DoD’s MURI program addresses high-risk basic research and attempts to understand or achieve something that has never been done before. The program was initiated 40 years ago and it has regularly produced significant scientific breakthroughs with far reaching consequences to the fields of science, economic growth, and revolutionary new military technologies. Key to the program’s success is the close management of the MURI projects by Service Program Officers and their active role in providing research guidance. Please share with faculty who might be interested in leading or joining a team in one of these areas.
Inquiries and Questions: April 18, 2025 (program officer contacts provided in the solicitation)
White Papers: May 2, 2025
Full proposals: September 5, 2025
More information on each of these topic areas is available in the solicitation. Most of these opportunities are anticipated at ~1.5M per year for 5 years.
Topic 1: (AFOSR) Characterization and Modeling of the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
Topic 2: (AFOSR) Ethical Constructs and Adaptive Learning Systems
Topic 3: (AFOSR) Structured Light for High Field, High Intensity Laser-Matter Interactions
Topic 4: (AFOSR) Optics with Dynamically Reconfigurable Arrays of Molecules and Atoms (OhDRAMA)
Topic 6: (ARO) Fungalphabet: Deciphering the Hidden Language of Fungal Networks for Environmental Intelligence
Topic 7: (ARO) Evolving Chemistry and Biology to Degrade Polymers with Stable Chemical Bonds
Topic 8: (ARO) Space-time Metamaterials for Multi-dimensional Wave Transformation
Topic 9: (ARO) Altermagnetic Topology
Topic 10: (ARO) Ontology Engineering for Machine Learning in Open-ended Sensor, Model, User Systems
Topic 11: (ARO) Entanglement Engineering with Holographic Duality
Topic 12: (ARO) Curved Electromagnetic Propagation
Topic 13: (ARO) Optimized Photonic Inference Systems
Topic 14: (ONR) Evaluation and Monitoring of Large-Scale Generative AI
Topic 15: (ONR) Brain-inspired Large Neural Models for Intelligent Robots
Topic 16: (ONR) Reading between the lines: Connecting Deep Ocean Currents & Bedform Morphology
Topic 17: (ONR) Impacts of Aerosol Injection, Evolution, and Deposition on 3D Radiative Balance
Topic 18: (ONR) Interfacial Thermal Energy Transduction
Topic 19: (ONR) Inherent stability in hybrid metal halide perovskite semiconductors through understanding of in situ electrochemistry
Topic 20: (ONR) Visual Perception and Attention for Real-Virtual Hybrid Environments
Topic 21: (ONR) Continuous Improvement and Assessment to Achieve Autonomous Skilled Performance
Topic 22: (ONR) Gas/Material Interactions for Ultra-high-temperature Materials in Hypersonic Flows