Available to study synthetic and catalytic transformations of carbohydrates and aromatics to biobased chemicals and fuels. Individuals with strong skills in synthetic organic chemistry are encouraged to apply. Parallel expertise in organometallic chemistry for organic synthesis is a plus. Please submit a CV and three references to: Joseph J. Bozell, Center for Renewable Carbon, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 (jbozell@utk.edu)The University of Tennessee is an EEO/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA institution in the provision of its education and employment programs and services.  All qualified applicants will receive equal consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, physical or mental disability, or covered veteran status.

Wednesday, Feb. 4th, 5 p.m., Linus Pauling Science Center Room 402.  Are you interested in becoming an undergraduate researcher?  Having problems getting into a lab?  Been told you should be doing research but don’t know where to begin?  ChUME is hosting an informal workshop with Professor Paul Cheong to answer all the questions you ever had about undergraduate research but didn’t know who to ask.

TBTN is an international event that protests against all forms of sexual violence. TBTN will feature a keynote speaker and rally to unify the campus on ending violence against women and supporting survivors of sexual violence. This event will take place Wednesday, April 29, 6 p.m. in the MU Quad. http://studenthealth.oregonstate.edu/prevention-center/saam-2015

The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Science is pleased to announce that the Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program is now accepting applications for the 2015 solicitation. Applications are due 5:00pm ET on Tuesday April 14, 2015.
The SCGSR program supports supplemental awards to outstanding U.S. graduate students to conduct part of their graduate thesis research at a DOE national laboratory in collaboration with a DOE laboratory scientist for a period of 3 to 12 consecutive months—with the goal of preparing graduate students for scientific and technical careers critically important to the DOE Office of Science mission.
The SCGSR program is open to current Ph.D. students in qualified graduate programs at accredited U.S. academic institutions, who are conducting their graduate thesis research in targeted areas of importance to the DOE Office of Science. The research opportunity is expected to advance the graduate students’ overall doctoral thesis while providing access to the expertise, resources, and capabilities available at the DOE laboratories. The supplemental award provides for additional, incremental costs for living and travel expenses directly associated with conducting the SCGSR research project at the DOE host laboratory during the award period.
The Office of Science expects to make approximately 100 awards in 2015, for project periods beginning anytime between October 2015 and September 2016.
The 2014 program solicitation resulted in awards to 65 graduate students from 50 different universities to conduct thesis research at 15 DOE national laboratories. Detailed information about the program, including eligibility requirements and access to the online application system, can be found at:http://science.energy.gov/wdts/scgsr/.  
The SCGSR program is sponsored and managed by the DOE Office of Science’s Office of Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (WDTS), in collaboration with the six Office of Science research programs offices and the DOE national laboratories, and the Oak Ridge Institute of Science and Education (ORISE).
For any questions, please contact the SCGSR Program Manager, Dr. Ping Ge, at sc.scgsr@science.doe.gov.
 U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science

The Oregon State University Libraries is seeking nominations  for the annual Library Undergraduate Research Award. This award recognizes and rewards OSU undergraduate students who, through the comprehensive use of the OSU Libraries, demonstrate outstanding research, scholarship, and originality in writing a paper or completing a project. Students must write their research papers or complete their research projects as part of their coursework at OSU. The intent of this award is to foster outstanding information literacy skills through the extensive and sophisticated use of the library services, resources and collections. The deadline is Jan. 31.  For details:http://osulibrary.oregonstate.edu/awards/undergrad-research

As winter term classes progress, we would like to highlight programs and services available to assist students who may be experiencing difficulties with navigating our community.  In some cases the difficulties may impact academics.  In other cases, the difficulties may influence behaviors that can negatively impact others and the campus community.  For more information about appropriate referrals, please feel free to contact us at 541-737-8748.

Susie Brubaker-Cole                            Tracy Bentley-Townlin
Vice Provost for Student Affairs        Interim Dean of Student Life

Contact:  Monday – Friday 10am – 4:30pm, 541.737.8748, option 3; SLAssistance@oregonstate.edu
Student Life Assistance is a service in the Office of the Dean of Student Life delivered by a group of OSU professionals known as the Student Life Assistance Team. The service helps faculty, staff, and advisors navigate the non-academic student issues they may encounter. Many students face difficult times during college; unexpected life events, personal crises, mental health struggles, academic difficulties are examples of challenges that can interfere with college success and often faculty, staff, and advisors benefit from consultation and support of the SL Assistance Team.

Contact: Kris Winter, Assistant Dean of Student Life 541-737-0582; Kris.Winter@oregonstate.edu
As a result of growing safety issues and concerns on college campuses, Oregon State University (OSU) developed a Student Care Team (SCT). The SCT addresses student behaviors that are disruptive and may include safety and/or mental health issues. The goal of the SCT is to promote the safety and health of students which, in turn, aids in the well-being of our overall OSU community.  SCT meets regularly and is also available for consultation if you would like to speak with someone about ways to best support a student and/or manage a student situation.

Contact: Carl Yeh, Director 541-737-3656; Carl.Yeh@oregonstate.edu
SCCS will consult with faculty/staff on how to manage situations pertaining to inappropriate behavior and/or disruption to a class, a residence hall or any other campus location.  If you have any questions regarding SCCS, please contact the Director.

Contact: Angelo Gomez, Executive Director and Title IX Coordinator 541-737-3556; Angelo.Gomez@oregonstate.edu
OEI addresses concerns about bias, discrimination, discriminatory harassment, bullying, and retaliation. Additionally, the Executive Director is the university’s Title IX Coordinator and should be consulted on disclosures of any form of sexual harassment, including sexual/dating/domestic violence and stalking (For additional information see Employee Responsibilities)

Contact: Marcey Bamba, Interim Director 541-737-2131; marcey.bamba@oregonstate.edu
CAPS will consult with faculty/staff on how to manage difficult mental health situations including depression, severe anxiety, suicidal thoughts or other psychological or emotional disturbances.  The emergency counseling and consultation services are available to students and faculty 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday; Thursday consultations are available from 11:00 am – 4:30 pm.  In addition, you may also speak to an after-hours counselor any time the office is closed.

Contact: Brenda McComb, Dean 541-737-4881; brenda.mccomb@oregonstate.edu
With a solid understanding of the unique roles and experiences of graduate students, the Graduate School consults with students/faculty/staff on issues throughout the student lifecycle pertaining to admissions, academic progress and milestones, funding, graduate community resources, mentor/mentee relationships, inclusivity and overall student success.

Contact: Sue Theiss, University Ombuds 541-737-7029; Sue.Theiss@oregonstate.edu
Ombuds provide informal, impartial, and confidential* conflict management assistance to all members of the university community.  This office  provides a safe environment for listening to concerns, clarifying issues, exploring options for resolution, providing information and referrals, navigating university systems, and mediating discussions when requested.  For more information about UOO’s services and confidentiality, please visit http://oregonstate.edu/ombuds.

Contact: Jonathan Stoll, Director 541-737-8606; jonathan.stoll@oregonstate.edu
CCR was established to enhance neighborhood livability and inspire shared responsibility to help foster a healthy, livable and inclusive Oregon State University – Corvallis community.  The independence of living on one’s own can be liberating, but extremely challenging for students.  CCR connects students with community resources that foster good neighborly behavior and educational tools to educate tenants of their rights and responsibilities.

Contact: Oregon State Police/Public Safety 541-737-7000 or dial 911
If the behavior is placing someone in immediate risk or if a serious or threatening incident occurs in the classroom, academic building or on campus, Public Safety should be contacted immediately.

Eric Englund Memorial Postgraduate Scholarship
Deadline for Nominations: February 16, 2015
Information and Nomination Instructions:  http://gradschool.oregonstate.edu/awards/englund-scholarship

Oregon Lottery Graduate Scholarship
Deadline for Nominations: March 9, 2015
Information and Nomination Instructions:  http://gradschool.oregonstate.edu/awards/oregon-lottery-scholarship

To see a matrix of all scholarships/fellowships administered by the Graduate School, click here:  2015-16 Scholarships and Fellowships

Yes, you heard it right, it’s almost Food Drive time again.  This year, we’re using the KISS method when it comes to our event.  We’re just taking donations.  All through the month of February, the main office staff will be collecting food and cash donations to help the Linn/Benton Food Share feed local families in need.  Every little bit helps.

Foods the Food Bank needs:

  • Shelf-stable milk
  • Canned goods
  • Rice, cereal and pasta
  • 100% fruit juice
  • Cooking Oils
  • Other nutritious “healthy-choice” foods

On behalf of the Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (I&EC) Division of the American Chemical Society, I want to solicit abstracts for the ACS I&EC Division Graduate Student Award Symposium. This symposium will be featured at the 250th  Boston ACS National Meeting, August 10-14, 2015. I ask that you distribute this announcement to your advanced degree students and their advisors, and encourage those attending this ACS meeting to submit papers and compete for the monetary award and distinction described in the attached flyer. The I&EC Division features programming of great interest to the Chemistry and Chemical Sciences community, and we wish to encourage the professional development of your graduate students.

Every graduate student lead author accepted for this Symposium will be awarded an ACS members meeting registration fee.  All submissions and presentations will be evaluated by a panel selected by the Division. The third place presentation will be awarded an additional $250.  The second place presentation will be awarded an additional $500. The first place presentation will be awarded $750. To be eligible for any award, the presenter must be a student at university, pursuing a graduate degree in the chemical sciences and engineering at the time of the symposium.

More details are given in the enclosed flyer. Again, I request your support in distributing this to your outstanding graduate students. We look forward to highlighting their outstanding work in this new symposium.

Best wishes,

Michael A. Matthews, P.E.                                                       College of Engineering & Computing
Phone/Mobile: 803-777-0556   Fax: 803-777-9597           Assoc. Dean for Research & Graduate Education
Room 3A03A, Swearingen Engineering Center                 Department of Chemical Engineering
University of South Carolina                                                     Professor of Chemical Engineering
Columbia, SC 29208                                                                      Fellow of the American Chemical Society
Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers