Lehman College of the City University of New York (lehman.edu) seeks your help in identifying candidates for an Assistant Professor – tenure track, to begin Fall 2023.  This position is part of an expansion in the sciences and especially chemistry at Lehman College. 

This position is tenure-track in Environmental / Analytical Chemistry.  This position includes both a teaching and a research mission, and faculty in this position will be able to mentor doctoral students through the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.   

Details on the position can be found here: 


Review of applications begins January 2, 2023 and will continue until filled. 

The Department of Chemistry at Lehman College prides itself on as a part of Lehman mission and its ability to maintain a balance between its fundamental research mission and its commitment to innovative undergraduate and graduate education.  All faculty maintain vigorous, externally-funded research programs as well as serving as teachers and mentors.    

I hope you will help us identify strong candidates as we seek to expand our efforts.  Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions. 



Professor Andrei Jitianu – PhD
Professor of Chemistry and Chair
Chair of the Inorganic Subdiscipline at CUNY Graduate School  
Lehman College,
City University of New York,
Department of Chemistry, 103 Davis Hall,
250 Bedford Park Boulevard West,
Bronx, New York 10468,
Tel: 718-960-6770
Fax: 718-960-8750
e-mail: andrei.jitianu@lehman.cuny.edu

“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.” Robin Williams

The OSU Women’s Giving Circle is a group of OSU alumni and friends who pool their gifts to create a fund to support Oregon State University programs. Since 2003, they have supported the university with 178 awards totaling over a million dollars. They are seeking applications for programs and projects which enhance the OSU undergraduate student experience and improve student retention. The average grant amount is $5,000-$10,000. 

Applications may be submitted from any organization, college, department, center, or campus that are relevant to Oregon State University including the OSU Cascades Campus, 4-H, and Extension. The application deadline has been extended to Monday, January 9, 2023 at 9 a.m. Applications, additional criteria, and further information can be found at fororegonstate.org/wgc_grant or by contacting the Women’s Giving Circle staff liaison, Sara Dier.

Perfect opportunity for a Retiree! Oregon State University is looking for a part-time (6 hours a week) person who would be considered as Electrical/Electronic Development Engineer which provides support in maintenance, repair, materials, and calibration of scientific instruments in the instructional and research laboratories for Oregon State University, Chemistry Department and other departments within the University. One year of experience designing, fabricating, testing, modifying, and maintaining new, experimental electronic equipment, instruments, and systems in an instrument laboratory; OR a bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering Technology or equivalent field. Pay $24.83 – $38.00 per hour Depending on experience.

To review posting and apply, go to https://jobs.oregonstate.edu/postings/125406  Closing Date: December 31, 2022

OSU commits to inclusive excellence by advancing equity and diversity in all that we do. We are an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer, and particularly encourage applications from members of historically underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, women, individuals with disabilities, veterans, LGBTQ community members, and others who demonstrate the ability to help us achieve our vision of a diverse and inclusive community.

Students invited to request textbooks: The Basic Needs Center is stocking their Textbook Lending Library and invites students experiencing financial barriers to request books for next term in exchange for getting first priority to check them out through this free program. Submissions are due by Dec. 15 via this online form. For questions: 1030 SW Madison Ave., 541-737-3747, or bnc@oregonstate.edu.

12 Household Items You Should Never Clean With Baking Soda
Sendo Serra/Shutterstock
BY HOPE NGO/NOV. 29, 2022 10:39 AM EST
Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is an indispensable part of any household — whether it is for baking cakes, where it helps by adding lift, or as a deodorizer and cleaning agent. Cleaning experts know baking soda to be an excellent household cleaner because it interacts with both dirt and grease, making them easier to wipe away. As May Nyman, a chemistry professor at Oregon State University points out, “When you are cleaning using baking soda or vinegar, you are actually doing very complicated manipulations of molecules,” per Live Science.

Read More: https://www.housedigest.com/1119556/household-items-you-should-never-clean-with-baking-soda/?utm_campaign=clip

Perfect opportunity for a Retiree! Oregon State University is looking for a part-time (6 hours a week) person who would be considered as Electrical/Electronic Development Engineer which provides support in maintenance, repair, materials, and calibration of scientific instruments in the instructional and research laboratories for Oregon State University, Chemistry Department and other departments within the University. One year of experience designing, fabricating, testing, modifying, and maintaining new, experimental electronic equipment, instruments, and systems in an instrument laboratory; OR a bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering Technology or equivalent field. Pay $24.83 – $38.00 per hour Depending on experience.

To review posting and apply, go to https://jobs.oregonstate.edu/postings/125406  Closing Date: December 31, 2022

The Family Resource Center Kid’s Gift Closet helps provide gifts for children of OSU students during holidays and celebrations. Thanks to our generous sponsors, each year’s gift closet is a huge success and we have many grateful families. You can give in a variety of ways: Amazon registry that ships directly to FRC, the Toy Factory in downtown Corvallis (you can leave the gift in our donation box), or you can bring in any new and unwrapped gifts to the Champinefu Lodge donation box at the front desk. We will be collecting gifts until Dec. 6. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about this program, please contact erika.woosley@oregonstate.edu.

To all members of the OSU community,

You have probably just read the Provost’s announcement that we are suspending our negotiations with Elsevier for the remainder of this year.  We did not make this decision lightly. Our Elsevier contract represents more than one-fifth of our entire collections budget at OSU, and we know that this decision will be disruptive. We do think that this action is an important step towards the sustainable future we described, and the Faculty Senate affirmed, in our Principles Guiding Negotiations with Journal Vendors

We are taking steps to ensure that everyone in our OSU community can continue to get the resources they need to do their work from the library. I’m going to outline some of these steps here, and I encourage you to consult this resource guide for more information.  There you will find important background, information on using alternative services to access articles, and a FAQ about the Elsevier negotiations. Check back often, this resource guide will be regularly updated.

Our primary strategy will be article-level fulfillment. We will build on our already outstanding Interlibrary Loan service (ILL), and add some additional tools that should improve those workflows and provide a more seamless user experience. Our average time to fulfill an ILL request is currently 13 hours. We expect that we can improve on that with tools that will allow us to find open access content where it is available, and to make article-level purchases of content where borrowing is too slow. 

This is important for two reasons: 

  1. Article-level fulfillment is the only way that we will be able to take advantage of the rapidly-increasing amount of open access content available in subscription journals. We have not seen publishers adjust subscription prices to reflect this change, so we need to focus our efforts at the article level. 
  2. The tools we will use to do this give us data that we control.  Currently, we rely on vendors to provide us with the user data that demonstrates how often their products are used. These article-level tools will allow us to make more informed decisions moving forward.

In the summer of 2023 we will develop a timeline and goals for access to Elsevier content in 2024.  At that point, we will be looking to secure access to a curated list of titles, informed by the assessment I described above, and by the ongoing conversations we have been having with our OSU community about open and sustainable scholarly communication. We will also reach out to UO and PSU on shared timelines and goals for access moving forward.

In the last two years we have talked to a lot of you — in department meetings, at the faculty senate, in 1:1 conversations, and in college and university leadership team meetings – about the ways that the consolidation of scholarly publishing into the hands of a few, large, for-profit entities is unsustainable for the library, and for OSU.   We have been overwhelmed with the support we have received in those conversations, and our understanding of the issues has been made deeper and richer by all of you who have participated in them.  We will be reaching out to you for more conversations in the next few months, and throughout the next year. 


Anne-Marie Deitering

Delpha and Donald Campbell Dean of Libraries 

OSU Libraries and Press


The Simons Foundation has put out a new call for vision statements (letter of intent) for new neuroscience collaborations. They are looking for new, emerging breakthrough areas of neuroscience that are poised for high-impact funding. They are looking for bold and cutting-edge ideas that focus on basic principles of brain function overlooked or considered too risky for other funding organizations. 


Funding levels:

Simons Collaborations will be funded for 10 years (with a review at year 5). The total budget for the new Neuroscience Collaborations will be $25 million per year. We anticipate identifying up to three collaborations, with the funding level of each collaboration determined by the proposed scope and aims of the project. As a guideline, we suggest budgets of between $5–12 million per year, inclusive of 20 percent indirect costs.


The letters of intent are due 8 March 2023.

Vision statements should be no longer than two-pages, single-spaced, 11 pt New Times Roman font, 0.5 in margins plus one page (if needed) of figures, references, the anticipated overall yearly total cost and list of proposed PIs.


Vision statements should clearly outline the big idea and hypotheses that the proposed neuroscience collaboration will address, including high-level overviews of the methods and approaches that will be used. Why is this work uniquely suited for Simons Collaboration funding? Why should this collaboration be funded now? Why is it difficult to obtain funding to investigate these questions from other funding agencies and foundations? Vision statements should address why and how the support of a large collaborative research project from the Simons Foundation will transform our understanding of how the brain works. Please propose investigators who may be included in the collaboration and an estimated anticipated overall yearly total cost.


They will hold an informational webinar on December 12th from 1-2 pm ET (10 am PT). 


Please let us know by emailing  research.development@science.oregonstate.edu if you are interested in applying and we will be happy to work with you to put a team together, coordinate meetings, etc. 


Additionally, if invited for a full proposal, the research office might be able to offer some proposal support for large complex proposals, via their intake form:  https://research.oregonstate.edu/ord/proposal-support


Please forward to anyone that I may have omitted who may be interested.




Please note that I will be out of the office 5-15 December. 

Direct any inquires to research.development@science.oregonstate.edu


Bettye L.S. Maddux, PhD

Director of Research Development

College of Science

Oregon State University

Join the funding opportunity (ECOS, GP-ECOS) listservs: 

Funding opportunities website: https://internal.science.oregonstate.edu/rdu/funding

Proposal Support requests:  research.development@science.oregonstate.edu


From: Simons Foundation <info@simonsfoundation.org>Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 9:43 AMTo: Maddux, Bettye L S <Bettye.Maddux@oregonstate.edu>Subject: Simons Foundation Seeks Proposals for New Neuroscience Collaborations

[This email originated from outside of OSU. Use caution with links and attachments.]

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November 15, 2022


Simons Foundation Seeks Proposals for New Neuroscience Collaborations


November 15, 2022 


The brain holds some of science’s greatest mysteries. Today, the Simons Foundation is sending out a call for proposed neuroscience collaborations that will conduct bold transformational research into how our brains work.The foundation is committing $250 million over the next 10 years to fund new neuroscience collaborations. The collaborations will focus on cutting-edge idea-generating research that focuses on basic principles of brain function. The foundation is particularly interested in research overlooked or deemed too risky by other funding organizations.“Understanding the brain is one of the great open-ended challenges of science,” says David Spergel, president of the Simons Foundation. “What we are trying to do with these new collaborations is encourage neuroscientists to take big risks and address the most important questions in the field.”The new collaborations will follow in the footsteps of two existing neuroscience collaborations funded by the Simons Foundation: the Simons Collaboration on the Global Brain (SCGB), launched in 2014, and the Simons Collaboration on Plasticity and the Aging Brain (SCPAB), established in 2020. Both collaborations have spurred meaningful advancements in our understanding of brain processes.Researchers with an idea for any such innovative collaboration should submit a vision statement by March 8, 2023. Such submissions should outline the big idea and related hypotheses the proposed collaboration will address, including high-level overviews of the methods and approaches that will be used.The foundation will prioritize cross-disciplinary collaborations integrating many levels of analysis, methodologies, ways of thinking and scientific communities. The collaborations should encourage conversations within and across fields while bringing together diverse groups of researchers to investigate important questions about the basic principles of brain function. Investigators in a Simons Collaboration are expected to openly share data, code, analysis pipelines, protocols and reagents with the broader community. The foundation expects proposals to include junior investigators and investigators from a diversity of academic disciplines, genders, races and ethnicities.For those interested in submitting a vision statement, the Simons Foundation will host a webinar providing additional information about the process on December 12, 2022, at 1 p.m. ET. 

Good morning Colleagues,

First, I would like to acknowledge all the Veterans that have served our country – we are grateful.  The Division of Materials Research has stellar staff members that have also served in the military and we are honored to work with them to fulfil NSF’s mission.

Secondly, I am very excited to inform you that the prepublication of the National Academies study on “NSF Efforts to Achieve the Nation’s Vision for the Materials Genome Initiative,” is now available online.  Thanks to all of you in the community that took the time to provide input to this report and to the outstanding co-chairs for pulling it all together:  Ronald Latanision and Karin M. Rabe.


The new Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer out Future (DMREF) will be released soon.  I strongly encourage you to read this NASEM study and if you plan to apply to the DMREF program, to think about how you can help NSF help the Nation realize the vision of MGI through your own research, education, and training endeavors.

Best to everyone!


Linda S. Sapochak, Ph.D.

Division Director

Division of Materials Research

National Science Foundation

