I am writing to seek your assistance in identifying prospective students for the summer NSF-REU/Lando/CSP Program at the University of Minnesota. Undergraduate research has a long and proud history in our department and is strongly supported. We have run a successful summer undergraduate research program since 1959, and in 1974, with internal funding from the Lando endowment, the program became nationally advertised.  It has been run continuously ever since, often with additional funding from the NSF-REU program. Further details are provided in the attached flyer and on the program website at https://cse.umn.edu/chem/lando

Application deadline is February 3, 2025.

I also attach our department brochure, which is primarily written for prospective graduate students but will almost certainly tell you something new about our department. For example, did you know that we have more ACS journal editors on campus than any other university in the US and abroad?

Sincerely yours, 

Steve Kass   — 

Lando/NSF Summer Research Program
University of Minnesota
Department of Chemistry
207 Pleasant Street SE

115 Smith Hall
Minneapolis, MN 55455 


To: Portland Section Members and Friends 
From: Martha Dibblee, email administrator

Subject: Instructor and Organic Lab Coordinator Position at University of Portland

Instructor and Organic Lab Coordinator Position at University of Portland

For more information and to apply, please visit this direct link: https://uportland.peopleadmin.com/postings/3059.

For questions, please contact the search committee chair, Beth Morton, at morton@up.edu.

Sent on behalf of 
Beth Morton 
Search Committee Chair 

The Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSECs) program provides sustained support of materials research and education of the highest quality while addressing fundamental problems in science and engineering. Each MRSEC addresses research of a scope and complexity requiring the scale, synergy, and multidisciplinarity provided by a campus-based research center. The MRSECs support materials research infrastructure in the United States, promote active collaboration between universities and other sectors, including industry and international organizations, and contribute to the development of a national network of university-based centers in materials research, education, and facilities. A MRSEC may be located at a single institution, or may involve multiple institutions in partnership, and is composed of two to three Interdisciplinary Research Groups (IRGs), each addressing a fundamental materials science topic aligned with the Division of Materials Research (DMR).


  • Advancing Materials for Semiconductors and Microelectronics
  • Materials for Biotechnology
  • Materials for Biomanufacturing
  • Architected Materials Across Scales
  • Materials Far-From-Equilibrium
  • Alternative Approaches to Development and Processing of Clean, Sustainable Materials 

In summary, all research topics for proposed IRGs are generally expected to be aligned with areas of research typically supported by DMR.