Hands-on Center for Teaching and Learning workshop on Wed., Feb. 17, noon-1:30 p.m., Milam 215. Bring your brown bag luch and learn effective practices for hybrid teaching. Explore planning tools and techniques to enhance your course or training by integrating face-to-face and online learning activities. Please bring a laptop. All teaching, research and professional faculty and GTAs are welcome. Refreshments provided. Register now.

In honor of Linus Pauling’s birthday, we are partnering with Ava’s Café to host a mini science showcase.  I’m seeking volunteers who would like to have a table at the showcase discussing their cutting edge research, or program, or whatever they’re particularly proud of with your career.

Date: Friday, February 26th
Time: 10am-12noon
Location: LPSC Lobby (outside Ava’s café)
Tables will be provided
Refreshments available
Open to the public

Is anyone interested in having a table?  If so, please contact Luanne Johnson as soon as possible.

The OSURA Student Scholarship deadline is quickly approaching, March 1 by 4:30 p.m.  To date, we have not received any applications for this scholarship.  Would you mind helping me spread the word?  Attached is the information regarding the scholarship or they can find this information online: oregonstate.edu/osura/osura-scholarship

The Oregon State University Retirement Association (OSURA), composed of retired OSU faculty and staff, is offering scholarship support to OSU undergraduate students majoring in a subject that contributes to a career promoting healthy aging.

Currently enrolled undergraduate students who have completed at least one academic year at OSU with a cumulative GPA of 3.4 or higher, and have a minimum of one year of study yet to be completed towards their first bachelor’s (B.S./B.A.) degree are encouraged to apply.

Scholarship awards between $750 and $1,500 per student will be announced at the May 2016 OSURA Annual Meeting.


Tony Van Vliet
Emeritus Professor of Wood Science and Technology
OSURA Scholarship Committee Chair

OSURA Scholarship Information

We are pleased to announce that the NSF-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program in Interdisciplinary Materials Research at Southern Illinois University is currently accepting applications for the Summer of 2015 (its 11th summer, completing 10 years of operation this Spring).

We seek your assistance in alerting undergraduate students to our REU Program.  First, we ask that this notice (and attached flyer) be forwarded to Departments of Chemistry, Physics, and Engineering on your campus for posting.  Also, please feel free to alert affiliated student organizations and fellow faculty members who may have students interested in this program, and/or distribute the attached flyer in other ways according to your discretion.

Our program is particularly interested in attracting candidates (preferably in their first, second, or third years of college) from groups traditionally under-represented in Chemistry, Physics, and Engineering; as always, all applications are welcome.  Application forms and details about the program are available on-line at:  http://www.chem.siu.edu/undergraduate/research-opportunities/reu/index.php.  Review of applications will commence after February 26, 2016.

Our program will begin May 31, 2016 and will commence for 9 weeks.  Participating students will work with mentors from the Departments of Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, or Microbiology to perform materials research (broadly defined)—with emphases in nanoscience/nanotechnology, energy research, smart materials, biomaterials, materials characterization, computational modeling, friction/tribology, and materials fabrication among other subjects.  In this program, students will work on independent research projects and receive hands-on training in the use of state-of-the-art instrumentation and methods.

Student benefits include a stipend of approximately $4500, $1,000 research expenditure allowance, free college housing, and a travel allowance to facilitate transportation from the student’s home institution or to conferences (up to $750).

If you or anyone else has questions about our REU Program, please feel free to contact us at your convenience.  Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

“Each and every day, the Red Cross must collect enough blood to meet the needs of accident victims, cancer patients, surgical candidates, children with blood disorders and others. You can help ensure blood is available when it’s needed and help save lives by donating blood during week six with the American Red Cross and Blood Drive Association at Oregon State University! Join us as we celebrate our 300th blood drive at OSU for a total of over 65,000 units collected since this partnership began! Hope begins with you!
Mon., Feb. 8th-Thurs., Feb. 11th in the OSU Memorial Union Ballroom
Fri., Feb. 12th at the First United Methodist Church
Go online to http://www.redcrossblood.org/make-donation-sponsor and enter sponsor code “OSU,” or call 1-800-733-2767 to schedule your donation. There are also many opportunities available to volunteer each day. Sign up to volunteer at http://vols.pt/q38CDN.
Thank you for your support of the Blood Drive Association and go Beavs!”

The priority deadline for the Master’s Internship Program is February 15th!  Applications will be considered after the deadline if spots remain open.  If you are interested in the program, but have trouble meeting the deadline, feel free to contact me.

What it is:
A master’s program that combines concentrated lab and lecture with a nine-month paid internship in industry. Degrees are awarded in chemistry and applied physics.

Why it’s special:
You can earn a master’s degree and a paycheck.
Historically, close to 98% of our students successfully complete internships and almost 90% of those receive regular job offers at the end of their internships. Internship pay in recent years has ranged from $3000 to $5400 per month.  This program allows you to graduate with experience in your chosen field.

Areas of concentration:
Photovoltaic & Semiconductor Device Processing
Optical Materials & Devices
Polymers & Coatings

If this sounds appealing, check out the website at http://internship.uoregon.edu

Feel free to send questions!

The Oregon NASA Space Grant Consortium (OSGC) is pleased to offer scholarships and fellowships for community college and undergraduate students in the STEM fields and graduate students enrolled in an MAT program in STEM education. Scholarships and fellowships are open to students attending OSGC member institutions. Application deadline is May 20. For more information go to: http://spacegrant.oregonstate.edu/scholarships.

The OSU Folk Club invites applications for their 2016 Scholarships.  Applicants must be female US citizens who are residents of Benton or Linn County or Monmouth or Independence in Polk County, age 30 or older by March 28, and who will be enrolled full-time at OSU in Fall of 2016 in a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Professional Degree Program.  The application and instructions can be found on the OSU Folk Club web site (http://oregonstate.edu/osufolk/).    Complete applications are due no later than 5 p.m. Monday, March 28.