The Colleges of ForestryAgriculture and Science are teaming up to bring a professional grant writing workshop to the OSU community. “Write Winning Grant Proposals” will be held virtually June 17 and 18th,  2024 from 8:30am to noon followed by an additional virtual half-day, Jun 20, 2024, 8:30 to noon training, “Write Winning NSF CAREER Award Proposals”. The College of Engineering is offering the same training, “ Write Winning Grant Proposals”, in-person for one full day Oct 15, 2024 followed by half-day Oct 16th 2024 in-person, “Write Winning NSF CAREER Award Proposals”.

We are making both the June (virtual) and October (in-person) sessions available to tenure-track academic faculty and to non-tenure-track research faculty in any College or unit for maximum flexibility. However, please attend your own College’s session if you can.

Note you must attend sessions on either Jun 17-18 or the full day session Oct 15th in order to participate in the NSF CAREER session.  Check your eligibility to apply for NSF CAREER awards here

Both workshops offer excellent basics that are widely applicable to multiple agencies. The June workshop will focus on NSF with additional USDA content, and the October workshop will focus on NSF with additional NIH content. 

As part of your participation in the workshop, you will need to select an agency focused workbook.  Please indicate in the survey which one you would like.  There is an $80 fee (includes shipping to OSU campus location) for the workbook.

Please respond to the request survey at the link below by May 13, 2024 in order to receive priority registration.

Thank you –

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