From Frazzled to Fired Up*: Transforming Ripples of Possibility into Waves of Opportunity with Paul Wesselmann

Hyper-committed yet eager to embrace everything life has to offer?  This wild and warm speaker will share insights to help. No matter your path, you’ll leave feeling better about yourself and the world.

Memorial Union Ballroom
Thursday, October 20
7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Free w/Student ID

*A wellness forum celebrating 100 years of play at OSU – #DamProud

The Research Office will host a half day New Faculty Orientation event on Oct. 27 from 2 to 5 p.m. in the Memorial Union Horizon Room that will introduce you  to critical information, resources, and services to empower  your research, and outreach efforts. Vice President for Research, Cindy Sagers, will introduce the event and a panel discussion with distinguished research faculty will follow at 2:30pm. Refreshments will be provided. Register:  For questions contact Jane Cigarran at .

Dear Oregon State University Chemistry Colleagues
I’m writing to let you know we are running our Pfizer Academic-Industrial Relations Diversity fellowship program again, for the 2016 – 2017 academic year.  The program is essentially the same as last year. We are looking for enthusiastic undergraduates from historically under-represented ethnic groups to participate in this research fellowship program.  We are asking for your help in identifying these individuals from your own research groups and undergraduate classes.  The same requirements and qualifications apply.  This is a $15K fellowship divided into $12K for the student stipend and $3000 that may be used for lab and travel costs.  The student is required to write a report of his/her progress in January 2017 and will be invited to present his/her research at the La Jolla site at the end of the 2017 summer.  Application deadline is October 17th, 2016.
The research areas of that we will consider funding include organic synthesis, analytical chemistry, computational chemistry, crystallography and structural/chemical biology.
Attached is a cover letter describing the program in more detail along with a copy of the application and a flyer to post around the department. Please also feel free to circulate to other interested colleagues/students. I can also provide former example applications if students need an idea of what we are looking for in a successful application.

We look forward to hearing from you and some excellent Oregon State University chemistry undergraduate
students.  Thank you also in advance for your help in making this program a success.

Feel free to contact me if you need more information.

Paul Richardson

Also, don’t miss the November workshops, in collaboration with the Graduate Writing Center research introductions and research methods, and Central Web Services for Building an online presence, available in-person and via webinar, plus CIRTL and other teaching development opportunities throughout the term.

For a full list of events, please visit our Grad Success Professional Development web page