4:00 PM, Monday, October 18: Getting a job on Capitol Hill
This event includes a panel of four recent OSU Alumni who will speak about their experiences applying for and working on Capitol Hill. Panelists include an Investigator with the Senate Finance Committee; a Staff Assistant in the Senate; a Press Assistant in the House; and a Scheduler/Executive Assistant in the House.
The event is in-person (Bexell 417) and over Zoom.
Questions? Contact Dr. Christopher Stout: christopher.stout@oregonstate.edu

5:00 PM, Wednesday, November 3: Campus-Wide Internship Forum
The Legislative Internship Forum is cosponsored by ASOSU, ASCC, and the School of Public Policy. It is intended for all undergraduate students, regardless of major, who are thinking about winter, spring, and summer internships in Washington, DC and Oregon at the state and federal levels. The agenda features those who have interned in Salem and DC, current legislative staffers, an academic advisor and information about resources and scholarship opportunities. 
The event is in-person and Zoom
Corvallis: ALS 4001
OSU-Cascades: Tykeson Hall 109   
Questions? Contact Jock Mills: jock.mills@oregonstate.edu

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