The AI Graduate Program at OSU (run by EECS) offers a three-quarter M.S. level AI capstone course sequence. The sequence is for M.S. graduate students who are either in the AI-program or have significant graduate-level AI-course experience. 

Students will select and develop AI-based solutions to real-world problems from industry, academia, government, and any other interested partners. Faculty mentors submit a potential project that could benefit from an AI-based solution. The general scope of the project would be something you would give a graduate student for 3 months. If you are unsure if your project idea is appropriate, they suggest you submit it anyway and the facilitators will work with you to refine it. If your project is selected the time commitment for you or your project lead is 30-60 minutes / week to interact with the students. You/ your team lead work and student will work with the capstone instructor and graduate assistants on technical issues as needed.  Deadline to submit your idea is September 13th

We are requesting Applied AI projects to be pursued by OSU AI graduate students as part of the AI M.S. Capstone course sequence. 

Submission of proposals and more information is at:

This is an opportunity to have one or more AI graduate students to work on an AI-related project ranging from very concrete to more exploratory. 

We are collecting projects starting now and expect to close the proposal window by September 13.

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