Flu shot clinics are scheduled for OSU faculty, staff and students this October at various locations. The Flu Shot Clinic Sign-up portal is now open and working for the Corvallis flu shot clinic at the MU Ballroom. Detailed instructions are located on the HR Website here. Employees can sign up for an appointment time for the clinic date of Oct. 1 at: www.krogerhealth.com/partnerscheduling. The last day to schedule for this date is Sept. 27. Beginning Oct. 5, employees can sign up for the Oct. 19 clinicat: www.krogerhealth.com/partnerscheduling. The last day to schedule for Oct. 19 is Oct. 13. In Newport, OSU employees in the Newport area can access a flu shot clinic on Oct. 15, from 9 a.m. to noon at Hatfield Marine Science Center. For more information, please contact Shannon Reed at Shannon.Reed@oregonstate.edu. This year Kaiser members can attend the flu shot clinics in Newport hosted by Fred Meyer/Kroger. In BendCascades campus in Bend is hosting a COVID vaccine and flu shot clinic COVID-19 vaccine clinic Oct. 12 and 13. Employees can choose to receive their flu shot or COVID-19 vaccine or both. More information is pending in the next two weeks. Please contact Stefanie Maerki with questions at stefanie.maerki@osucascades.edu. Additionally, Kaiser Permanente, Yoda Health, Providence Health Plan and PacificSource Plan members can contact their medical plan providers for ways to receive a flu shot. Questions? Please contact employee.benefits@oregonstate.eduor 541-737-2805.

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