
The MIT Materials Research Laboratory and the Materials Research Science & Engineering Center sponsor a summer research internship program for rising junior and senior undergraduates in the science and engineering fields. We would be grateful if you would bring it to the attention of your students by posting or forwarding the attached flyer where your students will see it, or pass it on to an appropriate department for posting.  

This 9-week Undergraduate Research Program is currently planned to be hosted virtually in Summer 2021. If circumstances change and the program can transition to on-campus, additional support will be available for housing and reasonable travel costs. Students will learn and perform research in a broad selection of materials science subfields. In addition to providing a stipend, we will have presentations and group discussions on topics relevant to materials scientists, such as graduate school, careers in materials science, creating effective poster presentations, and management of intellectual property. At the conclusion of the program, the students present their individual research results at a virtual poster session. The summer research internship, offered each year since 1983, affords students an invaluable experience in top-notch cutting edge research.


Program Dates: June 9 – August 13, 2021

Application deadline: March 15, 2021 (rolling admissions)

Applicant selection and notifications by April 1, 2021

Stipend $5000

Online application at:

The summer scholars’ program is funded by the National Science Foundation REU program (grant number DMR-1419807). MIT is an equal opportunity employer. Women, minorities and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

If we should update our mailing list with a different person at your school for future mailings about our summer research internship program, please let me know via email at

Thank you!

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