Oregon State University is committed to providing equal educational opportunities for all students with disabilities. It is the university’s responsibility to ensure that no qualified student with a disability is excluded from participating in campus programs or activities and to reasonably accommodate where needed. Providing equal educational opportunity is an important and shared responsibility. Faculty and staff play a critical role in ensuring equal access.   Please refer to OSU’s policies related to disability, and the Disability Access Services (DAS) Faculty and Staff Guidelines for more in-depth information.   

Syllabus Statement DAS and Faculty Senate provide a model accommodation statement that must be included in all syllabi.  

Online Disability Access Services Instructor Training In addition to the OSU Critical Training for Promoting Equal Opportunity & Inclusion, DAS offers a concise (30-minute) self-paced online course about accommodations: Disability Access Services Faculty Training.   

Disability Access Services Instructor Online Portal  DAS has implemented an instructor online services portal (found on the right side of DAS’s website) to provide a single space for instructors to review all DAS-related accommodation notifications for students in their classes. The DAS Notification Letters will still be emailed, this is an additional way to access the information.  If you have any questions, connect with DAS either by Zoom drop-in from 10:30 AM -12:30 PM daily (PST), email disability.services@oregonstate.edu, or phone at 541-737-4098.  

Canvas and Remote Teaching Material Accessibility Courses created in Canvas, as well as electronic documents and media, need to be accessible for students with disabilities. Multiple OSU offices have developed resources on making materials accessible. Resources include: Canvas – Improving Accessibility in Your CourseAlly for Canvas, an accessibility checker and tool for Canvas; and Creating and Editing Captions in Kaltura and Zoom.  

Aira Visual Interpreting 
OSU has partnered with Aira, a company that provides 24-hour-a-day on-demand remote visual interpretation services for the blind and low-vision community. This new service is free for all OSU community members and visitors.  

ADA 31 Report and Disability Justice Framework Recently, an OSU task force completed an ADA 31 Report with 14 recommendations, one of which is “Encourage and support inclusive classroom and learning materials.” We encourage you to visit the ADA 31 website, learn more about the development of the OSU Disability Justice Framework, and visit the Office of Institutional Diversity’s education website to find opportunities to learn more.   

OSU’s Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability policy states: “…no qualified person shall, solely by reason of disability, be denied access to, participation in, or the benefits of, any program or activity provided by the University. Each qualified person shall receive the reasonable accommodations needed to ensure equal access to employment, educational opportunities, programs and activities in the most integrated setting feasible.”   Thank you for your attention to understanding our obligations.   

Becky Bangs Executive Director, Equal Opportunity and Access   
Rick Settersten Vice Provost, Faculty Affairs  
Alix Gitelman Vice Provost, Academic Affairs & Senior Vice Provost 

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