The 2026 Beckman Scholars Program is open for applications! The Beckman Scholars Program application is now an open call for any eligible University/College.

The deadline to apply is June 13, 2025 at 5:00 pm pacific time. 

Please see our website for full Beckman Scholars Program and application updates as well as the link to apply at:

Thank you,

The Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation Team

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine maintain a database of more than 1,600 research opportunities and administer postdoctoral and senior research awards at participating federal laboratories and affiliated institutions at locations throughout the U.S. and abroad. 

We are seeking highly qualified candidates who hold, or anticipate earning, a doctorate in a variety of fields of science or engineering. Degrees from foreign universities should be equivalent in training and research experience to a doctoral degree from a U.S. institution. Citizenship eligibility varies among the sponsoring laboratories. 

Application deadline dates (four annual review cycles):
February 1
May 1
August 1
November 1       
* If a deadline falls on a weekend or federal holiday, the deadline is moved to the next business day.    

Research Associates have the opportunity to:
Conduct independent research in an area compatible with the interests of the sponsoring laboratory
Devote full-time effort to research and publication
Access the excellent and often unique facilities of the federal research enterprise
Collaborate with leading scientists and engineers at the sponsoring laboratories 

Award benefits include:
Stipends ranging from $45,000 to $108,000; may be higher based on experience
Health insurance (including dental and vision)
Relocation assistance for Research Associates who will be on tenure for at least six months and who at the time of award reside more than 50 miles from the host laboratory 
Professional travel allowance  

Qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, creed, color, age, gender identity, or national origin. 

For detailed program information, to search Research Opportunities, and to contact prospective Research Adviser(s) visit

Elizabeth M. Prescott, D.Phil.
Director, Fellowships Office
Alternate text

We are reaching out to invite you and your colleagues to a virtual Open House with ACS PRF Program Officers and the Finance Manager. This session is a great opportunity to connect with PRF Staff and ask questions before the submission window closes on March 7, 2025.

The Open House is scheduled for Wednesday, February 26, 2025, from 2:00pm to 3:00pm EST.

If you would like to join us, please register using this link.

Looking forward to talking to you.


The PRF Team

Extension Communications is again charged with producing the OSU Biennial Engagement Report this fall, and I’m writing to be aware of any upcoming engagement photo opportunities in your college or unit.

We’re specifically interested in the following activities that showcase OSU faculty, staff and students partnering with:

  • Social and cultural organizations
  • Nonprofits
  • Business, industry and entrepreneurs
  • Government agencies
  • Individuals
  • Other higher education institutions across Oregon, nationally and globally.

If/when you know of an opportunity, please contact me as soon as possible so I can plan with our office’s contributing photographers. We will share the photos with you for your use.

Please let me know if you have any questions.




Chris Branam, News and Public Affairs Manager

Oregon State University | Extension Communications

Direct: 541-737-2940 | Mobile: 541-286-0808

OSU Extension | Facebook | @OregonStateExt

The 2025 NSF MRSEC program is open with a preliminary proposal deadline of June 23, 2025.  We have opened an internal limited submission competition which is due March 7, 2025.  The application link can be found here:

Individual MRSEC awards are expected to range in size from approximately $3 million/year for a 2-IRG MRSEC to a maximum of $4.5 million/year for a 3-IRG MRSEC. Awards will be made for an initial duration of up to six years, but the level of funding is contingent on successful Center progress. 

Here are the focus areas identified in this year’s solicitation.  Please share with faculty who might be interested in such an application.

Thank you,


Advancing Materials for Semiconductors and Microelectronics: this topic aligns with national microelectronics priorities promoting the development of advanced materials for next-generation semiconductors, resilient systems, and environmentally responsible manufacturing processes, building on the directives of the CHIPS & Science Act ( Of particular interest to the MRSEC program are efforts addressing the need for innovative materials that operate effectively in common and/or in harsh (such as high-temperature, high-radiation, high-pressure, cryogenic, etc.) environments, while incorporating sustainable practices. Materials development and processing focused on advancing beyond current paradigms and semiconductor technologies with an emphasis on thermal management in extreme operational environments, specifically targeting the challenges of heterogeneous structures and interfaces, while avoiding rare earth elements and critical materials, are also of interest.

Materials for Biotechnology: this topic addresses development of novel materials that promote the advancement of biotechnologies and of engineering biology. These include, but are not limited to, living materials, active/responsive materials, biomimetic and bioinspired materials including materials that bridge the interface between biological and synthetic materials.

Materials for Biomanufacturing: this topic addresses materials and/or materials systems that have the potential to enable cost-effective and sustainable routes to convert bio-based feedstocks into recyclable-by-design polymers, reduce methane emissions from agriculture, including by increasing biogas capture and utilization, sustainable and cost-effective biomanufacturing pathways, and promoting a circular economy for materials.

For more information on both of the above topics, see report Bold Goals for the U.S. Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing.

Architected Materials Across Scales: this topic focuses on developing new strategies for creating composite materials across materials classes (e.g., combining digital- and self-assembly), new tools for modeling and monitoring processing (e.g., in situ characterization), and developing the ability to print functionality, such as spatially resolved mechanical/chemical properties, in addition to structures; exploring opportunities for hierarchical materials by combining self-assembly (bottom-up) with top-down additive manufacturing and 4D printing; blending manufacturing approaches for heterogeneous (soft and hard) materials; precision synthesis and characterization of macromolecular/bespoke polymer materials.

Materials Far-From-Equilibrium: this topic addresses the fundamental understanding of materials properties and behaviors at conditions far-from-equilibrium, for example, new states of matter driven from equilibrium (active matter), predicting and establishing control of non-equilibrium pathways, developing design rules for stabilizing metastable phases of matter, and relaxation pathways back towards equilibrium.

Structural Materials under Extreme Conditions: this topic addresses challenges in the fundamental materials behavior and properties of ceramic, metallic, and polymeric structural materials, and their composites. Environments and phenomena of interest include but are not limited to: extreme temperatures and/or pressures; oxidative or corrosive environments; scenarios of high friction and/or wear; as well as operating conditions of radiative, electric, and/or magnetic fields.

Alternative Approaches to Development and Processing of Clean, Sustainable Materials: this topic addresses the custom-design and advanced processing of materials that aid in the recovery, reuse, recycling, and replacement of critical materials in existing and emerging technologies and processes. Potential areas under consideration include but are not limited to: materials for next generation energy harvesting, conversion and storage devices; materials for energy-efficient processing, storage, and communication of information; and particularly efforts focused on utilization of domestically abundant and readily available materials and minerals. Note that catalysis-focused research typically does not fall under the purview of DMR. Therefore, to be considered by the MRSEC program, catalysis-focused IRGs must be rooted in fundamental materials research and address topics that are distinct from ongoing research efforts supported by other federal agencies or other NSF Divisions.

I write to highlight two openings at Smith College for full-time Visiting Assistant Professors with two-year terms. The successful candidates will teach courses in the introductory general chemistry and introductory organic chemistry course sequences. A copy of the job ad is attached. Application information can be found at

Please inform qualified candidates in your department/program of this opportunity. It may be a great fit for someone considering a career path where teaching is highly valued. Potential candidates are welcome to contact me directly with any questions.

Thank you for your consideration.



David J. Gorin, Search Committee Chair

Professor of Chemistry and Chair of Biochemistry

Smith College

Northampton, Massachusetts 01063

(413) 585 3889

Please see the call below for submission of proposals for an internal to OSU competition for selection to the Murdock Charitable Trust’s equipment grant program. The selected proposals will be invited by DRI to submit an LOI to the Murdock Foundation. Proposals have to be submitted to the DRI on InfoReady. See attached instructions. 

Consultation with me and approval via a signed letter from me is required prior to submission of the proposal on InfoReady. Our College is required to certify that the requested equipment or equipment array has the support of the college dean as the highest equipment priority for the particular research unit concerned. 

Can you please forward this message to interested faculty in your unit and ask that they reach out to me ASAP and no later than March 7, 2025? 

The deadline for submission of proposals to the InfoReady Platform is Friday, March 14 by 11:59 pm. We also advertise this opportunity in our research newsletter ECOS. 

Once all proposals have been submitted to me, Eleanor and I will discuss and select proposals for funding and certification. Please let me know if you have any questions. 



Vrushali A. Bokil, Ph.D

Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies

Professor of Mathematics 

College of Science | Oregon State University | 541 737 8062

128F Kidder Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331


n partnership with the Research Council, the Office for Research Advancement is now accepting requests for competitive Research Equipment Reserve Funds (RERF) applications.  Research Equipment Reserve Funds (RERF) may be used to acquire, repair, renovate, or improve capital equipment directly used for research.  Please share this announcement with interested faculty.

This opportunity requires matching funds in support of the purchase of the equipment.  For more details, guidelines, review criteria, and application forms, see the Office for Research Advancement – Research Equipment Reserve Fund page


  • Join the Office for Research Advancement for an informal Research Equipment Reserve Fund Q&A Session on February 20, 2025 at 11:00 am on Zoom (register here).  The Office for Research Advancement will provide an outline of this internal funding opportunity and answer questions to help interested principal investigators to craft a competitive proposal.
  • Maximum Award request to the Research Office per application is set at $200,000 (with a maximum of 2 awards at the $150,000 – $200,000 level). Smaller requests are also encouraged.


·        RERF applications due – March 28, 2025 – 11:59 Pacific time. 

·        Review Process – Begins in April

·        An announcement in early May


The RERF application to the Research Office is comprised of three components:

  • The proposal narrative and supporting documents.

Detailed instructions are available here. Questions – send to

Integrating an OER textbook or other course materials into your class can take some time and effort, but Open Oregon is here to help. This Open Education Week, March 3-7, Open Oregon Educational Resources is sponsoring an online, week-long sprint to help you get the work done in a supportive community environment. The best part? Participation earns you a $750 stipend. Learn more and register by Feb. 24.

Perfect opportunity for a Retiree! Oregon State University is looking for a part-time (6 hours a week) person who would be considered as an Electrical/Electronic Development Engineer who provides support in maintenance, repair, materials, and calibration of scientific instruments in the instructional and research laboratories for Oregon State University, Chemistry Department, and other departments within the University. One year of experience designing, fabricating, testing, modifying, and maintaining new, experimental electronic equipment, instruments, and systems in an instrument laboratory, OR a bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering Technology or equivalent field. Pay $29.97-$41.28 per hour, Depending on experience.

To review the posting and apply, go to Closing Date: February 7, 2025

OSU is an AA/EOE/Vets/Disabled