The 2025 NSF MRSEC program is open with a preliminary proposal deadline of June 23, 2025.  We have opened an internal limited submission competition which is due March 7, 2025.  The application link can be found here:

Individual MRSEC awards are expected to range in size from approximately $3 million/year for a 2-IRG MRSEC to a maximum of $4.5 million/year for a 3-IRG MRSEC. Awards will be made for an initial duration of up to six years, but the level of funding is contingent on successful Center progress. 

Here are the focus areas identified in this year’s solicitation.  Please share with faculty who might be interested in such an application.

Thank you,


Advancing Materials for Semiconductors and Microelectronics: this topic aligns with national microelectronics priorities promoting the development of advanced materials for next-generation semiconductors, resilient systems, and environmentally responsible manufacturing processes, building on the directives of the CHIPS & Science Act ( Of particular interest to the MRSEC program are efforts addressing the need for innovative materials that operate effectively in common and/or in harsh (such as high-temperature, high-radiation, high-pressure, cryogenic, etc.) environments, while incorporating sustainable practices. Materials development and processing focused on advancing beyond current paradigms and semiconductor technologies with an emphasis on thermal management in extreme operational environments, specifically targeting the challenges of heterogeneous structures and interfaces, while avoiding rare earth elements and critical materials, are also of interest.

Materials for Biotechnology: this topic addresses development of novel materials that promote the advancement of biotechnologies and of engineering biology. These include, but are not limited to, living materials, active/responsive materials, biomimetic and bioinspired materials including materials that bridge the interface between biological and synthetic materials.

Materials for Biomanufacturing: this topic addresses materials and/or materials systems that have the potential to enable cost-effective and sustainable routes to convert bio-based feedstocks into recyclable-by-design polymers, reduce methane emissions from agriculture, including by increasing biogas capture and utilization, sustainable and cost-effective biomanufacturing pathways, and promoting a circular economy for materials.

For more information on both of the above topics, see report Bold Goals for the U.S. Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing.

Architected Materials Across Scales: this topic focuses on developing new strategies for creating composite materials across materials classes (e.g., combining digital- and self-assembly), new tools for modeling and monitoring processing (e.g., in situ characterization), and developing the ability to print functionality, such as spatially resolved mechanical/chemical properties, in addition to structures; exploring opportunities for hierarchical materials by combining self-assembly (bottom-up) with top-down additive manufacturing and 4D printing; blending manufacturing approaches for heterogeneous (soft and hard) materials; precision synthesis and characterization of macromolecular/bespoke polymer materials.

Materials Far-From-Equilibrium: this topic addresses the fundamental understanding of materials properties and behaviors at conditions far-from-equilibrium, for example, new states of matter driven from equilibrium (active matter), predicting and establishing control of non-equilibrium pathways, developing design rules for stabilizing metastable phases of matter, and relaxation pathways back towards equilibrium.

Structural Materials under Extreme Conditions: this topic addresses challenges in the fundamental materials behavior and properties of ceramic, metallic, and polymeric structural materials, and their composites. Environments and phenomena of interest include but are not limited to: extreme temperatures and/or pressures; oxidative or corrosive environments; scenarios of high friction and/or wear; as well as operating conditions of radiative, electric, and/or magnetic fields.

Alternative Approaches to Development and Processing of Clean, Sustainable Materials: this topic addresses the custom-design and advanced processing of materials that aid in the recovery, reuse, recycling, and replacement of critical materials in existing and emerging technologies and processes. Potential areas under consideration include but are not limited to: materials for next generation energy harvesting, conversion and storage devices; materials for energy-efficient processing, storage, and communication of information; and particularly efforts focused on utilization of domestically abundant and readily available materials and minerals. Note that catalysis-focused research typically does not fall under the purview of DMR. Therefore, to be considered by the MRSEC program, catalysis-focused IRGs must be rooted in fundamental materials research and address topics that are distinct from ongoing research efforts supported by other federal agencies or other NSF Divisions.

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