I am excited that NSF has issued a new solicitation: Future of Semiconductors (FuSe), NSF 23-552.  The solicitation aims to cultivate a broad coalition of researchers and educators from the science and engineering communities that utilizes a holistic, co-design approach to enable rapid progress in new semiconductor technologies.  It seeks to fund collaborative team research that transcends the traditional boundaries of individual disciplines.  The proposal submission deadline is April 24, 2023.  NSF plans to make awards up to $2M for up to a three-year grant period, commensurate with the scope and team size. 

An information webinar is scheduled at 1:00 PM ET on Thursday, February 23, 2023. Advance registration is required.  You can find a link for webinar registration at the FuSe website

Three research topic areas under this FuSe solicitation are:

  • Topic 1: Collaborative Research in Domain-Specific Computing;
  • Topic 2: Advanced Function and High-Performance by Heterogenous Integration; and
  • Topic 3: New Materials for Energy-Efficient, Enhanced-Performance and Sustainable Semiconductor-Based Systems.

Each proposal should explicitly identify at least one of these research topic areas to focus on, though proposals which merge ideas from multiple topic areas are encouraged.  Every proposal should address co-design covering at least two of the areas in the technology stack (materials, devices, and systems) in the research approach.

The solicitation includes several industry partners: Ericsson, IBM, Intel, and Samsung, which have committed to provide annual contributions to NSF for the purpose of funding proposals awarded under this solicitation.  Please read NSF 23-552 carefully as it explains the roles of the industry partners.

For general questions about this solicitation, please email fuse1@nsf.gov, which will reach all NSF program directors working on the FuSe solicitation.  If you have questions about this solicitation specifically related to materials research, you may contact Birgit Schwenzer (bschwenz@nsf.gov) and/or Charles Ying (cying@nsf.gov).




Germano S. Iannacchione

Division Director

Division of Materials Research

Directorate of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

National Science Foundation

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