OSU faculty and graduate student researchers are invited to join the OSU Advantage office on Wednesday, Oct. 6 for a one-hour virtual event (offered once in the morning and once in the afternoon) that will describe funding and training opportunities that support innovation and entrepreneurship at the federal, state and OSU levels. At this event, you will also learn how to apply for a special $5,000 Innovation Award available from OSU Advantage. Register here for a Zoom link: https://forms.gle/nK4iaPz98DCvhoaq9.
Monthly Archives: September 2021
October Flu Shot Clinics
Flu shot clinics are scheduled for OSU faculty, staff and students this October at various locations. The Flu Shot Clinic Sign-up portal is now open and working for the Corvallis flu shot clinic at the MU Ballroom. Detailed instructions are located on the HR Website here. Employees can sign up for an appointment time for the clinic date of Oct. 1 at: www.krogerhealth.com/partnerscheduling. The last day to schedule for this date is Sept. 27. Beginning Oct. 5, employees can sign up for the Oct. 19 clinicat: www.krogerhealth.com/partnerscheduling. The last day to schedule for Oct. 19 is Oct. 13. In Newport, OSU employees in the Newport area can access a flu shot clinic on Oct. 15, from 9 a.m. to noon at Hatfield Marine Science Center. For more information, please contact Shannon Reed at Shannon.Reed@oregonstate.edu. This year Kaiser members can attend the flu shot clinics in Newport hosted by Fred Meyer/Kroger. In Bend, Cascades campus in Bend is hosting a COVID vaccine and flu shot clinic COVID-19 vaccine clinic Oct. 12 and 13. Employees can choose to receive their flu shot or COVID-19 vaccine or both. More information is pending in the next two weeks. Please contact Stefanie Maerki with questions at stefanie.maerki@osucascades.edu. Additionally, Kaiser Permanente, Yoda Health, Providence Health Plan and PacificSource Plan members can contact their medical plan providers for ways to receive a flu shot. Questions? Please contact employee.benefits@oregonstate.eduor 541-737-2805.
WIC workshop
The Writing Intensive Curriculum Program Workshop: “How to design accessible and engaging course material” will be Monday, Sept. 20 at noon in Milam 215 (Zoom also available). Design faculty members Christine Gallagher, Deann Garcia and Andrea Marks will teach easy-to-apply design principles. This will be an interactive workshop during which you will learn a range of practical tips and have a chance to apply them to your own course materials. Please bring a copy of a syllabus (printed or on a laptop) to mark up or even change during the workshop. Registration.
Assistant Professor, Materials Science – Clark University
Job Description:
The Carlson School of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Clark University invites applications for a tenure track
Assistant Professor position focusing on materials science to begin August 2022.
Candidates are expected to develop an active, externally funded, experimental research program in
materials science involving graduate and undergraduate students. Research focused on the synthesis of
new materials or the chemical modification of existing systems is of particular interest. Candidates are
also expected to show promise of excellent teaching in chemistry at both undergraduate and graduate
levels, with the ability to teach Introductory Chemistry and advanced chemistry and materials science
courses. A Ph.D. in chemistry or a closely related discipline and leadership experience in past or current
research projects are required.
Clark University currently requires all employees and students to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
Exemptions will be made for medical or disability reasons or religious beliefs, and could be made, at the
sole discretion of the University, for other well-documented reasons.
Additional Information:
The Carlson School offers both undergraduate (B.A.) and graduate (M.S. and Ph.D.) degrees in
chemistry and biochemistry and molecular biology. Student engagement in research is a major focus of
both the undergraduate and graduate programs. Some examples of current faculty research in chemistry
and physics with the potential for collaborations are:
• Studies of charge transport through self-assembled solid polymer electrolytes
• Synthesis of low-dimensional antiferro magnets
• Solid-state NMR studies of structural order in layered perovskites
• Synthesis of phase-change materials for thermal batteries and temperature regulation.
• Scanning tunneling microscopy studies of low-dimensional crystalline systems
• In homogeneity and charge modulation in unconventional superconductors
• Studies of dipolar bosons in lattice systems
Additional information on the department is available at: https://www.clarku.edu/departments/chemistry/
Additional information on research in the Physics Department is available at:
Clark University embraces equal opportunity and affirmative action as core values: we believe that
cultivating an environment that embraces and promotes diversity is fundamental to the success of our
students, our employees and our community. This commitment applies to every aspect of education,
services, and employment policies and practices at Clark. Our commitment to diversity informs our efforts
in recruitment, hiring and retention. All positions at Clark share in the responsibility for building a
community that values diversity and the uniqueness of others by exhibiting integrity and respect in
interacting with all members of the Clark community to create an atmosphere of fairness and belonging.
We strongly encourage members from historically underrepresented communities, inclusive of all women,
to apply.
Application Instructions:
To be considered for this position, you must submit your credentials online. Create a Clark University
Careers Account and submit materials at
clarku.interviewexchange.com/jobofferdetails.jsp?JOBID=136622. You will be able to upload the
following documents, which are required for consideration:
• Cover letter
• CV
• Statement of research plans (not to exceed three pages)
• Statement of teaching philosophy and summary of teaching experience and interests (not to
exceed three pages)
• Statement describing contributions and future plans to support diversity, equity, and inclusion in
their academic activities (not to exceed two pages)
• Three letters of reference
Review of applications will begin on October 8, 2021.
Applicants’ diversity, equity, and inclusion statements should detail how their scholarship and teaching
will support the success of students from underrepresented racial, ethnic, and gender backgrounds and
further Clark’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Inquiries regarding this position should be directed to Professor Luis Smith, Chair, Materials Science
Search Committee at lusmith@clarku.edu.
OSU Exemplary Employee Award
The OSU Exemplary Employee Award honors professional faculty members and classified staff members for their outstanding performance.
Sierra Hansen
OSU Chem Store
College of Science
Sierra Hansen is the main storekeeper in ChemStores, a not-for-profit work center dedicated to providing essential lab and research supplies to the College and University at the lowest possible cost.
As storekeeper, Hansen is responsible for ordering, stocking, and maintaining inventory for all materials and chemicals. In addition, she monitors all purchase transactions and ensures that the system remains up-to-date with the current Indexes, available and ordered stock, and costs.
“When the pandemic first hit the Corvallis campus, Sierra quickly noticed the shortages of surface and hand disinfectants. Instead of lamenting a dire situation, or passively accepting the inevitable as occurred at nearly all peer institutions, Sierra worked with Chemistry and College leadership to develop a recipe for both of these sanitizers that used stores inventory and some locally sourced ingredients. She helped organize the staff into production and we began manufacturing the needed sanitizer products,” a nominator wrote.
“Because of her efforts, OSU enjoyed a continuous source of items such as spray bottles filled with either surface and hand sanitizers, and bulk availability of these chemicals for refill and distribution, as well as face masks, nitrile gloves, and disposable towels. Without ready availability of these essential items, resumption of on-campus activities would have been much more challenging, slower or even impossible. We might have seen many more cases of Covid-19 in the campus community.”
Reprinted in it’s entirety from: https://universityday.oregonstate.edu/award-recipients

Renewable Energy Scholarship available
The Renewable Energy Scholarship Foundation is pleased to announce the opening of the 2022 Scholarship season. Last year we increased the number of scholarships we gave from 4 to 7, and the amount of each from $1500 to $2000. This year we again expect to give at least seven $2000 scholarships, more if fundraising permits. There will be at least one for an early undergraduate (preferable community college), at least one other undergrad scholarship, one for an early grad student, one for a diversity candidate, one for a First Nations student. All aspects of renewable energy, including social sciences and humanities as well as sustainability and grid issues, are fair game. The deadline for applications is Feb 15, 2022, and details can be found on our website. The reality is that most students do not apply until near the deadline, but it does not hurt to get them thinking about it now. Please encourage your top students to apply!
Dave Reingold, President
Impact the future of online education through research
Each year, the OSU Ecampus Research Unit funds projects, up to $20,000 each, to support the research, development and scholarship efforts of faculty in online education. Many OSU colleagues have had transformative experiences in the Ecampus Research Fellows Program. A recent Fellows study highlights the ways in which these projects have advanced research in online/hybrid education. Learn more and consider submitting an application beginning Sept. 8. Contact Naomi Aguiar, assistant director of research, with questions.
Applications for an OWHE conference scholarship now open
The President’s Commission on the Status of Women (PCOSW) is offering scholarships to cover registration costs for the 2022 Oregon Women in Higher Education (OWHE) conference. This year’s conference will be held in Ashland from Jan. 27-29, 2022. OSU faculty, professional faculty, staff, students and OSU community members are eligible to apply. Preference is given to those who have not been funded in the past for the in-person conference. The scholarship application deadline is Friday, Oct. 8. NOTE: Please DO NOT register for the OWHE conference if you are applying for a scholarship until you are approved. Once approved, you will be sent a special registration link for the OWHE conference. PCOSW cannot reimburse people for registrations that have already been paid. For questions, contact pcosw@oregonstate.edu.
$15K of Funding Available
The OSU Advantage Accelerator is currently seeking applications that describe technology-based projects in any discipline that will move OSU-owned technologies closer to commercialization. Proposals should describe a project that requires $15,000 or less of funding to achieve an important milestone(s) connected to commercialization. Proposals can include expenses for activities related to customer discovery, prototyping, student time, research, commercialization plan development and more. Each project may be awarded up to $15,000 and should span 9 months or less, beginning in October 2021. Proposals are due before 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 17. Learn more here: https://advantage.oregonstate.edu/advantage-accelerator/funding-opportunities/aid-fund.
Join us for the Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium (SURS)
Register today to attend the Sept. 13-14 SURS program presented virtually through Canvas. SURS is an annual showcase for OSU undergraduates to present their research and creative projects to the OSU community. Undergraduates from all academic disciplines, in all years of study, and all stages of research or creative work will be presenting. Registration to attend SURS 2021 is required and accessible only to OSU faculty, staff and students. For more info, visit the SURS website or contact OfficeofURSA@oregonstate.edu.