InclusiveExcellence@OSU welcomes STEM faculty from Oregon State University, OSU-Cascades, Linn-Benton Community College and Lane Community College to apply for the IE@OSU Fellowship. Applications will be open until May 2, 2022.
The Inclusive Excellence fellowship program is for STEM educators who are interested in creating change in their teaching practice and within their professional environments. If you:
Are curious about how you can incorporate inclusion and equity into your work, but don’t know where to startAre already thinking hard about inclusion and equity and need (or want) some structure to bring thoughts to actionsBelieve in the importance of inclusion and equity but are unsure how it is relevant to your work as a STEM educator and want to learn in a judgement-free environment.
Then this program is for you!
Click below to learn more about the program and to apply.
Learn more and apply

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