I thought you might be interested in our TMI 01- Precision Timing Terminology and Fundamentals course on our Berkeley Nucleonics Academy platform.

Completion of the course takes approximately 4 hours and includes CEU units and a Completion Certificate.

The course is free with the coupon code I have provided below. Please also pass it along to your colleagues or those who may be interested in a short online course going over the fundamentals of precision timing.

Thanks again for your ongoing interest in Berkeley Nucleonics as your provider for precision test, measurement, and nuclear instrumentation. 

LINK: academy.berkeleynucleonics.com    code: STUDENT2023.

Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated as the team at Berkeley Nucleonics continues to work on its content.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Have a good day!

Kind Regards,

Bernadette Jamieson

Customer Support Manager | Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation

p:  415-453-9955 (x210)  f:  415-453-9956
a:  2955 Kerner Blvd., San Rafael, CA 94901
w:  www.berkeleynucleonics.com

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