NSF and DOE announce partnership for science and engineering research

May 5, 2022

The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Energy, through its Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), signed a Memorandum of Understanding on March 23, 2022, continuing their longstanding partnership for collaboration on scientific and engineering research to bolster national energy policy.

The Memorandum of Understanding enables additional cooperation between the two agencies where mutually beneficial opportunities emerge. NSF and DOE EERE often have complementary roles in fostering U.S. research and innovation, and together they advance discoveries from the laboratory bench to commercial implementation.

“NSF’s clean-energy investments create broad new understanding and innovations with the potential to increase energy efficiency, enhance sustainability, mitigate climate change, or lead to other societal benefits,” said Susan Margulies, NSF assistant director for Engineering. “We look forward to partnering with the Department of Energy to speed the translation of these advances for the benefit of the nation and a clean energy future.”

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