Category Archives: Announcements
Visiting Assistant Professor Positions in Chemistry at Hendrix College
Federal Postdoc Award Opportunity for Solar Energy Researchers
In order to spur innovation in solar energy, the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is now accepting applications for postdoctoral researchers in solar energy to participate in the EERE Postdoctoral Research Awards. The EERE Postdoctoral Research Awards support research on energy efficiency and renewable energy to help solve our nation’s energy challenges. This year, this exciting program will offer up to five recent Ph.D. recipients the opportunity to conduct applied research projects to advance breakthrough solar energy technologies at universities, national laboratories and other research facilities. Former recipients of the EERE Postdoctoral Research Awards are now faculty and staff scientists at major research institutions and national laboratories.
This research will contribute to the SunShot Initiative goal to make solar energy technologies cost-competitive with traditional energy sources by 2020. Reducing the total installed cost for utility‐scale solar electricity by approximately 75%, from the 2010 baseline, to roughly $0.06 per kWh without subsidies will enable rapid, large‐scale adoption of solar electricity across the United States.
Potential research topics for these awards include behavioral and data science to lower solar electricity cost, systems integration, concentrating solar power, and photovoltaic cells, modules, and materials. The awards will provide a highly competitive two-year stipend with health insurance as well as allowance for travel, relocation, and research expenses. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, complete all requirements for their Ph.D. by May 31, 2015, and have a Ph.D. for no more than five years.
The application period for the EERE Postdoctoral Research Awards closes on May 7, 2015. The awards will be announced in July 2015 for the projects to start in September 2015. Apply today and learn more about former awardees.
Thank you,
Martha Payne, EERE Postdoctoral Research Awards
Research Equipment Reserve Fund (RERF) Spring 2015
The Research Office Incentive Programs is accepting applications for the RERF Spring 2015 solicitation. The intent of the RERF program is to enable faculty to acquire, repair, renovate, or improve equipment directly used for research. Spring 2015 solicitation: preference to replacing obsolete or heavily worn equipment. Note: the program guidelines and application have been revised: Information: Debbie Delmore at Deadline: Mar. 30.
NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) Program
The NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) program is designed to encourage the development and implementation of bold, new, potentially transformative, and scalable models for STEM graduate education training. If interested in submitting a proposal and to be selected/approved to apply, please send a letter of intent to on or before Feb. 27. Information:
Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) in Science
Application Deadline: March 15
Informational Session: February 19, 2015, 5-6pm, Kidder Hall 128
For questions, contact: Dr. Julie Greenwood 541-737-4997
Class in the Classroom Seminar
Food Drive Activities Around Campus – Feb 9-16
ASC Valentine’s Flower Sale: Is there someone special you would like to recognize? Stop by the Academic Success Center at Waldo Hall on Feb. 9-13 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. to purchase flowers to let someone know that you appreciate them. For questions, contact
NROTC Soup Lunch: Come and enjoy lunch from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 10, hosted by the NROTC Unit at OSU in the Naval Armory. There will be a variety of soups, drinks, and desserts. Prices range for each item- a bowl of soup will be $3.50 per bowl. For questions, contact
UHC Pasta-thon: The University Honors College invites you to donate 50% of food sales to the Linn Benton Food Share at Pastini’s from 11 a.m.-10 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 9 and 10. Mention the UHC or LBFS with your order. For questions, contact
Faculty Sessions with President Ray
In an ongoing effort to improve communication lines between the faculty and administration, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee is sponsoring two winter term small group conversations with President Ray and faculty (academic, research and professional). Each conversation will be facilitated by a Faculty Senate Executive Committee member and will consist of up to 12 faculty. The Winter 2015 sessions are Feb. 11 from 1-2:30 p.m., and March 5 from 10-11:30 a.m. To attend, provide with your name, email address, work unit, phone number, and session date. Session requests will be honored on a first come, first serve basis.
L’Oreal USA for Women in Science Programs
Funding opportunity for female post-doctoral scientists.