and physicians from U.S. institutions of higher learning.  Nominees/applicants must hold U.S. citizenship and will be required to obtain a security clearance.

The deadline for 2013-2014 program year applications/nominations is January 14, 2013.  To learn more about the Jefferson Science Fellowship and to apply, visit the JSF web at: www.nas.edu/jsf.

The Center for Teaching and Learning is proud to announce our inaugural “class” of GTA Fellows. Twelve GTAs have been selected from a variety of disciplines across campus and represent some of the most experienced and talented graduate teaching assistants at Oregon State University. The GTA Fellows engaged in a series of trainings over the course of the summer in preparation for the New GTA Orientation that was held in September. The GTA Fellows and their respective colleges/departments are as follows:

1. Carole Abou-rached- Engineering/Biological & Ecological Engineering
2. Morgan Crowell – Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences/Water Resource
3. Jade Florence- Agricultural Science/Botany & Plant Pathology
4. Krissi Hewitt- Science/Science Education
5. Ian Pfingsten- Science/ Botany & Plant Pathology
6. Katie Moriarty- Agricultural Science/Fisheries and Wildlife
7. Maduka Ogba- Science/Chemistry
8. Tim Pusack- Science/Zoology
9. Sara Schmitt- PHHS/Department of Human Development and Family Sciences
10. Deidra Spencer- Science/Environmental Sciences
11. Brett Watson- Science/Environmental Sciences
12. Teresa Wolfe- Science/Science & Math Education

Attached is a rather large list as there were multiple NSF opportunities that were recently extended.

There are also a few opportunities to provide feedback prior to a full announcement (request for information) on important topics from USAID, DOE, DOT & DOD.

Take a look and please share with those that may be interested (including graduate students for the fellowship opportunities). All updated opportunities have also been posted to the website athttp://agsci.oregonstate.edu/research/fo.
