Extension Communications is again charged with producing the OSU Biennial Engagement Report this fall, and I’m writing to be aware of any upcoming engagement photo opportunities in your college or unit.

We’re specifically interested in the following activities that showcase OSU faculty, staff and students partnering with:

  • Social and cultural organizations
  • Nonprofits
  • Business, industry and entrepreneurs
  • Government agencies
  • Individuals
  • Other higher education institutions across Oregon, nationally and globally.

If/when you know of an opportunity, please contact me as soon as possible so I can plan with our office’s contributing photographers. We will share the photos with you for your use.

Please let me know if you have any questions.




Chris Branam, News and Public Affairs Manager

Oregon State University | Extension Communications

Direct: 541-737-2940 | Mobile: 541-286-0808

OSU Extension | Facebook | @OregonStateExt

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