Congratulations to our Spring 2024 Honor Roll students. Keep up the good work, we’re proud of you!

Abo Al Haiji, Enas
Anderson, Alesandra
Baumgartner, Trinity
Beckstead, Dawson
Beeman, Carley
Bianco, Giuliano,
Branstrom, Brillig
Chandler, Noelle
Deely, Lorelei
Doyle, Tyler
Dunne, Rachel
Dupras, Alden
Ellarma, Marielle
Fix, Emily
Frechette, Emily
Friesen, Emma
Garrison, Audrey
Gray, Matthew
Groening, Christina-Ann
Guilleux, Hannah
Hammond, Makaila
Hardeman, Jayden
Holden, Elliot
Imura, Gabriella
Jaeger, Lucy
Johnson, Marieke
Kenny, Mitchell
Kloster, G
Koenigsberg, Seiji
Kondybko, Yuliab
Kucirka, Rhyan
Lee, Phoebe
Lee, Coral
Lewis, Noah
Loescher, Andrew
Lovdokken, James
Maclennan, Hunter
Moser, Brooke
Munoz, Trenton
Murphy, Molly
Nelson, Isabella
Neubert, Mckenna
Nguyen, Matthew
Omrane, Hana
Ortiz Ojeda, Damara
Park, Evan
Phan, Brandon
Pobuda, Kayla
Pogue, Nicholas
Qin, Catherine
Qin, Jianyao
Raymond, Allister
Ruparel, Dhwani
Scherzinger, Sabrina
Seo, Hyunjun
Stanley, Kayla
Stein, Julia
Tence, Jonathan
Thompson, Zoe
Vedro, Isabella
Wasserlein, Owen
White, Jane
White, Roman
Williams, Nicholas
Winters, Quinlyn
Wise, Michael
Zeigler, Olivia

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