Nominations are being accepted for the Karel J.H. Murphy Professional Faculty Leadership and Service Award. The award recognizes a professional faculty member who has provided outstanding leadership and service throughout their career both within their Department and in programs and organizations across OSU. The award also honors a legacy of providing ongoing, strategic, and progressive leadership, administrative support and service among Professional Faculty and other OSU employees. The award winner will be presented a plaque and a $1000 check at University day. Nominations due April 7. For more information: Michelle Mahana

The OSU Association of Office Professionals was formed to foster awareness, excellence, and professionalism in the ranks of office personnel. This award recognizes contributions toward these goals by individual members through creative approaches and consistently high performance as a professional in ways that benefit Oregon State. Nominees must be active AOP members and have participated in AOP-related activities within the last two years. To nominate an AOP member, submit your completed packet by April 22 to Laurie Wyant, The complete packet shall include a nomination form and two letters of support. One of the two letters should be from a co-worker or supervisor.

The Research Office Incentive Programs is accepting applications for FRT Fall, Winter, or Spring 2016-17 release. The program provides limited funding for individuals developing external grant proposals or who wish to further their scholarly activities. Program description and application: Information: Debbie Delmore at Deadline: April 25.

The ESTEME@OSU Project and the Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning welcome applications for action research fellows. Teams or individual instructors using evidence based instructional practices in undergraduate STEM classrooms are encouraged to apply.  Selected candidates will be supported in their research design and provided $3,000 financial support. Applications are due March 29th, 2016 by close of business to Please see for application instructions and more information.

Notice:  Linus Pauling Science Center – Fume Hood Shutdown
Effective Date(s): April 18 – 20, 2016

Due to necessary repairs, the fume hoods in Linus Pauling Science Center will be offline April 18 – 20, 2016.  Maintenance staff is coordinating this with Environmental Health and Safety.  This will affect all lab fume hoods building wide.

For questions or comments on this notice, contact Richard Olsen at 541-737-7025.

Closures are often subject to changes and delays, so please visit the OSU Campus Closures, Shutdowns and Detours page for updates on this and other campus closures.

Please forward this notice to anyone who would benefit from this information.

I would like to invite you to share this opportunity with any advisees who might be interested. In this program we match INTO OSU students with native English speakers.  Each group will meet once a week for about an hour on their own schedule throughout the term.  This will allow participants to share experiences on campus or around Corvallis while learning about each other’s culture and background.  The hope is that the partners will get a chance to navigate cultural difference and learn someone else’s story while becoming more familiar with their community.  Sign up closes at the end of the first week of every term.

If individuals are interested they can sign up here:
You can learn more about the program here:

Thank you for your time!

Casey Glick
Student Engagement Coordinator

The OSU Association of Office Professionals was formed to foster awareness, excellence, and professionalism in the ranks of office personnel. This award recognizes contributions toward these goals by individual members through creative approaches and consistently high performance as a professional in ways that benefit Oregon State. Nominees must be active AOP members and have participated in AOP-related activities within the last two years. To nominate an AOP member, submit your completed packet by April 22 to Laurie Wyant, The complete packet shall include a nomination form and two letters of support. One of the two letters should be from a co-worker or supervisor.